About ConcussionConcussion
Enhance Healing (Su) - A number of times per day equal to his Charisma modifier, a songhealer can cause any healing effect from a spell completion or spell trigger item to function at a caster level equal to his class level. This ability replaces versatile performance. Well-Versed (Ex) - At 2nd level, the bard becomes resistant to the bardic performance of others, and to sonic effects in general. The bard gains a +4 bonus on saving throws made against bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects. Background:
Constance Walsh, or Connie, was born and raised in New York City, one of a multitude of humans now living in a world where aliens and mutants, heroes and villains, are now just a part of everyday life. The majority of her life was unremarkable - she had family and friends, went to school, worked the typical fast food & retail grind once she grew old enough to have a job. The thing that stood out about her though was her love of music, something she'd exhibited from a very early age. It didn't really matter what kind as she could always find at least one song from any genre that she liked. Noting this, her parents were more than happy to sign her up for guitar lessons when she was 8. As she grew older and entered her teen years, her musical interests gravitated towards the various genres of metal and she formed the band Nuclear Tranquility with some friends, coming up with the stage name of 'Concussion' for herself. Initially the band was more of a side project for them but as they exited high school and found themselves needing to find their way in the real world, they began to take their performances much more seriously. Though most of them are going to college and/or working other jobs to help pay the bills they play whenever they can in local bars and nightclubs, hopeful to one day be discovered and make it big. And in a way, Concussion was - though not in the way she expected. During one of Nuclear Tranquility's performances she was approached by a hooded and heavily make-upped woman who gave the name 'Porfa'. She excitedly explained that she'd been following the band for some time and had been present for several of their local performances but had only just worked up the nerve to approach any of them. Happy to meet what seemed to be a genuine fan, Concussion invited her to come hang out with the band back at their 'studio', which was really just a small storage building owned by the family of one of the other band members. Much jamming and partying ensued until Concussion and Porfa were the only ones left at the studio. It was then that Porfa revealed that she was not human but alien, having come to visit Earth largely on a lark. During her time there she'd become fascinated with Earthen music and after randomly catching one of Nuclear Tranquility's performances, with Concussion herself. Porfa eagerly explained that although Concussion was good, the use of her own people's musical techniques could make her even better. She drew out a small cube and explained that simply by touching it, all the information would be easily downloaded into her memory as if into a computer. Though Concussion was pretty certain that the woman had had way too much to drink, she was in a pretty devil-may-care mood herself and sure, "Sure, why not?" The next thing she knew, she was waking up on the small couch the band had set in the studio and daylight was streaming in through the one small window. Thinking that Porfa had likely just shown herself out at some point, Concussion didn't think anything about the 'offer' - reasoning she must've dreamed the whole thing. Except, she didn't. After this she began noticing that although her actual skill was still the same, she could produce strange effects with her music - orbs of light, sparks of fire. More distressingly was that she seemed to break any and everything she touched. Now realizing that Porfa really must have been telling the truth, Concussion has been trying (without any luck) to track down the strange alien woman and have her fix whatever her strange cube did to her.