
John Gillespie's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts (8 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.


Sovereign Court

DarkWhite wrote:

So I was wondering, a) what changes would be required to make the 12 iconics from the adventure paths PFS legal?

You need to re-work the Ability scores. They are under the 20 points of a normal character for PFS. Also, re-equip them as they are equipped using more than the 150gp are allowed PFS start-up characters. Make sure that they only have the allowed number of feats for a first level character and no bonus feats (IE: Varisian bonus feats or traits as per the 2nd and 3rd adventure paths.)

I would reccomend having a seperate hand-out for each faction that has a write up about the faction and the bonus feats that each offers at first level. Having something like this would have made the game we ran last week-end easier for the walk-ins that we had.

Hope this helps,
Graven Threnderbar Rogue 1

Sovereign Court

Shem wrote:
How about you have a computer there with an internet connection and just have them sign up?

That's assuming that you have access to a computer and an internet connection, which isn't always possible.

There should be a way to get folks numbers without having a computer at the gameday/con. Even if it is a temp number that the Organizer can email to the person after the fact and then when they are able to Register at paizo, they can enter this temp number to get benefit of the modules they played previously.


Sovereign Court

First off, thanks for an incredible set of products. It's nice to see someone filling the gap of quality modules for D&D rather than just producing more mediocre feat books. What we (my wife and I) have seen of your world is incredible.

On to my question.
With regards to the Acadamae Graduate Feat, if you have taken the Endurance Feat does the +4 bonus apply to the Fortitude save.


Sovereign Court

This is the 3rd level of the dungeon in D-0 and D-1 right?

I believe that Module E1: Carnival of Tears is the next in the storyline.


Sovereign Court

The Last Rogue wrote:
John Gillespie wrote:

Where on the world map do the D0/D1 modules get placed. My DM and I have scoured the maps and can't find the location. We are hoping that they are close enough to Sandpoint to use the same characters.

THey are actually opposite sides of the world, I believe. The map you are likely referring to is of Varisia, which is a continent of Golarion, the world. That being said, I am sure you and your DM can fudge as needed to get everything copasetic.


I noticed after I posted that Mr. Jacobs posted the same answer earlier. We'll just run different characters, which was my preference anyway.

Good Gaming,

Sovereign Court

Where on the world map do the D0/D1 modules get placed. My DM and I have scoured the maps and can't find the location. We are hoping that they are close enough to Sandpoint to use the same characters.
