
John Harrison 150's page

28 posts (136 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Down below the fighters follow orders & help the wounded to the parlor. Up above, Lem has second thoughts and closes the door, staying in the main hall by the stairs and going down the hall opening the first door on his right knowing he has a few precious moments left to discover anything. Sheldon pays watch in the hall.

Harsk & Seelah looking at each other make a quick decision: "everybody prepare to move quickly to the station house!" Together they reach the wounded worker and lift him/her gently between them, then Harsk says "go now" and they set forth at quick pace moving toward the station.

Lem in tune with Sheldon moves on the next room for a listen. Sheldon is still watching from the hall but hears a whisper as the door to the tool room shuts "this is fun . . ."

Listen check:1d20-1=4

This could be interesting!

Lem now attempts to open the door & peer inside.

Seelah & Harsk, looking around, now tend to the wounded. Harsk will use his skills to bandage wounds. If anyone is critical, Seelah will lay on hands. If it's one of the "dead" guards or workers, Seelah will stabilize him and Harsk will aid as well. Seelah has a wand of cure light wounds, which after laying hands on, if it will aid others, she will do out of the deep compassion within her.

Lem & Sheldon, however, are up to mischief more suited for their chaotic natures. With some whispering, Lem agrees to go first, quietly, listen at the first door, then see if it's unlocked. Sheldon will stay back a bit & keep look out both ways!

Seelah moves for the kill: 1d20+9=24, 1d8+4=9

Harsk does the same: 1d20+7=25, 1d12+3=6

Lem & Sheldon meet on the second floor. Lem tells Sheldon, Petrune was in our room. Sheldon says let's get invisible & follow. "You first he says, I'll follow you after I make you invisible." Sheldon casts invisibility on Lem.

Lem then enters into the restricted area of the second floor looking for Petrune. Sheldon will follow next round after turning himself to the unseen.

occ/ ok, but I'm not sure Seelah would approve/travel w/ CN. Perhaps CG?

Harsk & Seelah do not take advantage of the elves gloom rather they withhold fire for now. Harsk is maintaining watch out over the barn & Seelah redirects her attention to the other side. Both expect further trouble.

Lem takes a breath & stops playing though has a smile on his lips -- this is the way to fight!

Sheldon wary of what's next decides to follow his comrades' lead and hold back fire. Besides he may need it. He's thinking he does like this solid tower thing, but wonders what's going to happen next.

At first chance, Sheldon releases his owl to prowl! He lets the group know he will do this. The others glance at each other & there are some murmurs of out of the frying pan . . .

Harsk says "expect an attack soon, perhaps tonight. Rest as soon as you can. I will go out along the walls & see what I can observe. I will be very interested in your owl report Sheldon."

When they get to a quiet place they talk amongst themselves. They plan to stick together in what's coming. They will look for an escape route should the fort be overrun, most likely back on the boat. The jungle is likely too dangerous, but Harsk will give it more consideration. When the time is right Sheldon will send his dear one, his owl out to look around dusk.

The party looks among themselves & come to agreement. Seelah announces that they will honor the contract though we do expect increased payment commensurate with the added risk. Seelah says: "We will rest now and prepare for battle. If our experience with the elves holds value, we expect they will come, and do so soon, and with a plan. Be very careful & make sure your mercs are prepared. I advised you double the watch and consider sending out patrols around the perimeter with means of signaling if there is trouble."

With that, the party then adjourns to rest.

OK, I'm going to bed. Waited for your post!

If one wants the player to play, the leader must post! Dude, you can't have it both ways -- I know life is good, but you gotta do your DM Duty!

Sheldon (not John) he he

Laying on of hands is a standard action so Seelah would begin firing as soon as she saw any movement toward Harsk!

1d20+10=26, 1d8+5=10

OK, back at ya!!!


Her strength is 16 so I don't know how this works. I didn't add strength modifiers.

It was acting pretty evil making zombies, don't you think?

