Keeper Myre

Jonso's page

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Chemlak wrote:

Technically, yes.

In 3.5 a light horse had a Str of 14, which makes that table correct. A light warhorse was Str 16. In PF the standard light horse has Str 16, but the table for overland movement was never adjusted.

One to take to the CRB errata thread.

Edit: just to note, since the CRB came out before the first Bestiary, it's no great surprise that the table was just a copy/paste from the 3.5 SRD and that nobody thought to change it when the horse was altered in the Bestiary (since stats for a horse don't actually appear in the CRB). I'm more surprised that nobody noticed before now!

Light horse should be at 5 miles, and for 231-690 lbs at 3.5 miles, and a heavy horse should be 3.5 miles for 402-1200 lbs.

So, we have to report the mistake to the responsable. Where may I report it?

If a horse is a battle horse it doesn't earn Str, no?

If the modifier is x3 the table "Table: Mounts and Vehicles" in this page ( is wrong?