CG Male Undead
Sorcerer 5 (wildblooded : Umbral (Shadow))
Init +1 (Dex)
Speed 30 ft
Darkvision 90 ft
AC : 12
HP = 6 +5*4 (cha) + 4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 2, 2) = 9 = 35
Fort +6 = +1+4(Cha)+1 enhancement
Ref + 4= +1+1(Dex) +1 enhancement+1 trait
Will +6 = +4+1(Wis) +1 enhancement
CMD : 13
BAB : +2
Melee: +2 Longspear 1d8 +2 Cestus 1d4
Ranged: +3 Light Crossbow 1d6
CMB : +3
Str = 8 + 2 (racial)=10
Dex = 14 -2 (racial )=12
Con = NA
Int = 14
Wis = 10 + 2 (racial) = 12
Cha = 18 +1 (lvl 4) = 19
Feats : Eschew Materials (Bonus), Skill Focus (Perception) (lvl 1),Eldritch Heritage (Accursed – Horrific Visage) (lvl 3), Craft Wondrous Item (lvl 5)
Traits : Finding your Kin (campaign - he had children before he was killed and animated; he wants to find them again), Deft Dodger (Combat)
Skills (2+2(int)+1(trait)/lvl) + 3 FCB (Ranks, skill roll. NOT INCLUDING ACP)
Spellcraft (5,+10), Stealth(5,+9), UMD (5,+12), Perception (5,+10), Intimidate (3,+10), Bluff (5,+12)
Background Skills (2/lvl) (Ranks, skill roll. NOT INCLUDING ACP)
Profession Merchant (1, +5) , K History, (5,+7), K Nobility (4, +8)
Languages : Common, Orc, Elven
Special Abilities : Undead immunities, Bloodline Arcana (Whenever you cast a spell in an area of dim light or darkness, your effective caster level is increased by 1.), Cloak of Shadows, Nighteye (+30 ft darkvision, bloodline (3)), Horrific Visage (Eldritch Heritage)
FCB (Human) (every level after 3, added to spells known)
L0 (*/day, 6) Detect Magic, Read Magic, Prestigidation, Daze, Message, Mage Hand
L1 (6+1/day, 4+2 FCB+Bloodline) Ray of Enfeeblement, Grease, Magic Missile, Summon Minor Monster, True Skill, Vanish, Ear Piercing Scream
L0 (4+1/day, 2+Bloodline) Darkvision, Glitterdust, Burst of Radiance
Equipment: (10500 gp)
Cloak of Resistance +1 1000gp
Hat of Disguise 1800 gp
Ring of Spell Knowledge 1 1500 gp
Lvl 0 scrolls (Scriveners Chant, Mending, Arcane Mark) 50 gp
Lvl 1 scrolls (Mage Armor, Identify, Crafter’s fortune, Detect Secret Doors, Endure Elements, Expeditious Construction, Expeditious Excavation, Unseen Servant) 200 gp
Handy Haversack 2000 gp
Wand of Cause Light Wounds (50) 750 gp
Eyes of the Eagle 2500 gp
9800gp + Mundane Equipment
Weapons: Longspear, Cestus, Dagger, Light Crossbow, 20 bolts
Armor: Haramaki
Equipment :
Bear trap (X4), 100 ft hemp rope, Explorer’s outfit, String 50 ft, belt pouch, chalk, flint and steel, pipe, tobacco pouch, steel flask of high quality brandy, Notebooks, pen & ink, 193 gp in assorted coinage