
Justiciar Poss's page

11 posts. Alias of SirUrza.


Xpltvdeleted wrote:
[threadjack]This thread isn't about hentai?[/threadjack]

No it's not citizen, it's clearly about a hentai-based monster at the game table. No more threadjacking now. :P

James Sutter wrote:

Hmmm. I smell something communistic about all this... but if it's not harming anyone...

Clark Whittle wrote:


Just realized I went waaay off topic there from the original post.
My apologies.

Hmph, if there were a few more laws around these parts I'd haul you off for that one. Sadly the Magistrates don't seem to mind alittle off topicness in these parts. Oh well, all is forgiven. Nothing to see here people, move along.

606. Thread Jack: Change the topic of discussion without anyone noticing.

607. Justiciar Peace: Everyone with radius of the caster becomes passive.

608. Banhammer: Infuse your hammer with law and order. Make a melee touch attack at the caster's base attack bonus, the target must leave the building.

609. Astral Banhammer: Summon a floating hammer. Make a melee touch attack at the caster's base attack bonus, outsiders are returned to their home plane.

gbonehead wrote:
The really interesting thing is that the Justicar has a superscriber box without the superscriber tag ... curious, that. Then again, maybe someone's playing with the code again ....


The world is ever changing.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Poss is the Barney Fife of th' Justiciars. They all make fun of her.

They make fun of me because they're jealous. None of them have the brains to invest into road side inns. Nor were they created by the great SKR.

Heathansson wrote:
Wow....you took almost as long to notice this necromanting as Epic Beardman took to become an internet meme that a fortysomething like me has heard of. No getting one over on you, Poss.

I had more important matters to attend to. Some barbaric Kellids were causing trouble for the border village of Cheliax.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
A fan of hypocrisy are you? :)

Are you mocking me sir? I'm only here to enforce the laws of the kingdom.

Heathansson wrote:
Take that, Poss!!!!!

This thread is in violation of Article 11, Subsection 21, Paragraph 2.

If you persist I'll contact the nearest Majestrate to have you detained until such time a physician can examin you to be sure it's not an out of control compulsion.

blope wrote:
aha...didnt notice it was old. my bad.

Don't apologize, you're not the one in gross violation of forum etiquette.

Now about those costumes....

This thread is in violation of Article 11, Subsection 21, Paragraph 2. Post this old should never be bumped, I mean look at what you did to poor blope... making him think he can take a 4 year old survey

As a matter of fact.. those costumes surely must be a violation of some kind...