Ethereal Marauder

JonG's page

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Hi, I would like to start out with saying that I'm a big fan of the Maure Castle series. As a DM, I ran about six players through this adventure after exhausting my homebrew campaign around 12 or 13th level and loved the entire dungeon, although we ended after my players defeated Eli in the statuary and thus never had the chance to run them through the rest of the castle (although we may revisit it later).

Alright, enough about me. I guess my real question concerns whether or not RJK ("Uncle" as he goes by on here) is in the habit of accepting fan created levels for maure castle? (I know dungeon accepts fan-created adventures already.) There are a lot of levels remaining in Maure Castle that are as yet unpublished (the family crypts, the outer sanctum, the reliquery, the old dungeon, even the lost city of the elders, and perhaps a few others I've missed) so I'm sure he's got to be real busy (about one year transpires between each issue that contains a level). Although fans wouldn't know the hidden motives for some of the storyline information presented in the series by RJK, the theme of the series wouldn't be lost.

Anyway, I'm a huge fan of the adventures and hope to run my players through the levels they never reached in the future. Keep up the good work!