Jim Sharples |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I like Paizo as a company, but I have to say that the Customer Service has been been dropping the ball recently with my August order still unshipped and despite Customer Service stating it would be fixed with the October shipments, it still wasn't. With multiple communications and many delays and promises of combined shipping.
I realise that everyone is under a lot of pressure with COVID and all the other issues that are occurring in America, but quite frankly, as someone who works in healthcare throughout this entire thing with literally only 2 days off since March, I have lost all interest in being sympathetic. Sorry, but enough is enough.
That, and every item is shipped individually, which makes even each adventure path volume literally cost me twice the price to purchase and ship to Australia, it is just not viable, despite wanting to support Paizo.
The following items are still outstanding:
1. From Order 34032406 - Advanced Players Guide, Agents of Edgewatch 1 and 2, and Devastation Ark 1
2. Pre-orders for Pathfinder Beginner Box, Advanced Players Guide Spell Cards, and Bestiary 2 Battle Cards.
Please cancel all subscriptions and refund all outstanding items and pre-orders as soon as possible.
I will hopefully be able to source these items from local suppliers at a later date.
Good luck and good health to everyone.