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Joseph Bakerson's page

51 posts. Alias of angryscrub.


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HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe grunts with pain and disgust as the filthy creature bites him, then leaps straight up into the air and brings his sword down in a huge overhand chop.

Attack: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

Acrobatics to avoid AoO: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (2) + 20 = 22

damage: 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (1, 1) + 7 = 9

Sneak attack: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 3) = 10

using acrobatics to prevent AoO due to movement. If successful, canny tumble denies creature dex bonus to AC and adds 2 to attack roll Edit: almost forgot, if sneak attack is successful, I will apply the disoriented condition to the creature

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe grimaces in disgust at the sight of the grotesque being, but reacts quickly and unhesitatingly as it passes overhead, leaping up and swinging with all his strength at its exposed underbelly.

Allowing the force of his swing to turn him around, he keeps his eyes on the creature as it settles on the roof. His gaze narrows as he thinks about what happened to Madam Larua. He hadn't particularly liked the old woman, but she hadn't deserved to die like that. And he was not going to let it get away. With a yell of rage he charges towards it and chops directly at one of its ugly faces.

AoO: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24

damage: 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (4, 6) + 7 = 17

Attack: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

damage: 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (1, 4) + 7 = 12

super great. Are we playing with critical fumbles?

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe spins around at the explosion of noise, instinctively drawing his sword as he moves quickly into the room. Taking in the broken window, he plows through it to find the source of the attack, and do as much damage as possible to the perpetrators.

acrobatics: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (2) + 25 = 27

Attack: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

Damage: 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (4, 1) + 7 = 12

If I'm misreading and tentacle is still in the room, then I just attack it. Acrobatics check in combination with expert leaper allows me to ignore first 40 feet of falling. Also, at Dm vov, feel free to bit me if I'm taking too long to respond. 99% of the time in combat I'll be whacking stuff with my sword anyways.

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

sorry, for the late response, I had some connectivity issues that should be resolved now. But I was under the impression she was pulled through the window, as in she's now outside?

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joseph takes one brief look inside, and decides he's better off not risking testing the load bearing capacity of the floor inside. Instead he stands just outside the door, keeping an eye out to see if anyone seems to be paying undue attention to Madam Larua's place of business.

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe chuckled deeply as he gave a great stretch, standing on his toes and reaching towards the sky. As he settled back down, he shook his head briefly.

"This whole town stinks, ESPECIALLY the watch. I doubt they'd notice if we had a whiff of sewer about us. Hells, whiff of sewer might as well be the town motto. Not to mention that I doubt the door leads directly into a flowing river of sludge. And, don't forget, we have a bit of a time limit, so I still think exploring the closest clues first makes the most sense. But if the consensus is the fortune teller, I'll bow to the group wisdom."

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe looks at Tania for a second, thinking about what she said.

"Well, the way I see it, none of us are advocating tromping around the sewers for hours at the moment. But we have a key, and we have a nearby entrance that's close to where Bill lived. Maybe we'll find a pile of child skeletons? Maybe we'll find a wall full of bloody hand prints? Maybe we'll find nothing at all? We pop our heads in, look for anything that might be related. I'm thinking an hour, tops, if we don't find anything. But we're still very much flying blind, so why not check out whatever potential clues are closest to where we are at the moment? If nothing pans out sewer wise, we head to the fortune teller's, and then the bar."

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe sighed inwardly at the thought of going into the sewers. It would hardly be his first time, but he much preferred just about anywhere else. He glanced at the rest of the group.

"Well, I suppose unless anyone has any better ideas, the sewers it is. Can't say I'm happy about it, but can't really say I'm surprised either."

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe grimaced in disgust when he saw the inside of the cart. His face settled into a thoughtful expression as he listened to Fiterri.

