Female Fighter

Joanna Decker's page

10 posts. Alias of Ulmaxes.


Female Human Cleric 1

Joanna shifts her stance sharply as the panels begin approaching.
"If they're non-hostile, they won't bother us. If not..." Joanna doesn't give herself time to finish the thought.

"I am not sure myself. Not really my specialty. Those, however, (pointing at the floating runes) I'm even more unsure about. We need to move back. If they start following us, book it back into the hall."

Joanna begins shuffling back carefully, shield raised, trying to coax the party back through the door.

Female Human Cleric 1

(Accidentally posted as myself instead of Joanna, re-posting)
Before the group moves into the stairwell area, Joanna motions with her holy symbol; healing light bathes the room and her allies.
Channel Energy: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Female Human Cleric 1

"That would be wise, I suspect. *motions to dead cleric's body* This one's Time has passed. We should see to those whose Time may yet be delayed.
I suggest we move, now."

Party motion to move on into the next room and investigate. Proposed order is Madok, Joanna, Tina, Elee/Roa, Relnan.

Female Human Cleric 1

Joanna blinks for a moment, her forced moment of piety shattered by the barbarian's concise update.
"The priestess sent THIS ONE down here first? By the Lady, this is worse than I thought..."
She clears her throat. "Um, yes, hello. I am Joanna Decker, cleric in The Lady's service. I...(pauses)...er, WE have come to aid in the Priestess' quest. Has your other companion already fallen as well?"

Female Human Cleric 1

Joanna peels around the door beside Tina, heavy mace and steel shield raised defensively.
She also takes a moment to survey the carnage, then quickly makes her way to the bleeding man on the floor. She quickly casts Stabilize on the poor man, brushing her dishwater blonde hair out of the way as she then checks for a heartbeat or pulse.
Finding neither, she closes the man's eyes and puts his hands over his chest. Joanna then whispers a quiet prayer to Pharasma:
"Another passes to your realm, oh Lady of Graves. May his spirit be guided to a land befitting his mortal soul. May his judgement be quick and peace be everlasting. So Be It."

Female Human Cleric 1

Along the way there...
Blinking her thoughts of home away for the moment, Joanna makes another long, calculated review of her new compatriot. It was rare to find another girl like Joanna: muscular and built, but still very attractive. Ones who weren't three feet tall and covered in hair, anyway.
"So, we didn't get much chance to talk in the foyer earlier. Come to these sorts'a places often?"

Female Human Cleric 1

Joanna briskly walks down the dark, cobweb-infested corridor murmuring to herself.
Go see the big city, they said. Up on a mountain, they said. Great view, they said...dern backwater hillbillies, I'm two dead rats away from marching right back to Ustalav to give them a piece of my mind...
Joanna tries to figure out how she got to this exact spot. Although it was just minutes ago that a very tired-looking Sister Nerissia had pulled her from a stake-out to help with this investigation, it felt like hours had slid away into the crumbling stone walls.
She was especially concerned by the number of open doors she was finding. If they only had five charges to begin with on that Chime, how many had they used? Could she tell? She'd kill them on the spot if they'd already burnt all five and there was no way out and she'd be stuck in this dark hole for the rest of...
Her train of thought immediately halts as she hears the sound of combat coming from around a corner (as well as another source of light). She snuffs out her Torch, draws her heavy mace, and (carefully) works her way toward the source of the light and noise...

Would she have been briefed the same way as Sara was, as she is a proper follower of Pharasma?

Female Human Cleric 1

So if I follow correctly, it's now Roa's turn?

GM, let me know if you want me to roll initiative now and jump into the fray or wait to be intro'd after the fight.

Female Human Cleric 1

Hi everyone! New Cleric in the house. My first PbP in a while (used to do them a lot more long ago in a forum far far away) so go easy on my formatting. :P

Hope to have a blast!

Ulmaxes' second submission: Cleric (instead of Warpriest).