Pirate Queen

Jopple's page

21 posts. Alias of CaveToad.


The group obtains the fine leather and silks to make their magical items, and then purchases from some alchemical shops the magical reagents needed to complete the rest of the enchantments on the items. The alchemists are quite pleased with the amount of money the group has spent, and you purchase quite a bit of their inventory.

Jopple looks to the group, and she seems quite exhausted from hobbling around all day. "I hope I was able to help. I need to probably get going and start some of my studies today, or I will be a terrible wizard."

"Good luck out there. Don't get hurt."

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"Ok, well then. Let me think. I don't know what an amentum is, but if if goes with javelins, then its probably easy to find." She looks at Kiki's small sword. "Wow that is quite fancy. Umm, you will need to have someone make something like that. We can ask around. I don't think it will be a problem, it will just take some time. So tiny!"

"Mithral, no way! No one gets that good stuff. Any time they find a vein of that, the Thain or even the king is all over that, like flies to poop. That stuff disappears into the vaults and only the top tier nobles and royalty get to wear armor made from that. Sorry Xanya."

"Now a bow should not be too hard. They make those around here in plenty, and even for strong people. I don't know how strong you are, but they can probably adjust it for you. I am not an archer, but I think they just use some different cams and adjust the pull or something it was explained to me once." She scrunches her face up as if trying to recall some information.

"We can check around for cold iron or silver stuff. Mind you, there isn't a huge demand for that for the common folk. The marshals sometimes will have things like that made probably for fighting special monsters, but no smith is going to make a fancy silver earthsmasher or whatever if its going to on his store shelf for a few years."

"Ink I can help with! Lots of that to be had, they make it from some creatures that live in the lake."

"Ok lets talk about magic stuff. There isn't a lot to be had around here, particularly the really expensive fancy stuff. But some of the merchants do have odds and ends sitting around. Normally the Thain or the marshals will buy up the best stuff, things that can be used in battle. Occasionally something gets overlooked. We need to ask around."

"My mistress also sometimes makes magical items, though you understand it is time consuming. Making them on your own, is, well a matter of the right resources and knowledge. I don't know of any primers you can buy that explain it outright, but there may be books on enchantment theory." She acts like she is trying to speak knowledgeably, probably repeating something she hear, playing up her status as a barely wizard's apprentice.

"Crafting resources should be available, but are getting scarce because not as much are coming in now, and all the mines and logging camps are on hold. Luckily we have reserves aplenty to last, but its getting used in the defense of the fort. Come, lets go."

Jopple leads you through town and you visit several weaponsmiths first. Their forges are smoking away and the clinking of hammer on steel is everywhere as the smiths, master and apprentice alike are working as fast as they can to churn out resources for the defense of the town. You are able to obtain amentums quite easily as they are basically leather straps. You put in an order for a strong bow, and while they don't have anything immediately available, the bowyers advises if you return in a few hours he will have a bow adjusted for you, and he marvels that someone so small has such great strength.

Visiting a second weaponsmith, you are able to convince him to attempt some more wakizashi swords for Kiki. He seems bit creeped out by the spiderling, but admires the tiny sword and its quality. He inspects it at length, taking measurements, and notes and making some sketches. He advises it may take some time, but that he will try to work on them soon. He also says he can work with alternate materials, but that also takes time and requires a custom order as well . In the case of cold iron or silver.

You break for lunch and essentially get carry out from a local pub and eat it under a tree while Jopple scribbles notes, barely touching her food. "Ok next we talk to some more merchants." She gets up and starts hobbling slowly down some streets. She bangs on a battered old door in an alley and an old man answers. He raises his brows at the sight of the group, but smiles warmly at Jopple. "What have ye got yourself into lass?"

"Helping the new people!" She says smiling. "They are fighting against the giants coming, and they need special things." She shows the man a list of stuff, and he runs his hand through his thinning hair. "Och, well you folk are needing a small miracle, or a much larger city. I can help with a few of these items though."

Gm Rolls:

roll: 1d100 ⇒ 97
roll: 1d100 ⇒ 20
roll: 1d100 ⇒ 17

He returns with a small pouch. Inside is a pearl. Jopple nods and you exchange the gold Pearl of Power, level 1.

