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![]() Jovar replies "Tolhemia has taken up temporary residence in the goatling village in the lands south of here, in the rugged hills the goatlings call home. These lands are just northwest of the lands of the dwarves. " Quassine you wait for the large group to filter out and ask Golden Ram a question before other groups or individuals will enter for talks. ![]()
![]() Day 3 - Mid Morning As the group readies themselves and prepares for what may lie next, the goatlings are disassembling the camp and they come to remove your loaned tent. They seem to feel sorry for taking it away, but you realize the large tee-pee style tents must represent quite a bit in the way of labor, effort and resources to create. Jovar appears to update everyone on the status of Tolhemia and her group. He flew through the night to arrive here. "Greetings friends. Tolhemia has established a temporary home in one of the villages of the goatlings. They are taking up residence there and sending envoys to parley with the Dwarven Thain who runs the lakeside cliff fort that borders the goatling lands. The dwarves are in charge of this fortified town that is a joint interest of the human and dwarven kingdoms. Due to the large mining and logging resources, the two races have pooled their efforts to keep the area safe. A significant halfling population is employed in the logging industry at the lake front so say our scouting attempts. Gnomes also make up a small population. There are few if any elves seen. If discussions go well with the Thain, they will see if they can move to the fort town itself and use it as their next stepping stone before moving further. The goal being to learn enough of the world to make intelligent choices about where to begin the search for Goodwin. Tolhemia wishes to communicate her effort will be twofold. One, to seek out divination magics that will reveal where Goodwin is. Two, to strengthen in power, knowledge and wealth to afford the divination, or to master such magics ourselves. With extra strength and power, we can secure Goodwin's rescue. If the Thain rebuffs our efforts to peaceably join their town, they will remain with the Goatlings and seek a method to enter the civilized nations elsewhere. Several groups have split from Tolhemia's and are fanning out to attempt to explore into other lands. If you have messages you wish to relay to Tolhemia or other groups let me know. I see that many are still here at the lake." ![]()
![]() Day 3 - Mid Morning In the morning, as some of you prepare to go meet with Golden Ram, Jovar appears to update everyone on the status of Tolhemia and her group. He flew through the night to arrive here. "Greetings friends. Tolhemia has established a temporary home in one of the villages of the goatlings. They are taking up residence there and sending envoys to parley with the Dwarven Thain who runs the lakeside cliff fort that borders the goatling lands. The dwarves are in charge of this fortified town that is a joint interest of the human and dwarven kingdoms. Due to the large mining and logging resources, the two races have pooled their efforts to keep the area safe. A significant halfling population is employed in the logging industry at the lake front so say our scouting attempts. Gnomes also make up a small population. There are few if any elves seen. If discussions go well with the Thain, they will see if they can move to the fort town itself and use it as their next stepping stone before moving further. The goal being to learn enough of the world to make intelligent choices about where to begin the search for Goodwin. Tolhemia wishes to communicate her effort will be twofold. One, to seek out divination magics that will reveal where Goodwin is. Two, to strengthen in power, knowledge and wealth to afford the divination, or to master such magics ourselves. With extra strength and power, we can secure Goodwin's rescue. If the Thain rebuffs our efforts to peaceably join their town, they will remain with the Goatlings and seek a method to enter the civilized nations elsewhere. Several groups have split from Tolhemia's and are fanning out to attempt to explore into other lands. If you have messages you wish to relay to Tolhemia or other groups let me know. I see that many are still here at the lake." ![]()
![]() Day 3 - Mid Morning As you decide whether to meet with Golden Ram and who should do it, the goatlings are disassembling the camp and they come to remove your loaned tent. They seem to feel sorry for taking it away, but you realize the large tee-pee style tents must represent quite a bit in the way of labor, effort and resources to create. Just before the meeting with the goatlings Jovar appears. Jovar arrives to update everyone on the status of Tolhemia and her group. He flew through the night to arrive here. "Greetings friends. Tolhemia has established a temporary home in one of the villages of the goatlings. They are taking up residence there and sending envoys to parley with the Dwarven Thain who runs the lakeside cliff fort that borders the goatling lands. The dwarves are in charge of this fortified town that is a joint interest of the human and dwarven kingdoms. Due to the large mining and logging resources, the two races have pooled their efforts to keep the area safe. A significant halfling population is employed in the logging industry at the lake front so say our scouting attempts. Gnomes also make up a small population. There are few if any elves seen. If discussions go well with the Thain, they will see if they can move to the fort town itself and use it as their next stepping stone before moving further. The goal being to learn enough of the world to make intelligent choices about where to begin the search for Goodwin. Tolhemia wishes to communicate her effort will be twofold. One, to seek out divination magics that will reveal where Goodwin is. Two, to strengthen in power, knowledge and wealth to afford the divination, or to master such magics ourselves. With extra strength and power, we can secure Goodwin's rescue. If the Thain rebuffs our efforts to peaceably join their town, they will remain with the Goatlings and seek a method to enter the civilized nations elsewhere. Several groups have split from Tolhemia's and are fanning out to attempt to explore into other lands. If you have messages you wish to relay to Tolhemia or other groups let me know. I see that many are still here at the lake." ![]()