"I wonder if it wasn't an entity at the time, but an actual child, and perhaps he was engaged in child trafficking of some kind. Because that cart looks like a great way to sneak kidnapped children through the city. If so, what happened to him could have been the vengeful spirit of one of his victims. And if that is the case, I feel we should be trying to help that spirit find more people who were involved, not stop it from killing again."

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe raised an eyebrow as he listened to the old man's story.

"So Bill was hired to fix a gear, but left his cart with all of his tools here, then never showed up looking for them, the things that allowed him to make his livelihood? That strike anyone else as more than just a mite strange?" Joe shook his head in bemusement and turned back to Everett. "Do you happen to remember where Eustus pawned the tools?"

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe gives his friendliest smile, letting the others take the lead, hoping that something of substance will come of this.

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe inhaled deeply from his pipe, and shrugged resignedly at the lack of useful information. "Well, if it was going to be that easy, Muncy wouldn't have called us in. Maybe we should go find out about the gear first, since that's right around the corner. Who wants to take point when we get there? Gnitt and Tania perhaps?"

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Ah, got it. So essentially the Ankh-Morpork Night Watch prior to Corporal Carrot.

Joe nods in agreement with Gnitt. "I'd say that about sums it up." He glances at Fiterri and waggles his fingers in his general direction. "Should you maybe check the gear to see if there's anything unusual about it? And I'd say maybe we each take a different neighbor or two to save time, and then head over to Grindlylow's, but maybe only a couple of us actually go inside. And the Queen's Own probably won't have anyone worthwhile 'til this evening, so hopefully something else will turn up between the neighbors and the gear."

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Isn't daybreak when the night watch would be getting off duty? I just figured a bar catering to the watch would need to be open in the mornings too. Also, just a reminder to everybody, you can take 20 on stuff like opening locks when we're not under threat.

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

sense motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
k local: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

Joe watched the inspector hurry off, thinking that if they were going to be doing the inspector's job for him, maybe they should ask for an inspector's pay. Shrugging, he thought to himself that if the inspector didn't know anything, there must be someone still alive who'd worked on that case.

Aloud, he said "Well, since Muncy is just full of helpful information today, does anyone want to head over to the Queen's Own with me? It's a bar that's a favorite of the watch. There's bound to be someone there who worked on the previous case, or knows someone who did."

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe felt the remnants of his good mood drain away as he took in the scene. He was no stranger to blood and death, but this was something else entirely. At least he could be sure there would be no conflict with the guild on this. Something this messy would draw entirely too much of the wrong sort of attention, and get the populace riled up. Not good for business. They'd want the culprit found just as much as the watch did.

He studied everyone examining the room and body, and felt he wouldn't contribute much more to the search here.

"I'm going to go check up on the roof. It's possible that whoever or whatever did this wasn't working alone, and up high would be the best place to keep watch. If that was the case, there might be something up there."

Joe steps outside and nods to Muncy before pointing up at the roof. He looks around for the best place to clamber up.

How high is the roof? And are there other buildings butting up against this one? I'll look around carefully on this roof and any immediately adjoining ones. edit: Oh, and I'll use my grappling hook and rope if the climb looks too difficult without it.

Climb - take 10 +13 = 23

Perception - take 20 + 7 = 27

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe suppressed a sigh as he stood in the shadows across the street,
watching a constable pound on his door. He'd been bored, and gone
walking the rooftops last night, but hadn't actually been up to
anything. He thought back on his recent activities, and while he had
gotten really drunk the other night, he hadn't actually been in a bar
fight in a while. He was pretty sure. He figured too that they
wouldn't send just one if they wanted to arrest him for something, so
he mentally shrugged, and cleared his throat as he stepped into the

"What brings one of the watch's finest to my door at this hour?"

