
Joe the Diviner's page

10 posts. Alias of Auxmaulous.


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I should have seen this coming.

jreyst wrote:

I'd like to see 6 AP issues dedicated to fully detailing a megadungeon. Something like...

Player's Guide with various dungeon-crawling feats or traits.

Issue 1: Surrounding community and levels 1-2 of dungeon.
Issue 2: Levels 3-4
Issue 3: Levels 5-6
Issue 4: Levels 7-8
Issue 5: Level 9
Issue 6: Level 10

Leave it intentionally open-ended and sandbox-ish.

This is good, but the vision is slightly off

So here is the real deal at what is going to be annouced at Gen Con

I see a new super AP coming out...in the future.

It gets foggy here...an AP called Dungeonmaker.
The focus of the AP is to conquer various dungeons and then at the end (the Mega-Dungeon) each player takes on various important roles in said Dungeon. Very sand-boxy and cool.

So you can set out as heroes but you end up as important parts of the Dungeon.

Possible endgame roles for the AP are:

Stoic Dwarf Something = Reinforced (but Ruined) Door -roll to open
Wizard = The Ruined Table (etched with Runes)
Cleric = Ruined Water Closet
Rogue = The Falling (Ruined) Curtain
Fighter = 10 ft Pit (not covered)
Druid = Ruined patch of Dungeon Mold
Monk = The Forgotten and Ruined Altar
Ranger = Surface Ruins and rubble

Yes, this is what I see....outlook good for Gen Con

I could be wrong though.

Personally I would prefer a module based off of Glengarry Glen Ross ("Oh Yeah. I used to be an Adventurer....It's a tough racket"), but I think I may have to write that one myself.

James Jacobs wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
so is that a yes on pirates?. i ask cause i care:)
It's not a yes to anything. Just an interesting observation at this time is all...

So which one will have a fight against Slavers - Pirates or Linnorm Kings? Maybe the Megadungeon? Or, or...or not?

Tsathogga and Orcus in one thread...maybe they were off a few days about the beginning of the end?

Devil's Advocate wrote:
Joe the Diviner wrote:
With optimized or non-optimized posts?
Optimized posts? You can't optimize posts in Caster Edition! The Paizo boards nerfed quote truncation. In 3.5, you could truncate your entire quote and pump it into Shock Trooper. Now, you can't. And because that one option is gone, everyone who relied on full BAB now sucks. Which also makes rogues suck, somehow. Just take my word for it.

I should have seen this coming.....

Dire Mongoose wrote:
Anyway, I never said a wizard could beat your messageboard! I said a balanced team of arcane and divine full casters could beat your group of messageboards! :P

With optimized or non-optimized posts?

One of the other issues I am seeing here is the heavy use of posts from non-optimized posters. I know it's a mechanical problem that no one wants to talk about - we all know it's there though.

Yeah I know, you may enjoy reading all the various posts or even just posting simple responses yourself, but the reality doesn't change the fact that you're still doing it wrong.

So non-optimized posters try to get their message out and it takes what - several posts to pull it off? They create aliases which are in effect just a post-tax, while optimized posters can get their point out in one post, maybe two if the board makes it save.
If you're optimized with the right stat and buffs you probably would only need one post 85% of the time.

Conspiracy Buff wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
If you didn't click on any of the links in my post, you might have missed the sarcasim. (For example: the link about the Moon Landings was about the conspiracy to Fake the Moon Landing.)

In truth, the moon landings WERE faked, but not for the reason you think. They had to be faked because the moon actually isn't even real. It's a holographic representation of the real moon, which was destroyed by time-travelling ninja robots thousands of years ago. The ensuing global upheaval is what destroyed Atlantis.

So no, the TTNR's have a hidden space station satlellite in place of the former moon. They use gravity projectors to simulate the moon's effects on the tides/etc, and occasional send down chunks from the debris field as "meteorites", but which actually contain nanobots programmed to infiltrate our communications system and provide the TTNR's with all of our eletronic communications, and Hulu'd episodes of Golden Girls.

You had me until you mentioned the Golden Girls.

I could believe that they'd want to watch episodes of "Matlock" or maybe even "Murder She Wrote", but the TTNR's wanting to watch the "Golden Girls"? HAHAHA

I should have seen this coming

Aberzombie wrote:
Like the latent heartbeatchallengedism.

The latent nature of heartbeatchallengedism and rottingcorpsefaceism are not properly addressed in FR.

That is just unfair and un-Toril like!

I should have seen this coming.

Mynameisjake wrote:
Diviners rule.

I knew you were going to say that.