John Pauliuk's page

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I can't wait till this is complete.

I would totally play number 4 version because I usually play a monk. I do want to dabble into brawlers though.

That sounds awesome. Can't wait to see what you guys come up with :)

I want a God Hand like in God Hand or a God Hand class that is Domain based would also be cool. That way you get some sort of benifit from the domain the spirit bound to your arm comes from.

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I will instantly buy that product. I am excited to what the arch types will be. I do have some ideas but we will have to see.

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If you do make a book with arch types and such I will buy it for sure!

Yeah, the guy in my group is an ex monk who got this at Lvl 7. (Had to become ex monk since God hands can't be lawful) so the unarmed thing didn't change for him. He just wanted to have a demon we killed in his arm.

I think that God Hands should as a weapon type deal be able to upgrade their arm as in the description. It says holy and demonic bone dust are inportant to a God Hand yet it's actually not. Also I would totally be behind arch types and fully fleshing out this class.

At first the character type interested me. The player had dented the PDF to our DM and said this was a new class. I myself loved the game God Hand so I thought it would be something that. Of course these type of God Hands are in anime like Srcyed and Triarms but I thought that was just an arch type. I was trying to figure a way to make Gene from God Hand using this class even though I'm sure it involves multiclassing.

GM Rednal wrote:
It's a third-party product that's built in a very specific way - one archetype is actually more than a lot of them get. ^^ It's not the number that really matters, it's the overall quality of the product.

Ah, I assumed that since it was sold on the Paizo website that it was a new official class hence why I disappointed in no class bonuses and lack of unique arch types. I suppose my play style is always to an arch type.

GM Rednal wrote:

@John: Honestly, I think anybody who seriously considers using this class isn't thinking about mechanical perfection - they're thinking about having a magical arm that does cool stuff. XD

@Axial: No, it does not.

My biggest problem is no racial bonuses and such. Also lack of multiple arch types.

GM Rednal wrote:
Exactly as written, no. However, as a GM, I'd allow it for story purposes if it gave no mechanical benefit, only roleplaying options. For example, you could say that the 'One-Winged Angel' power was from a different sealed entity.

Okay, this seems like a class made for multi classing. It feels underwhelming.

I was asked if you could bind multiple or more power celestial beings to your arm. Our group just killed a demon of sorts that was trying to control our God Hand and he was wondering if he could bind his soul to his arm and if it would give any benifits.

Also can you pick any deity to fuse to your arm and do they give special bonuses from their domains?