He felt a smirk trying to form on his face as the constable explained.
Muncy wanted HIM to aid in an investigation? The man must truly be
desperate, Joe thought to himself as he walked along, keeping his face
expressionless. He was successful right up until he saw the group
Muncy had assembled, at which point he felt like his eyebrows were
trying to crawl off the top of his head. Fiterri he could kind of see,
and maybe Lucetta. But Gnitt? And Tania? Something had always seemed a
bit off about her after the Golden Dice burned down. Not to mention
that was the only bar he'd ever been thrown out of where he hadn't
actually done anything. He grinned inwardly at the thought. Of course, he himself seemed the least likely of all. Though he'd always been very selective in the types of jobs he took, by this point Muncy had to at least suspect, even if he couldn't prove, Joe's involvement in various extra legal activities. No, if this seemed like it impinged on guild business, he'd probably have to tell Muncy he'd already accepted a job on a ship leaving port tomorrow or the next day.

Joe nodded noncommittally to everyone present as he lit his own pipe,
and wondered what in the nine hells was going on. If nothing else,
with this crew, things were bound to get interesting. He felt his
eyebrows rise again at Muncy calling the scene shocking. For an
inspector of the watch in this city to say that, especially to this

Joe mentally steeled himself as he prepared to follow everyone inside.

btw, i am still playing with my inventory, especially magic
items, but will finalize by tomorrow for sure. just mentioning in case
combat is expected sooner than that. doesn't seem like it,

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Fiterri - I think I would readily help to try and disguise the provenance of certain items of doubtful origin. Also, if you ever possibly acted as a fence, my frequent sailing trips might provide an opportunity to get rid of certain small high value items that are too hot to stay in the city.

Tania - it seems likely the Golden Dice is the sort of place I would have frequented. Perhaps Jared and I were friends, and I even helped you hunt down a couple of thugs you were having trouble locating?

Lucetta - perhaps we've encountered each other roaming the streets at night on our respective errands? And while not exactly friends, we also know we're not exactly working at cross purposes.

Gnitt - perhaps we've known each other as acquaintances for years, as my family sells discounted bread to the orphanage?

As for combat, I'm pretty much planning to prioritize attacking no armored, light armored, medium armored, and heavily armored opponents in that order. The idea being that I can move anywhere, through and past enemies to get to my target, and that the most dangerous spell casters usually follow that priority of armoring. So Fiterri might be more of a primary front liner than you think, as I'll hopefully be behind their line. It'll be interesting to see if this actually works out like I hope, because 5th is the level at which, in theory, I can get sneak attack damage every round without help. I will be doing A LOT of acrobatics checks every combat, that's for sure.

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes
DM - Voice of the Voiceless wrote:
Sure. No problems with any tinkering you want to do with your characters.

Oh, well, I meant the unchained rogue class feature finesse training. I wouldn't want to just replace a class feature without some input from you. Though my current ideas for appropriateness would be fleet, medium armor proficiency, or a skill enhancing feat. Let me know what you think.

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes
Fiendish Zen wrote:

Thanks for the pick DM, looking forward to this :)

I hope no-one minds but I've a couple of thoughts about Joseph Bakerson and Tania Teg.

Joe, we're in a 'one shot' that won't move beyond 5th level, so your fave class bonus might be better spent as hp or skill points :)


Good point. I actually think I have a couple of adjustments to maybe make based on this being a one shot.

DmVotV - would you consider letting me swap out finesse training for something actually useful to me? It's the only thing I dislike about the unchained rogue, it feels like they're really forcing dex based rogues.

DM - Voice of the Voiceless wrote:

Joseph - if you want to put the appropriate amount of coin towards a 'cost of living' for a month I've got no issues with the minor benefits you'd get from it.

It's a no to background skills for this module though.


Copy that! I'll trash bluff and profession gambler to keep baker/sailor. I'm now really bad at any form of gambling. Heh. Though, if it won't affect your odds of selecting me, I'd like to wait to deal with the minutiae of gear that costs less than 50gp 'til after I know if I've been selected. Same with languages.

Oh one gear related question, would you consider using the cost of living rules? I've always found it a nice way to not have to track how many blankets and candles I've got in my flat. And also background skills? It's tough to allocate skill points to professions otherwise.