"Sorry I can't help you folk any more than that. I don't use the thing these days so if it helps the town I will sell it."

Jopple thanks the mysterious old man, and you continue further. You eventually reach the place of her studies, and meet the enchantress to whom she is apprenticed. You discuss at length the possibility of having some items enchanted. She is willing to do it for the normal prices. It of course takes time and nothing you order will be ready immediately.

Quassine and the enchantress talk for a bit as well regarding theory and application of magical item creation. She returns with a few magically made copies of some diagrams and notes that can help. She doesn't have any books for sale or is willing to part with any of her library. She is willing to discuss scrolls however.

Recap: You can get amentums, and a strength bow will be ready. you get a pearl of power and put in orders for more weapons and possibly magic items. Feel free to discuss.

"Hi, its nice to meet you all." She smiles sleepily and yawns. "Sorry it was a late night for me. My studies keep me up into the wee hours." She returns the hug to Xanya and as Xanya noted is more her size. She is short and spindly for a halfling. "Gosh, you are so blue! I..Oh, I don't mean that its bad. I know lots of your other friends too, I am getting used to different peoples. I certainly wouldn't make fun of those who are different." She frowns a bit at her leg, and replies, "Yes I can help in the markets, I am quite familiar with the streets and the vendors have trusted me so far to take your people to some of the shops to acquire what is to be acquired. I must warn, that it is extremely hard to get many things. As the enemy approaches, weapons, armor and even the smiths' time is all being bought up. The Thain has his own forges and smiths, but the people of the town want to be safe too. This place is not that large, and sits on the edge of civilization. Before your arrival, few people came this way that were not involved in mining, logging or hunting. No one demands exotic weapons so its a waste of resources for the smiths to craft those things. Everyone needs horseshoes though!" She laughs at her own attempt at a joke.

"My mistress is able to craft and enchant some items given time, and occasionally I can help turn up other small enchanted items in town, but they are usually quite mundane. I hope you won't be disappointed if I cannot find everything you want."

She takes a deep breath. "Ok, give me a list and I can probably tell you right away what we are likely to get and what is not going to be found within a hundred miles. Oh, speaking of, it is possible to send off a request to other cities in the realm for items, but few merchants are coming any more. Special orders like that might take a while to arrive, but I have asked a few of the merchants how that might work out. There are a few that would be willing to seek out rare requests."

Kiki wanders the ducts for a while, following her chalk trail back the way she came avoiding guards and sentries, making her way through a complicated route as many doors are locked and sealed. Despite the heavy security she is able to the area where your people are often housed. It takes a while to find what room your friends are in, but eventually you find it.

The group tries to get what little sleep they can. For some it is much less than the others, but it should not adversely affect the group. Excessive exertion might impose a fatigued condition, but I won't worry about it unless something comes up.

The group rouses themselves early enough. Shortly after the wake, there is a soft knock on the door. "Hello, its me Jopple. I was told you need help in the markets."

The door opens and a pair of dwarven escorts leaves off a small halfling teen girl with you. She walks with a cane, but is proudly wearing parade armor. She seems to have a permanent leg injury. Her dark mop of hair is tousled and her dark eyes watch carefully. "I have helped your groups before. I was told you can speak our tongue somewhat. Can you understand me?"

Day 11 - Evening

"Well, I guess I better get going. I need to study some tonight if I am ever going to be a powerful wizard!"

She waves and hobbles out from the chamber.

Yes the rope is 50'

Jopple and Goivan return with the purchased goods. She says "I will keep an eye out for those other items. If they come in on a shipment, the vendors will let me know, and they now also know there is a need, so some of the merchants, those that come and go via caravan, will put out the word in other cities. It may take a while for one to arrive, but it might also just be as fast or faster than waiting for a suit to be made is what they said."

When you give her the small bag of 100 gold, Jopple asks what she is to buy with that. When you explain it is for her, she gets quiet and her eyes become a little glassy. She whispers "Thank you. I will put this towards my studies." She sniffs a bit, "You newcomers have been so nice to me. My fortunes have improved a hundred fold since your arrival. I hope you all never leave."

Jopple and Goivan make their way from the fort, escorted by a unit of dwarven guards. Even in town the guard unit accompanies the pair. I assume it is only the two? It could be more.

