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![]() My character became a giant a few sessions ago, now out of the blue he's turned her into a vampire. So now if I die, I can't be resurrected, but I'm now really powerful for a 9th level character, and I'm really disturbed by it, because it means he's got something bad in mind for the party. The more I think of it, the more I believe he plans on turning me against them and making me the final boss. I don't want to be the big bad, though, what should I do? I asked him and all he'll say is wait and see, I'd be less worried if he was turning the rest of the party into more powerful beings, but it's just me, forcing me to be in charge, it's making me a bit uncomfortable. What do you think? Should I keep trying to talk to him or should I just make her go away and roll a new character before he makes me kill the party? ![]()
![]() So a while back I made this thread. http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2p67d?I-Wish-I-Was-Big#44 In it, I was trying to figure out how to become larger, but the DM was one step ahead of me and had a plan. Here's what's happened. The party made it to the king and informed him of the dangers facing the kingdom, we were sent to obtain further information to help quell the threats. The king gave us new items, including a sword and shield we found in our first dungeon, the markings on the sword (a storm cloud) spoke to my character deep in her subconscious, he claimed them from a previous foe who stole them from us and banished us from our home village. We went into the underdark where my half elf encountered a handsome and mysterious vampire, he showed great interest in her and proposed marriage. As he flew her back to the rest of her party, a bolt of lightning struck, she awoke in a tower, an evil wizard stole her body, the party rescued her but another party member died in the battle, which sucked since I was the one who had to do it since I had to play the wizard. We returned to the kingdom with several maps confirming our worst fears, the king held a celebration in our honor, where we each (including our fallen party member's replacement character) received an extravagant gift (Basically our DM giving us Christmas presents), mine was any spell I wanted within two levels of my CL (I chose Righteous Might.) We were directed toward an ice cave on high cliff, we encountered a dais under an archway, and resting on it was an exact duplicate of the aforementioned shield. We melted the ice and figured out that this was a gate between worlds, there was a slot for a sword to activate the gate, my character took the sword and placed it inside, but the slot was too big. So I enlarged person, tried again and the gate glowed with great power, I began to glow and power surged inside me. And that's when my Aberrant Sorceror bloodline disappeared. I stepped back, and didn't get any smaller. Now my bloodline is the Giant bloodline. The earth trembled and giant worms were on their way after us, so we read the runes on the gate and went to the first place we found. Olympus. We step through the gate, Olympus is beautiful and suddenly an older bearded gentleman appears behind us, he asks if she recognizes him. It's her father, the father she never met until now, the rightful owner of the sword and shield. Zeus. Zeus and the Olympians once ruled over our world, he ruled over the elves (explaining her desire to rule them, it was her subconscious hinting at what she really was.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- So that's the backstory ( our DM is very good), now I am a Large half elf Sorceress with the Giant bloodline. So the problem we have now is of nailing down the specifics of what this means, the physical, statistical implications of it. So aside from the obvious numbers, what else do we need to make this work, for example...... The giant bloodline says you become particularly large and muscular at third level and can qualify as one size category larger if it's advantageous to you. So we doubled the height from 6'4 to 12'8" but with that in mind do we need to make her bigger? Does she need to be closer to the 16 feet dividing line between the sizes for that to work, is that what that would do, make you big enough to be right on the line? Also, we don't know if there would be any nat. Armor bonus, or what other stats the size would affect, such as saves or BAB. Plus, at the time of the growth, she was carrying a Handy Haversack, and all the gear she was carrying grew with her, how would that be affected? I would appreciate the help, and also any comments on our current storyline. Oh, and I'm really interested in the bloodline's ability where after I cast a spell, I get a bonus to strength equal to my Charisma modifier plus half the spell's level unti. The end of the next turn. So after the shift, my strength is 17, I cast Righteous Might on myself,, making it 21 then I get another +7 because of the spell level and my high Charisma. 28 Strength, not bad for a Sorcerer. ![]()
![]() Alright, there's been discussion among my peers as to whether I've chosen wisely in terms of spell selection. My party is satisfied, but others where we play have expressed genuine disbelief as to my choices, wondering what I was thinking not taking this spell or that, now they've got me paranoid. Here's the background, my character is party face, bit of a skill monkey (I took a level of bard early to gain healing and more skills) and rarely shies away from battle. Here's what I've got and what I'm taking next. 0
I'm taking the Expanded Arcana feat so I get two 2s and a 3. I'm taking Blindness/Deafness, Command Undead and Vampiric Touch. What do you think? Good, bad, insane? ![]()
![]() I have been trying to find an ideal image for a character in my campaign and was hoping someone would appreciate the challenge. Female Half Elf Sorcerer. 6'4" , 170lbs. , Long Red hair, Violet eyes, she has a charisma of 20. The pictures I find just don't convey the sheer magnitude of her looks, she's built up her Intimidate skill big time, because the player actually figured out the other way to use Intimidate. Using her raw beauty to turn male characters into quivering lumps who will obey her and using her stature to intimidate females. Basically, the character intends to use her powers and physical attributes to find a way to rule the elves, to prove the elves' disdain for halfbreeds wrong. We have pics for the rests of the party, but this character is a challenge we've yet to figure out. Can anyone help? |