Submitting a character adapted from one created a long while ago for Riddleport, but never really got to play. Details in the profile, though the gear list needs to be updated. His skill set probably works even better for this setting.


As for why I'm interested, I am not familiar with Pett's work, but I prefer to play skill monkeys, and gritty urban settings are where they really get a chance to shine. And honestly, most game worlds are a little too bright and airy. Real medieval style places and times were not nearly so pleasant as some place like Golarion seems to be.

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

DM Camris, or anyone close to Joe:

Joe grins in genuine delight as he greets Lil. Despite his best efforts, he has always been trusting of anyone who makes an effort to be nice to him.

"Lil! I'm glad you ladies showed up, this might have gotten out of hand otherwise."

In a low voice, he then proceeds to tell her all about the incident with Smeed and what he found in his records and the machine in his office.

At the same time, Joe is having a few drinks, and circulating through the crowd, looking for and touching base with anyone he knows to find out what they know, and keeping an eye out for any local players, and/or anyone up to no good.

diplomacy 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
sense motive 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
knowledge local 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

these rolls are all for the crowd, i'm making no attempt to do anything but just chat with Lil. also guys, as an aside, my wedding is only a week away now, and while i'll still be reading from my phone, my posting will be prolly almost nonexistent for about two weeks. dm camris feel free to do whatever you like with my character while i'm mostly incommunicado.

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe grins happily as he hears Maelorn's plan.

"Sounds great to me. And I'll go ahead and selflessly volunteer myself to be the one to sacrifice for the sake of realism. I'll actually drink a lot so everyone thinks we're legit."

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe spends some time asking around town to people he knows if anyone has any idea what Boss Croat is up to.

diplomacy to gather info 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
knowledge local 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe is going to check to see if the casino has a scale for checking for counterfeit coins. If there isn't one, he is going to buy a good one for the casino and expense it, and use that to check the seized coins

profession gambler 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

Joe spends a few hours a day both dealing cards and observing the crowds. He also seems surprisingly interested in the details of the loan transactions he took from Smeed. He definitely enjoys the drinking and chatting, and is obviously fascinated by the gambling, but he also spends some time trying to convince Saul that it would be worth branching out into loans, and that approaching people that show a good payment history with offers of lower interest rates could make the casino even more money.

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

search roll 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
intelligence 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
sense motive for smeed's words 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
knowledge local to know relatively trustworthy lock picker 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

"I would really like to look through this, see if there's anything relevant to us. It'll probably take most of a day though. Also, anyone know someone who can open that safe? I'm trying to think if I know anyone with the requisite skills..."

Joe goes silent as he continues looking through paperwork, and tries to think if he knows anyone.

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

is there a desk or anything in the room? if so, i'm going to search it first, looking for any business records. also, how big and heavy is the safe?

As Joe walks back in the room, he gives Smeed a halfhearted kick as he walks by him. "You are such an ass," he mutters, before beginning a thorough search of the room.

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe snaps his fingers and points at Bron.

"That is a really excellent point."

He then walks over to the shutters and has a look out at the street before drawing them closed. He then jogs downstairs.

i'm going to grab the crossbow off the street if it's still there, and when i see the back door i'm going to push it closed and try to prop something in front of it so if anyone opens it it will make some noise. assuming nothing untoward happens i'll then head upstairs and tell everyone what i did.

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe stands up, sword in hand, and looks down at Smeed.

"Damn, that bastard can hit hard."

He then walks around to the opposite side of Smeed to make sure he's surrounded, and makes sure to kick the scimitar out of Smeed's reach.

"Anyone bring any rope?"