![]() Day 3 - Mid Morning While some/all of you go to meet with Golden Ram, the goatlings are disassembling the camp and they come to remove your loaned tent. They seem to feel sorry for taking it away, but you realize the large tee-pee style tents must represent quite a bit in the way of labor, effort and resources to create. Just before the meeting with the goatlings Jovar appears. Jovar arrives to update everyone on the status of Tolhemia and her group. He flew through the night to arrive here. "Greetings friends. Tolhemia has established a temporary home in one of the villages of the goatlings. They are taking up residence there and sending envoys to parley with the Dwarven Thain who runs the lakeside cliff fort that borders the goatling lands. The dwarves are in charge of this fortified town that is a joint interest of the human and dwarven kingdoms. Due to the large mining and logging resources, the two races have pooled their efforts to keep the area safe. A significant halfling population is employed in the logging industry at the lake front so say our scouting attempts. Gnomes also make up a small population. There are few if any elves seen. If discussions go well with the Thain, they will see if they can move to the fort town itself and use it as their next stepping stone before moving further. The goal being to learn enough of the world to make intelligent choices about where to begin the search for Goodwin. Tolhemia wishes to communicate her effort will be twofold. One, to seek out divination magics that will reveal where Goodwin is. Two, to strengthen in power, knowledge and wealth to afford the divination, or to master such magics ourselves. With extra strength and power, we can secure Goodwin's rescue. If the Thain rebuffs our efforts to peaceably join their town, they will remain with the Goatlings and seek a method to enter the civilized nations elsewhere. Several groups have split from Tolhemia's and are fanning out to attempt to explore into other lands. If you have messages you wish to relay to Tolhemia or other groups let me know. I see that many are still here at the lake." ![]()
![]() Day 3 - Mid Morning The group decides to meet with Golden Ram separately, so they wait for his audience with the others to end. In the mean time the group readies themselves and prepares for what may lie next. The goatlings are disassembling the camp and they come to remove your loaned tent. They seem to feel sorry for taking it away, but you realize the large tee-pee style tents must represent quite a bit in the way of labor, effort and resources to create. Jovar arrives to update everyone on the status of Tolhemia and her group. He flew through the night to arrive here. "Greetings friends. Tolhemia has established a temporary home in one of the villages of the goatlings. They are taking up residence there and sending envoys to parley with the Dwarven Thain who runs the lakeside cliff fort that borders the goatling lands. The dwarves are in charge of this fortified town that is a joint interest of the human and dwarven kingdoms. Due to the large mining and logging resources, the two races have pooled their efforts to keep the area safe. A significant halfling population is employed in the logging industry at the lake front so say our scouting attempts. Gnomes also make up a small population. There are few if any elves seen. If discussions go well with the Thain, they will see if they can move to the fort town itself and use it as their next stepping stone before moving further. The goal being to learn enough of the world to make intelligent choices about where to begin the search for Goodwin. Tolhemia wishes to communicate her effort will be twofold. One, to seek out divination magics that will reveal where Goodwin is. Two, to strengthen in power, knowledge and wealth to afford the divination, or to master such magics ourselves. With extra strength and power, we can secure Goodwin's rescue. If the Thain rebuffs our efforts to peaceably join their town, they will remain with the Goatlings and seek a method to enter the civilized nations elsewhere. Several groups have split from Tolhemia's and are fanning out to attempt to explore into other lands. If you have messages you wish to relay to Tolhemia or other groups let me know. I see that many are still here at the lake." ![]()
![]() "I will be relaying your messages by mundane means, by flying between the groups. The closer together they are, the quicker I can relay messages. I do not get tired." Earlier, replying to Makoto. "There is little else I can tell you. I spent a long time researching how wake you and remove you from the plane before it collapsed. I have no knowledge regarding the current state of affairs on this plane." ![]()
![]() "The temple location I chose is a branch of the sect to which Master's friend Kaoo Lor belonged. If the temple still stands and practices the same arts, they would surely have record of Kao Lor and the fate of his progeny. It has been thousands of years. One thing I have learned in reading the books in Master's library is the temporary nature of these things. There may be a large degree of research and investigation involved to track down this information. It would thus seem prudent to split apart to more efficiently follow any and all leads. Unfortunately due to the nature of the magic we used to come here, we are far from our initial target location. A challenge which I suspect Master has trained you all to meet." ![]()
![]() The tiny construct fixes Qahnaarin with its lumpy glowing eyes. No emotion emanates from the creature. "I have no knowledge of this location. The method utilized to transport the entirety you see here, was a form of plane shift. I had chosen a mountain temple, which may no longer exist. We would be within 5 and 500 miles of this location. I cannot tell you more." Although impossible to read, the emotionless construct seems to interact little with the group unless addressed directly. It may be waiting for a specific event to occur or waiting for the group to decide on a course of action. ![]()
![]() Jovar upon hearing its name, responds, "I have little for you other than I know we must seek the Master's friend. It makes sense to assemble into smaller teams to cover more territory, although a method to communicate or keep in touch would be valuable to share information gained." Jovar ends mid thought again, and seems to consider flying higher to take a look. It has noted the goblin with his bat, and the vanara with his hammer looking to obtain a better look. It studies the very large group assembled, and the noise associated with such a large group seems to be growing as conversation and consternation grow, everyone talking louder and louder trying to communicate and make themselves heard. ![]()
![]() "Well, I am surprised that worked. Did I get everyone?" Jovar asks flatly. It flaps into the air slightly and appears to be counting. "Shame we couldn't get some of the bigger golems." Hovering in place, his voice flat and emotionless, but with definite tones that remind you of Goodwin, the small lumpy construct advises, "We will want to seek out Master Kao Lor, if he lives, or any of his bloodline. He was a friend of Master Goodwin. Once we determine where we are, we will need to begin some research into his location or that of his progeny." Jovar stops speaking, and seems to be internally processing options. "I am guessing you will required food, water and shelter as a priority." |