Jopple takes the small troop down winding streets stopping at various shops.

Gm Rolls:

roll: 1d100 ⇒ 59
roll: 1d100 ⇒ 50
roll: 1d100 ⇒ 51
roll: 1d100 ⇒ 23

She asks about the masterwork armor, but something like that is just not in supply, although regular studded leather armor is. She is able to find a masterwork backpack however, that a crafter just finished. He is quite excited to show how well it carries items and sits on ones back.

Jopple quietly asks at a bookstore about a certain book of the proprieter. He frowns and says "No we don't have that book in stock, but we have the previous printing." This it turns out to be is code for the thieves tools. They don't have any masterwork ones, but do have regular ones. This all happens under the noses of the dwarven guards, who appear to be unaware of what is transpiring. Jopple is also able to find silk rope, just arrived on a shipment of a brave merchant, bringing goods last minute to the fort.

Bandolier, compass and journal are easy enough to find.

"I did help another group of you guys. Lump the frog man was a good friend, he bought me this fine armor and other things. There were others too, sort of intimidating group. They had all these animals and things. I'll go with Goivan, but I don't want to be carried. People will make fun of me more than they already do." She sets her jaw firmly, hoping the issue is settled.

"I am ready to go now. Lets hit the shops."

"Oh....Well, I wouldn't want to impose. I am capable of walking." She frowns a bit, her handicap evident, and struggling whether to take the aid or prove that she can manage on her own. Clearly walking with her would be a slow process, her legs are already short, and with one partially disabled she moved about half the speed of a normal person.

"All right this will be a start at least." She takes Champawat's list, and also notes down some healing wands. "It might be hard to get wands like this with an approaching army of giants. People will want to keep that sort of thing to themselves until the danger has passed. I will try."

She gets up slowly, bracing on her good leg and taking her crutch. She hobbles to the door. "I think you could come with me, I am not sure what they are allowing these days. If they let you guys into the streets or not." She frowns a bit realizing that it sounded sort of rude the way she said it, but doesn't really know how to rephrase it.

Jopple scrunches her nose and furrows her brow. "A whatacist? I never heard of that. I'm sorry I am just an appreantice, well my training hasn't even started. I can ask my mentor if she knows what you mean." She scrawls some notes about elements and ether.

She nods at Goivan in comprehension and points to her mouth sheepishly as she tries to chew and swallow the roll before responding. Then she replies to Qahnaarin, "Ahh hobgoblin. The other group had a goblin. Grobly, do you know him? You guys look nothing alike." She clears her throat and puts on her business-like voice, "Oh, well there aren't any magic shops in town here, this place is pretty small, but it is possible to turn up things sometimes, there are people who sell stuff like that on the side as they come across it. I can ask around. Also, I am proud to say, I have been accepted as an apprentice to a wizard who is able to enchant things. If I cannot find what you are looking to buy, she may be able to create what you need. " She chews on her lower lip and pulls out a little slate board and chalk from her hip pack. "Time for a list!" Her giant dark eyes look back waiting.

"Sure, thank you. Wow....what are you?" She looks at Goivan and timidly pokes at his thick skin. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to poke."

She stuffs a bread roll in her mouth and surprisingly managed to get the whole thing in. "MMghm mrrhrmm."

Marshal Pinnickee states, "Well ok, I have some reports to file, and I will look for this girl Jopple, and see if she can aid you in your mercantile endeavors." She leaves with the remaining entourage of guards. In the mean time you dump out the haul of coins and start counting and sorting them, trying to identify their metals. Tally given earlier.

A few hours later there is a soft knock on the door. You open the door and a small halfling girl stands there. She smiles and waves. One of you still has the share languages active (24 hours) from the Marshal. "Hi, I'm Jopple."

The halfing girl is quite small and waifish, with a mop of medium length black hair and large dark eyes. She is proudly dressed in parade armor and carries a new dagger at her side. She limps slowly in and uses a cane to assist her walk, and you can see that she has some sort of permanent leg injury. She takes in the group and nods. "I helped another group, so I can help you. I know the markets pretty well."

"Some day I will be a powerful wizard. Do you know? I have been accepted as an apprentice to the enchantress that enchanted your armor." she says excited through welling tears. "Then I can join you on adventures and I won't be a burden to anyone."


