Lieutenant Kosseruk

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*** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 19 posts (22 including aliases). 8 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif) 1/5

Are the various levels of the Drake Starship, suppose not have starboard side weapons, but instead have 2 forward facing weapons?

Some levels like the level 8, don't have a starboard, but then at level 12 it does?

Is this a error? Or intended? Can we can an official ruling on this?

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

Algarik wrote:
Crexis wrote:

I'm new to starfinder, just started learning the system. I've read that if you attack with a melee weapon, you will get a bonus to both attack and damage via your str modifier. However if you use a ranged weapon you get a dex bonus on the ranged attack but no bonuses to ranged damage.

Is there anyway a character can add dex to BOTH attack AND damage?

Thanks for any help

No and frankly i think it's a good thing, Dex is already the god stat in Starfinder. Weapons damages scale on level now and adding dexterity on some weapon would completely invalidate strength.

How do weapons scale with level? my azumth laser rifle still shoots the same dmg.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif) 1/5

Is there a running post that tracks the current available races? The additional resources page doesn't show the Sept. update where you can play Naurs.

Does anyone have an active list? Or know where one is?

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

I want to play a robot or some technology based character.

Obviously there is the andriod. But what are the other options?

1. Just in general: what are my options?
2. For society play? I heard some where you can play a robot? And make the robot look like other creatures like a Centuar etc.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

So the 4th level mystic is another 4th level mechanic.

also there are no 3rd level pregens currently for pfs2

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

If there is a check lets say to make a navigation, and its DC15. I use maze mind. Am I having to beat DC15?

The discrption calls it a level wisdom check? To me that suggests I am suppose to make a check against my level. Just some clarity would be great.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

Sorry guys but the above build is not RAW there for not legal in PFS.

Reynolds posted in a similar discussion on magic item creation feats, that spell like abilities do not count towards prerequisites for the feat because you are not actually casting the spell, dont get an actual caster level, etc.

So no that build is wayyyy off.

There simply isn't anyway to cheat the system when it comes to being able to increase your actual caster level for spell progression effects other than to level up.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

James Jacobs wrote:
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:


Was there some particular reason the Samurai was given (3d6)x10 gp starting wealth, like the barbarian, instead of (5d6)x10 gp starting wealth like all the other martial classes (including the cavalier which it is a variant of)?

Not being the one who wrote those rules, I can't say if there was a reason or not. If there WAS a reason, my guess would be that samurai aren't supposed to care that much about money.

I think its because they are suppose to just get a daisho for free.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif) 1/5

Justin Sluder wrote:

Sorry about the thread necro.

Has there been an official declaration somewhere on this issue?

The ruling is that they do not need to be played in order.

Nor does Echoes of the Everwar.

I think the only series that has to is Eyes of Ten.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

JonHeimerTheOne wrote:
Doomed Hero wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:

It is about as useful as Contagion.

Neither spell is likely to kill a foe in combat, but they both cause major problems for the character afterwards. It is most effective as a hit and run tactic used by a villain -- less so for heroes who generally want to win an encounter and then move on.

I don't see how it's useful in that regard. It just means a few hours of having to "breathe on purpose" and then you're fine. If it wakes you up when you start to choke, it means you can't go to sleep until the curse ends, but that's about it. It would take multiple successful castings over the course of days to even Fatigue or Exhaust someone.

If the spell doesn't mean "if you fall asleep or pass out, you will die" then I'm not sure what it is supposed to do.

Its an interesting spell, but its worded in a way that doesn't make its intent or effects terribly clear.

You are purposefully misreading this spell and how suffocation rules work.

1. The spell says if you fall asleep this spell still works.

2. Suffication DOES NOT cause damage, an ability that reduces your hp doesn't automatically do damage. No where in the suffication rules (accept slow suffication) does it say you take damage. Undines curse specifically states that you start to suffocate, not that you start to suffocate slowly.

3. But let's say your right. You're automatically at zero hp and you fall unconscious again because now you have zero hp. Undines curse doesn't stop working just because you take dmg. So now your unconscious again, and in 3 turns you die.

So either way, if you wake up or dont, you will die in 3 or 4 rounds from this combination.

It is an extremely powerful spell if used correctly. Because no matter what it drops thr creaTure to zero hp (if they were asleep).

So now let's say I'm still wrong and they are awake, ok, but your still at zero hp and can't take any strenuous actions or you will fall unconscious again, and again die...

Also I forgot this will work with any paralysis type spell. Because Undines curse also specifically states you need to be able to take physical action. You cannot take any action while paralyzed.

Which just makes this level one spell that much better.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

Doomed Hero wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:

It is about as useful as Contagion.

Neither spell is likely to kill a foe in combat, but they both cause major problems for the character afterwards. It is most effective as a hit and run tactic used by a villain -- less so for heroes who generally want to win an encounter and then move on.