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

i'm going to try and play dead even though i'm conscious again thanks to maelorn. basically i'll delay until smeed either moves or drops his weapon. if he drops his weapon i'll stand up and attack him. if he moves i'll stand

punch to the face if smeed is unarmed1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10 oops, forgot the +2 for bless and inspire, so ac 12, ac 14 if flanked

hah, doubt that hits, but damage1d3 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5+1 for inspire, so 6
and sneak attack just in case1d6 ⇒ 1

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

ack, just realized for some reason the board was showing me delayed updates on some posts. it wasn't until just now for some reason that I saw the part about smeed swinging at joe the first time and the description of bron being under the door. weird. anyway, i assume he swung at joe again? if so, joe will be nicely collapsed into a heap at -1 hp. i'll go ahead and make my stabilization check

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

ack, just realized i had a math error in my earlier post. i'm sure you noticed, but if i'm swinging at smeed i should be hitting ac22, not 24.

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

for dm camris, joe's action on his initiative:

alright, i'm gonna go ahead and post joe's action for when his initiative rolls around. i'm assuming a +2 from flanking, and another +2 from bless and inspire. if the ape is down by then, i'll swing at smeed instead and attempt nonlethal damage, so it'll be a -4 to hit in that case.

Joe takes a mighty swing at the ape thing (or smeed).

to hit 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26 (24 against smeed)
damage (with +1 from inspire) 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (4, 2) + 7 = 13
sneak damage 1d6 ⇒ 1

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

so that map reflects the actual state of affairs right now? just wondering, cause i don't see bron on there. and joe and thunder-klar are flanking it appears. i'll go with that assumption. doesn't change joe's action much either way.

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe inserts the crowbar into the crack between door and frame just above the lock, and then he and Bron give a strong pull.

strength check (+4 for joe's str, +2 circumstance for crowbar)
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11 if bron can actually help, add another +3 to bring it to 14

just gonna roll another, if it's required and we have the chance 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe motions everyone to get out of direct line of fire from the door as he takes out his trusty crowbar. As he positions himself just to the side of the door frame and positions the crowbar to pry the door open, he looks back at everyone.

"Any objections?"

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe gives a grin of his own as he sees the rest of the group coming up the stairs, and then strides over to have a closer look at the door.

perception roll 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

perception roll 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

DM Camris:

alright, i'll continue climbing. do you need me to make more stealth rolls?

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

DM Camris:

do the squares on the map correspond to 5 or 10 feet? also, though it looks like it would be too difficult, what i was considering doing was a leaping charge at Smeed to try and grapple him out of the window. is it possible to integrate a leap with a charge?

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

DM Camris:
Joe bends over and picks up the coin. He examines it for a moment then looks up at Smeed. "How much help should I tell him you need?"

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe moves forward to where he can see the side of the building, looking for windows that are big enough for a person to slip through.

"Guys, I think I should keep an eye on the front door for a minute. If they are around back, we don't want Smeed slipping out the front while we're all back there. I'll yell if anything happens, and you guys let me know what's going on back there."

Joe moves closer to the front door, trying to get an idea if maybe he could force it open with the help of his trusty crowbar.

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe eased his greatsword out of its sheath as he glanced around warily.

"Looks like our cojunior partners already had a less than friendly negotiation with Smeed. He was known for keeping dogs, so I assume these are his. Also, Saul was right about Smeed working for Boss Croat, so we really need to watch our backs. Who knows if he has some way to call for help in there."

Joe grinned slightly as he kept an eye on the front of the building. He'd missed a fight, but it looked like things were happening, and he wasn't too far behind events for once. So far, today was not boring.

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

alright, making my knowledge local roll before heading to the main thread

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Smeed, eh? Joe mused to himself as they left the casino. He seemed to recall having heard something about him recently. He searched his memory, trying to bring it to mind.

Joe is going to try a knowledge local check to see if he knows anything else about Smeed. Not sure if you want to roll those or if i should?

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

Joe eyed his new companions as he sipped Saul's wine and slid his money into his money belt. He grinned a bit at the sight of Bron. He strongly suspected this was the first time they'd ever been in the same room together where neither of them was drunk. Joe didn't know him that well, but had heard nothing about him that was bad, and several things that were good.