"Ok, I will go look, and can ask around."

Jopple limps off to do her errands. She seems in better spirits lately, able to help the group, and has grown accustomed to the groups monstrous appearance and demeanor.

She returns successful and you will be able to purchase the scrolls for 25gp each.

The group settles in for the evening as Jopple heads into town to do some checking. She will return in the morning with any information. You can work on other things over night or sleep.

Day 6 - Morning

The morning arrives and the sentries outside awaken you and they bring supplies for your journey to the northlands. They wheel them in on small crates on wheels like a cross between a cart and a dolley. There is a marshal with them and they have you sign for the items. (Your share languages is probably still running).

Jopples returns in the morning also. She says "Well, I was able to wake a few people up and get a line on some materials and crafters for some of the items you wanted. I wasn't able to find any magical items. We can keep trying though. Lump, are you ready to go? We can get escorted to town and see what we can buy."

Jopple replies "There is the Central Vault. It is quite efficient, as are many things dwarven. They keep fastidious track of people's valuables and many of the riches and wealth that come through this fort. I have heard that rumors of the large sum of stuff kept there, behind powerful magical wards, guarded by magical golems and have even heard of extra dimensional storage. It's all very fancy, but it comes at a cost. They charge you one percent of your wealth per month, a minimum of five gold and a maximum of two hundred fifty gold. If you all don't have any more questions right now, I can hit the streets and start rounding things up. In the morning when shops open, we will have better luck, but some people will be all right with me waking them up tonight."

The group gets their lists submitted to Hawke Waiting on Asheranthi yet. and you break from the meeting. You are given a copy of the map with the locale you chose marked. He admonishes you to protect that map at all costs, and destroy it if it will fall into enemy hands. You assume Grobly could chew it up pretty good if needed and it would be fairly well ruined.

The group is escorted back to your quarters where you plan further lists of items to have Jopple shop for.

In your room your take a moment to pile all of your loot from the hill giants into a stack and have Jopple look at it. Some of it is/was quite filthy but you had time to clean or polish some of it, knowing you would need to try and sell it.

Jopple Appraise roll: 1d20 ⇒ 9
Jopple Appraise roll: 1d20 ⇒ 14
Jopple Appraise roll: 1d20 ⇒ 2
Jopple Appraise roll: 1d20 ⇒ 11
Jopple Appraise roll: 1d20 ⇒ 10
Jopple Appraise roll: 1d20 ⇒ 11
Jopple Appraise roll: 1d20 ⇒ 20
Jopple Appraise roll: 1d20 ⇒ 16

You have no idea regarding her skill an appraiser. She looks at the stuff and scratches her head a few times, but after jotting down some notes and moving things into different piles, she states (to Lump). "Well this stuff is actually pretty valuable, very very valuable. Lots of gems, and jewelry here. Where did you get all this stuff? These ingots are pure too. It shouldn't be too hard to liquidate this stuff as people will be willing to invest in portable valuables like this with the oncoming danger and uncertainty. The problem is the price of goods are going to get expensive quickly. We need to move fast and get orders in for special gear and buy up stuff before it gets scarce. Gosh, I haven't dealt with stuff this expensive before, but I bet you could pull in fifteen thousand crowns with this pile." She runs her hands fondly over a gold bar. "You guys are going to be rich!" she says with perhaps a touch of envy. "The shops are all closed now, but I know some people who wouldn't mind me waking their butts out of bed for some serious business like this. I also...know some people who know some people who can get a hold of harder to acquire items. I would just be careful flashing this much wealth around. I don't feel comfortable carrying all this myself! Now, the streets here are safe and there isn't any crime really, the dwarves come down really damn hard on criminals and the crack the heads of anyone who doesn't play by the rules, but there are always those who can get by. Anyhow, I am babbling too much. What do we need to look for? I can start my work for you. I hope you remember helpful Jopple though!" She winks.

"Oh, yes I know a lot of people in the market! I can help out once morning comes and the shops open. We can work with what you got or I can take one of you with? Hmm you Froggy will probably work best."

Jopple looks at Grobly "Hoi Grobly." She sticks out a tiny finger and pokes at Grobly's greenish leather hide. "Ehhh."