![]() Chris Kenney wrote: The assumption I was going to go with, though I haven't read the module closely in a couple of weeks, was that once the Big Champion goes down beating up the leader of each wave will send them back again, but the leaders know this and will try to stay out of direct combat. The scenario actually says that the charau-ka are frenzied in every wave until their champion goes down at which time they continue to attack, but no longer frenzy. Otherwise, the waves function exactly as noted. ![]()
![]() At long last, the dusty old one sheet has been replaced. On this page under the "How Can I Help Spread the Word?" heading, there is a link to this new, shiny one sheet. Special thanks to Doug Miles for providing the base for this item in his very informative (and stickied) post about starting a Pathfinder Society chapter in your local store. ![]()
![]() Athelis wrote: That being said, I'm not sure that the database is going to exactly accurately reflect everything ... I'm not sure why this keeps coming up, but the database isn't used to track your character's level or stats or anything. It's a tool for us to know where people are playing, how often they play, and how many people are playing. If someone should lose their character in a fire, we would be able to partially reconstruct their PC via the reporting database, but the database isn't the final official record for your PC--your physical chronicle sheets are. There is currently a disparity with reporting that we're attempting to solve. GM rewards certainly increased the rate of reporting and I think constantly telling people why it's important to report has as well (e.g., the more you report, the more people I know are playing, the more budget I get for Society things). :-) ![]()
![]() NeoFax wrote: I think I now understand where they get this +1. I think it is a Ring of Protection +1. It is listed in the 7-8 level, but not in the 10-11. So, my new question is this normal to have the higher level creature be lower level version + all of the new level? I'm not sure I 100% understand your question, but it does sometimes happen that the higher tier version of something is not the lower tier plus new levels to make it the higher tier. ![]()
![]() NeoFax wrote:
The Drow Pyramid Guards on pages 10-11 have an error in their stat block, but it's that their AC is too low. They should have a 24 AC from the following: 10 + 10 (+1 full plate) +3 (Dex, they have armor training 2) + 1 (shield) = 24 It looks like, for whatever reason, either one of the armor trainings wasn't taken into account or the +1 from the magic full plate wasn't added in. NeoFax wrote: Second, where do the Drow Researchers get their +1 Deflection bonus? They do not have any magical items granting this, Bloodline arcana does not and they do not cast any spells that grant it. The Drow Researchers on pages 13-14 (for Tier 7-8) get their +1 deflection bonus from the Ring of Protection +1. The Tier 10-11 Researchers on pages 14-15 should not have the +1 deflection bonus by their stat block as they lack the ring their Tier 7-8 counterparts have. ![]()
![]() Rogue /= Thief As a class, they have rogue talents, sneak attack, the evasion tree, and trap sense. Just because you can't be a thief and steal stuff, doesn't mean that rogue talents, sneak attack, the evasion tree, and trap sense are somehow negated and the class becomes a 3/4 BAB fighter with no feats. That's a really large logic jump. Also: what Doug said. ![]()
![]() Ricky Bobby wrote: But why not increase the production of mods? If it's cost...I have a hard time going along with that one. I talked to quite a few people at GenCon that would love to write mods, even on a volunteer basis -- maybe you can have two categories of mods - free-written ones that are the "normal" mods, and paid-written ones that are more "Core" or "special" mods? We value quality--both production quality and the quality of our stories--above all else. There are also significant calculations that have to be made behind the scenes in each scenario. Were we to open writing to anyone (we won't) then we'd still have to develop and edit everything written out of house which takes time, costs money, and simply won't happen because we wouldn't control the quality. I hope that someday we *can* increase the internal production of the scenarios, but we need to see increased play, increased reporting, and further growth. The Society is growing *fast* right now--I'm actually surprised each week in our meeting where we go over the numbers just how much faster sign-ups are happening now than a year ago--but we're not yet to a point where we can justify the increase of scenarios. It seems a lot of people want more more MORE right now, but we have to be cautious, smart, and careful when it comes to growing the Society. No sense over-expanding the Society out of existence. Ricky Bobby wrote: My point to more mods is that I can honestly say at the moment that our group has almost zero mods available to us ... Luckily new scenarios release every month. ;-) Ricky Bobby wrote: I see this as fairly easy to compensate for: 1.)Change a few numbers in each scenario to fix the gold - cheap and easy since everything is PDF and 2.) make it so that only characters created as of XX-XX-XX date start on this new leveling system. Yes, you may get people that have a bit more wealth than others on occasion, but that won't happen for long as those people will level quickly. Making this a non-linear leveling curve would help things along on that aspect even moreso, and probably make the whole world fall into peaceful dance...or at least a chunk of us happy for our characters.. What you have described is anything but easy. ![]()