I don't see how it's useful in that regard. It just means a few hours of having to "breathe on purpose" and then you're fine. If it wakes you up when you start to choke, it means you can't go to sleep until the curse ends, but that's about it. It would take multiple successful castings over the course of days to even Fatigue or Exhaust someone.

If the spell doesn't mean "if you fall asleep or pass out, you will die" then I'm not sure what it is supposed to do.

Its an interesting spell, but its worded in a way that doesn't make its intent or effects terribly clear.

You are purposefully misreading this spell and how suffocation rules work.

1. The spell says if you fall asleep this spell still works.

2. Suffication DOES NOT cause damage, an ability that reduces your hp doesn't automatically do damage. No where in the suffication rules (accept slow suffication) does it say you take damage. Undines curse specifically states that you start to suffocate, not that you start to suffocate slowly.

3. But let's say your right. You're automatically at zero hp and you fall unconscious again because now you have zero hp. Undines curse doesn't stop working just because you take dmg. So now your unconscious again, and in 3 turns you die.

So either way, if you wake up or dont, you will die in 3 or 4 rounds from this combination.

It is an extremely powerful spell if used correctly. Because no matter what it drops thr creaTure to zero hp (if they were asleep).

So now let's say I'm still wrong and they are awake, ok, but your still at zero hp and can't take any strenuous actions or you will fall unconscious again, and again die in 3 rounds.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

JonHeimerTheOne wrote:
TheThousandfold wrote:
Since Monks are MAD already, I was curious if anyone has used any dips into other classes to shore up their utility outside of combat. Are there any archetypes that help with this?

Yes actually, multiclass between Rogue (knife master archtype) and Monk (Master of the open hand archtype)

Very simply put once you have +3 BAB you are a God.

What you do is this:

For your feats, take the Sap Adept feat tree. Enchant your dagger to do nonlethal damage.and then take Catch off guard feat.

So basically, your flurrying now with knives, and each attack adds double your sneak attack level worth of dice, and they are d8s instead of d6s.

So at 4th level overall (3 monk 1 rogue) your attack does, 1d6 +2d8, +str, +2 (sap adept).

And then your d6s for your knives will eventually increase to other dice sizes. And you continue to add more sneak attack.

And then with the catch off guard feat, basically every single attack you make is a sneak.

Because all weapons are considered improvised for you, and that means catch off guard triggers.

I forgot to mention that the attack is per hit with the monk. So at 3rd level that's actually 3d6, 6d8, str, +6.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

TheThousandfold wrote:
Since Monks are MAD already, I was curious if anyone has used any dips into other classes to shore up their utility outside of combat. Are there any archetypes that help with this?

Yes actually, multiclass between Rogue (knife master archtype) and Monk (Master of the open hand archtype)

Very simply put once you have +3 BAB you are a God.

What you do is this:

For your feats, take the Sap Adept feat tree. Enchant your dagger to do nonlethal damage.and then take Catch off guard feat.

So basically, your flurrying now with knives, and each attack adds double your sneak attack level worth of dice, and they are d8s instead of d6s.

So at 4th level overall (3 monk 1 rogue) your attack does, 1d6 +2d8, +str, +2 (sap adept).

And then your d6s for your knives will eventually increase to other dice sizes. And you continue to add more sneak attack.

And then with the catch off guard feat, basically every single attack you make is a sneak.

Because all weapons are considered improvised for you, and that means catch off guard triggers.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif) 1/5

Yes I checked with several venture captains and even a fewer higher up people. If the item is fully stated out in the chronical sheet, or it is a custom item in the chronical sheet, like a named item. Then you don't need the source. Otherwise everyone would have to own damn near every book.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif) 1/5

I recently had a GM tell me i could not purchase a medlance because I don't own the technology guide. But it was on a chronical sheet of mine.

So if that is true than everyone who plays a PAthfinder AP who gets the chronical sheet has to own that book. And also any custom magic items on a chronical sheet from a reg. Scenario will require anyone who wishes to purchase said item to first buy the scenario? Is that right?

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

I was prompted to start this thread because I couldn't find the answer anywhere else.

Normally casting spells with the "evil" effect is considered evil and will eventually require atonement. But what if they are used for good.

Specifically in my case. I am playing a LG Dhampir Inquisitor (Kinslayer), and I need negative energy to heal me. Positive energy would actually hurt me.

So my question than because is it ok to cast to Inflict Lights Wounds etc. on myself without it being evil? What is the RAW? Obviously in homebrew its whatever but I am still curious about the official rules.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think something actually taking place in The Dragon Empires would be amazing. It would be very different. I felt that the last AP to "take place" there was poorly done. I wasn't impressed at all.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

Do my Paladin and Samurai levels stack for the mount class feature? I assume they do.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif) 1/5

I am going to be running a pathfinder society session over roll20 and I am just wondering about filling out the chronical sheets.

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