KBob's page

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Having played D&D 3.5 some years ago I'm now returning to D20 to play in the Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure path. The catch is, that there'll only be two players in addition to the GM. The other player has already made a shield slammin' tank paladin, and I'm now trying to come up with a viable character to pair with him.

I guess the best move would be to make a wizard/cleric summoner, to conjure up some cannon fodder, but I'd also like to consider other options. I've looked at a hard-hitting inquisitor, but haven't made up my mind yet. Something with heal spells in it's spell list might be a good idea, to take advantage of wands.

I'm not really looking for campaign specific spoilerish advice, but some pointers into what might synergise well with the character that's already been selected.