The woman he gave a long searching look. There was definitely something odd about her, even discounting her weird looking dog. But she looked damn strong, and he suspected her dog would be for more than just decoration if a fight broke out.

He drained his glass of wine and shifted his greatsword into a more comfortable position.

"Well, my new future cojunior partners, shall we go see what sort of trouble our other future cojunior partners may be in?"

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes


I swung around and saw Hans Ulfen walking with a couple of people that looked familiar. Dammit, not only did Hans know my parents quite well (he was a bit overly fond of apple pastries), I really should have noticed him long before he yelled at my across a busy street. I really needed to work on that.

"What!" I snarled around my pipe.

I saw his eyes narrow slightly. Sigh. I really did not intend for it to sound so combative. Yet another thing I needed to work on. Luckily I'd known Hans for quite a while, and he'd never shown much inclination to take offense at me being a bit of a jerk. Of course, he was probably helped in this by having been in several bar brawls with me, and I doubted he particularly wanted to be on the receiving end. We stared at each other a few moments, each silently flexing while trying not to look like that's what we were doing. I won, of course.

"Joe, I've got a bit of a business proposition for you. You may have heard I'm at the Golden Goblin now, and to keep it short, we need some dealers and bouncers." He grinned at me for a second and then continued, "I've told Mr. Feldin here, who's in charge of hiring, that you're a bit of an ass, but as strong as you are ugly, and about as trustworthy as anyone can expect for someone from here."

Ah, that's why they looked familiar. I'd at least seen most of the people involved in organized gambling in this town. Feldin had been quite visible around town lately what with the Golden Goblin coming back and advertising their big event. A cushy casino job sounded pretty good, actually.

I blew a small smoke ring before replying, mostly because I knew it irritates most people. Like I said, I really need to work on that. "Count me in. Only issue is I've contracted for a sailing gig. I leave the day you've scheduled your big event, and will probably be gone about 4 days, maybe 5."

I knew Hans was aware it was probably a smuggling trip. Hell, Feldin no doubt knew it to. I saw Hans glance over at him, waiting for a decision. Feldin looked at me, checking out my muscles in a way I probably should have found a bit creepy, if it wasn't pretty much the intended effect once I'd decided to take my most salient feature and run with it.

"You'll do. Come by tomorrow night." Hans threw me a thumbs up and they trudged off.

*************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** *******

I stared at Saul Vancaskerin as he caught me up on all that had happened while I'd been out at sea. I'd come straight to the casino after the rumors I'd heard in the port, and was now being presented with this.

He leaned against the mantle with a glass of wine and finished up "...and now they're out looking for Larur. Young man, I've heard good things about you, and seen that you were competent on the nights you worked here. I have no doubt that had you been here those nights, you would yourself be a junior partner right now. You know the town well, and, I think, have a slightly more realistic attitude than most of my current junior partners. Accompany them, keep them alive, and you'll be a junior partner yourself."

He stared at me expectantly. I closed my eyes for a moment WHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHY DID I ALWAYS MISS THE FUN STUFF! Gah. Five days at sea on that stupid boat with not a damn thing happening, and only the most interesting things to happen in this town, pretty much ever, happens while I'm away. Two years ago I'd have said it out loud. Luckily I'd managed to learn some self control, as I doubt Saul would have quite the same view of fun that I did. And junior partner? Sounded tasty, and hopefully would give me a chance to check out the casino's books. I had a few ideas it seemed to me a place like this could accomplish with moving money around.

So I simply opened my eyes and looked at him. "I'll do it."

HP 30/38
AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7
Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6
level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes

lvl 2 rogue, swashbuckler archetype. i can't actually take the scout archetype til level 4, but my plan is to remain a single classed rogue through whatever level this takes us to with both those archetypes, so i just listed them both. i'll clean up the way i've noted it a little bit.

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