Member of the Ninth Battalion

Jon Cary's page

85 posts. Alias of Thorkull.

Grand Lodge 4/5

How about adding the option to either hire appropriate-level NPC "guards" from the NPC Codex and/or allowing the Leadership feat? This would allow short tables to bring along a hireling or a cohort to fill out a table that was short a player (or two).

Grand Lodge

Congrats to all the winners (and alternates)!

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello everyone.

I'd like to thank all of you who attended Gen Con and joined us for PFS in the Sagamore. The players are why we're all there, so your opinions and feedback are important to us. If you attended and played games, please take a few minutes to provide any feedback you have about how things were organized and how the HQ team can make the experience better.


Jon Cary

Gen Con PFS HQ Lead

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey, everyone.

We've had some changes over the past couple of months.

I'm sorry to announce that my first Venture-Lieutenant, Marcus Mayes, has had to step down due to health reasons. He's been a great help and a strong supporter of PFS since before there was a VO program. He also organized the first PFS games in DFW. We'll still see him at gamedays, however his support and organizational efforts will be missed.

At the same time, one of our long-term players and a dedicated GM has stepped up to help organize games in Arlington and elsewhere. Please join me in congratulating our newest Venture-Lieutenant for Dallas-Ft. Worth, Chuck Davis.

Thanks to both Marcus and Chuck for their ongoing contributions to the campaign.

Grand Lodge

When I open this in iBooks, the title across the top reads "The Cruasder Road". Simple typo, but at the top of every page...

Grand Lodge

Any idea when this will be available in the online store?


Grand Lodge 4/5

Please join me in welcoming Colton Freeh, the new Venture-Lieutenant for Lubbock, TX.

Colton recently moved to Lubbock to attend Texas Tech, and has already started the ball rolling to get Pathfinder Society sanctioned as an official campus organization, as well as reaching out to local store owners to get PFS started at retail venues in the area.

Edit: Typos

Grand Lodge

Loads for a second then gives a blank page. In Chrome, it actually gives an "Aw, Snap!" error.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Please join me in welcoming Jacob Dotter as the new Venture-Lieutenant for North Dallas. Jacob has been a strong contributor to growth in the DFW Metroplex since he started in the campaign. He ran, and grew, the gameday at Area 51 in Grapevine before starting our gamedays at Madness Comics in Plano a couple of months ago. The games at Madness have been a smashing success, and are already up to 5 or 6 tables being run every other week.

In addition, Jacob has been an active and helpful presence on our mailing list, responding to inquiries and providing support to players new and old.

Thanks, Jacob!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Hey, everyone.

This will be our 2nd year at A-Kon. Last year we sat about 24 tables of PFS, and this year we're aiming to double that!

I know I'll be offering the following events:

4-EX Day of the Demon
Pathfinder Special: Race for the Runecarved Key
Season 4 scenarios released in June
At least one Sanctioned Module

Pre-registration for A-Kon is already up on their website. Badge prices are currently $45, but will increase as the date draws closer, so get your tickets now to lock in a lower price.

If you're interested in GMing at A-Kon (and earning a free badge), please contact me via PM here on the boards or via email at

Grand Lodge 4/5

I'll be out in Abilene tomorrow running 3-EX The Cyphermage Dilemma at The Gathering Place at 1PM. You can sign up through the Abilene Pathfinders Meetup Group.

Grand Lodge 4/5


I would like to introduce the newest Venture-Lieutenant from the Great State of Texas: Stephen Ross. Stephen has been active in organizing and supporting Pathfinder Society in the DFW area even before I stepped into the Venture-Captain role. Recently, he's had to move across town and give up the gameday he'd been running for over a year. Not content with that, he started a new gameday in Ft. Worth. I'm sure he'll continue to build our community in the western half of the DFW Metroplex.

Wecome aboard, Stephen!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Haven't found a thread on this one, and since I'm running it this weekend, I was hoping to get some tips from GMs that ran it at Gen Con or since. Anyone with experience running it have any advice, suggestions, or potential trouble spots?

Grand Lodge 4/5

I got the chance to meet Mike Alchus at Gen Con, and I'm sure he'll be a great asset to the players in D.C. I'm particularly happy to have Mike Kirk on board -- I've sat at several tables with him in other organized play campaigns and I'm certain he'll be a great asset to OKC and western Oklahoma players.

Congratulations to all our new VCs!

Grand Lodge 4/5

I'm going nuts at work, finding it hard to concentrate I'm so keyed up for the big event! Anyone else as distracted as I am?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Hey, everyone.

We'll be hosting Pathfinder Society Games at AnimeFest on Labor Day Weekend in Dallas.

Currently planned games (subject to change):

We Be Goblins!
First Steps series
#3-09: Quest for Perfection - Part I: The Edge of Heaven
#3-11: Quest for Perfection - Part II: On Hostile Waters
#3-13: Quest for Perfection - Part III: Defenders of Nesting Swallow
#3-23: The Goblinblood Dead
#4-01: Rise of the Goblin Guild
#4-02: In Wrath's Shadow
#4-03: The Golemworks Incident
#4-04: King of the Storval Stairs

If you have questions, please contact Marcus Mayes or myself.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Hey, everyone. Just wanted to let you know we'll have Pathfinder Society games at Texicon on Saturday next weekend. Registration is through their website.

Games scheduled include:

We Be Goblins!
Crypt of the Everflame
The Cyphermage Dilemma
The Goblinblood Dead
The Rats of Round Mountain - Part I - The Sundered Path
The Rats of Round Mountain - Part II - Pagoda of the Rat
The God's Market Gamble

Grand Lodge

Is there a way to "buy" store credit? I need to put some cash aside for Paizo purchases next month and this seems like the easiest method.

Am I stuck buying a gift card for myself? :)

Grand Lodge 4/5


Please join me in welcoming Kelly Youngblood as the new Venture-Lieutenant for the Houston area. Kelly has been very active in Pathfinder Society in Houston, including being the coordinator for Owlcon. He will be reporting to me until such time as we can find a Venture-Captain to cover the area. You can reach him at

Kelly, thanks for stepping up to make sure the players in Houston can get the support they deserve!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Hey, everyone.

Just to let you guys know we'll be having events at A-KON (June 1-3, 2012) and Texicon (July 20-22, 2012).

For A-KON, you don't need to by a convention pass to play the games, although if you want to participate in the rest of the convention you'll need a pass.

It's looking like events at Texicon will only be on Saturday for PFS at this point.

I'm still nailing down details on game schedules, but I wanted to get the word out now. I'll post more as details come out.

Grand Lodge

Saw these in the blisters at the Reaper store last week. They're sweet.

Grand Lodge

That terrain looks awesome, but it's pretty clearly not made with the World Works Games product. Anyone know what materials he used to build this?

edit: Not that the World Works Games product doesn't look awesome, too, just different.

Grand Lodge

Is there somewhere that has the PF Iconics updated to PRPG stats (from 3.5)? TIA!

Grand Lodge

Thorkull wrote:

Quick question:

If I subscribe today, will that include the core rulebook and rulebook PDF? What's the last day to subscribe and still get the rulebook?


Cancel that, I think I figured it out :)

Grand Lodge

Is the CotCT Player's Guide included in the Pathfinder subscription or does it have to be ordered separately?


Grand Lodge

I thought I saw a map of Golarion somewhere, but I can't remember where or find a reference to it... is there one, or am I losing my mind? If there is, where is it?


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