Anyway, here's two shot rolls for Harsk:

1d20+9=19, 1d10+2=5

1d20+9=11, 1d10+2=4

Sheldon beginning to be really annoyed that he signed up for this journey lets loose what in his mind will hopefully be a finale to this "mis" adventure!!!

1d4+1=2, 1d4+1=2, 1d4+1=5

Seelah slashes away at what may not be an evil beast, certainly a creature that creates evil effects in this world. She is determined to right the wrong to Faruq and prevent more harm. With a grunt she attacks:

1d20+10=14, 1d8+5=6

Let this be done!

Where's yr post, eh!? smiles!


Sheldon casts mage armor before going up the hill while the others were talking!

Seelah and Harsk quickly move into action:

Seelah's shot:

1d20+5=7, 1d8+3=6

Harsk's shot:

1d20+8=10, 1d10+1=11

Sheldon seeing the danger goes within and casts Summon Monster II, calling forth a celestial eagle to engage in the battle. (He has four level 2 spells left).

Lem begins playing inspire courage giving +1 to attack and damage, as he sings a song about how this party has hung together through thick & thin!

Initiative roles:

Seelah, Harsk, Sheldon, Lem (1d20=1, 1d20+3=23, 1d20+2=12, 1d20+3=15)

Seelah: 1
Harsk: 23
Sheldon: 12
Lem: 15

Lem says in a reverent and hushed tone "we are travelers in need of assistance, we have lost our way, and need your help to get home." Lem then sings a few lines:

We cannot go with no arcophage, we cannot go. We need arcophage, we need it so! For this precious gift, we are willing to give. Willing to give these holy offerings, holy gifts to the sacred ones, holy gifts on this sacred place."

As he is doing this, he takes out the necklasses and presents them so that the shaman can see them clearly, letting them catch the sparkle of light.

He then continues, "with the arcophage, we will be on our way, on our way to our home giving thanks for your aid and comfort, given honor to the god of the Lizardmen, giving honor to the race of Lizardmen."

He then bows again.

1d20; 1d20+2; 1d20+3 → [5] = (5)
1d20; 1d20+2; 1d20+3 → [11,2] = (13)
1d20; 1d20+2; 1d20+3 → [5,3] = (8)

These were the actual spot roles -- not sure why they didn't copy right. But fortunately, Sheldon is on top of it!

Harsk let's his trusty badger out of his backpack with instructions to climb above and distract the foe with an attack.

(don't know modifiers) (1d20=8)

Harsk follows about ten seconds later:

Climb & move quietly Check:

Climb and move quietly (1d20 3=21, 1d20 10=13)

He let's his bolt fly as soon as he's over the top:

using point blank and 1 bolt (1d20 10=27, 1d8 5=7)

Seelah takes the chance to duck back into cover quickly moving back into officer's quarters by the western door leaving it slightly ajar and herself kneeling with bow drawn looking for a foe.

Sheldon takes time to wait for Lem and is in communion with Puff should any movement of foes occur.

Lem does the Lem dances. His mirrors are gone by now. He approaches Sheldon and communicates the URGENCY of protecting the store room just up and on the right.

Sheldon is feeling uneasy in his stomach. OK, he thinks, we are upstream, there is no longer anyone to guard, and now we may not be able to get back downstream, and oh, by the way, there are cannibal elves who want to kill us. Then he remembers: "it's all good."

Sheldon is watching Faruq. What's he up to?

Please post hit/damage roles before we react! :) lol

Harsk of course first sees the boat, but initially does not see it as a matter of major concern. Though harkening to the call, he & motioning to Seelah, together they go to the lower deck, still looking inside the boat and looking around for a rope or other grappling item to throw.

Lem's +1 was not added to Harsk and Seelah's role!

1d20=12, 1d20 3=14, 1d20 2=17, 1d20 3=14


Fortitude Saves for Armor Dudes!

1d20 4=24

1d20 7=8

1d20 7=20

[ooc/ I'm going to be gone til late maybe midnight my time. I'll see if I have the juice to call then!]