![]() Karui Kage wrote: I will be sending out PDF copies to the confirmed GMs tomorrow ... Friendly reminder for all coordinators and GMs ... you may not distribute our PDFs under any circumstances. Provide me with the paizo.com account emails of your GMs and I will get them PDF copies. You may distribute physical copies to your GMs. :-) ![]()
![]() Chris Ballard wrote:
Then it's entirely possible that an organized play environment that requires you to play through those low levels might not be for you. ;-) Also: what Erik said. ![]()
![]() Devil's advocate: how does leveling ruin your roleplay? If you're, for example, playing a mournful goth elf with the Governator's voice, how does the possibility of going from level 1 to level 2 cause you to lose the ability to roleplay that character? The quickness of leveling is, frankly, a myth. It takes you 18-20 months to hit the cap if you play every single scenario the month in which it is released. Considering there are many groups that finish an AP in less time (up to levels 16-18), I'm not so sure that hitting level 12 in 20 months is "quick." Now I can certainly appreciate that one of the things you can sacrifice in an organized play environment, especially if you play different groups every time, is that story and character cohesion you can get from playing with the same people every session. Hopefully, though, you've created a character you enjoy playing with interesting rules or character quirks and you just play your PC the way you want to play your PC at every session. :-) I've never had a problem roleplaying in any adventure in any game--roleplaying is largely up to the player, even if you have to create the opportunities for it to happen. ![]()
![]() Todd Morgan wrote:
Scenarios go through cycles based on an "ideal player" who plays every single scenario in the month it's released. Over the next few months, the scenarios cycle high as the "ideal player" has a higher level PC. After the new year they start to cycle back down again as it's time for the "ideal player" to make a new character to continue playing every released scenario. It's best to look at the schedule for scenarios from the perspective of the entirety of the Society and the rate of leveling than simply from a month-to-month tier comparison. ![]()
![]() Just to make sure we're all on the same page: this is the Pathfinder Society Organized Play forum and we're discussing the issue of cavaliers and their mounts inside the OP frame. Paladins, if they choose get a mount as their divine bond, don't get a mount until 5th level where there are a wider variety of open options for them since their animal companion equivalent level is equal to that of a druid. Cavaliers get their mount at first level and their animal companion level is equal to that of a druid as well. Horses and camels are the only mount options because they're the only companions that start out Large. Small-sized cavaliers could, potentially, have more options (if I allowed them) but then everyone's cavalier would be a halfling or gnome so they could ride a medium-sized companion. It's not a fair distribution of that ability and therefore cavaliers get horse or camel and that's it. I need to add the cavalier clarification to the next document update. ![]()
![]() bdk86 wrote: As someone newer to PFS, I for one do not want to play a special in which every veteran player pulls out their Level 12 and their contributions by far overshadow those of the lower level groups present. Because that is what specials would become: The Level 12s (possibly 13s) and 'Everyone Else'. I've run or witnessed this Special at three events: Paizo Con, Paizo Con UK, and Gen Con. At none of those events did the high tier table over-shadow everyone else. In fact, the Special is written in such a way that it's not possible for the high tier table to simply do everything and let the beginner tables come along for the ride. ![]()
![]() Mattastrophic wrote:
Our first level 12s popped into existence about 22 months after the campaign began. That doesn't seem too quick to me. And if we were to ever change the pace of leveling, we'd have to retire everything released before the moment we changed the pace as the wealth-per-scenario is tied into the rate at which you level vs. gold per character level. ![]()
![]() That said.... I have no intention of ever raising the cap. :-) There are a dozen reasons why and I've discussed them at length in other threads and at conventions. The two main reasons are this: folks tend to get more insular as they level up in org play and slowly stop creating new characters to come down and play with the new players. This eventually chokes the veterans out of the "getting and encouraging new players" game and I want to avoid that at all cost. The second reason is that the game gets more and more complicated above that level and the number of GMs who can confidently and entertainingly run a game in the teens shrinks from the same GMs who can do that below level 10. There's also the time limit vs challenges above level 12, Mark's note about the speed of leveling right now, the extra development and layout challenges presented by high level play, etc etc etc. Now once we see a nice group of retired level 12s reliably forming and playing, my intent is to release annual scenarios for retired PCs. Whether or not this means raising the level cap to accommodate retired PCs is a question for 2012, methinks. ![]()
![]() The minor update is just the magus (3.0.1). The next major update (3.1) will include, among other things, catching up the list of books that are legal for play in Chapter 13 and a complete re-org of the entire document to better organize and clarify everything. I have no timeline on that, but I will say 3.1 is close to the top of my to-do list.