Jim Sharples's page

40 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


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I like Paizo as a company, but I have to say that the Customer Service has been been dropping the ball recently with my August order still unshipped and despite Customer Service stating it would be fixed with the October shipments, it still wasn't. With multiple communications and many delays and promises of combined shipping.

I realise that everyone is under a lot of pressure with COVID and all the other issues that are occurring in America, but quite frankly, as someone who works in healthcare throughout this entire thing with literally only 2 days off since March, I have lost all interest in being sympathetic. Sorry, but enough is enough.

That, and every item is shipped individually, which makes even each adventure path volume literally cost me twice the price to purchase and ship to Australia, it is just not viable, despite wanting to support Paizo.

The following items are still outstanding:
1. From Order 34032406 - Advanced Players Guide, Agents of Edgewatch 1 and 2, and Devastation Ark 1
2. Pre-orders for Pathfinder Beginner Box, Advanced Players Guide Spell Cards, and Bestiary 2 Battle Cards.

Please cancel all subscriptions and refund all outstanding items and pre-orders as soon as possible.

I will hopefully be able to source these items from local suppliers at a later date.

Good luck and good health to everyone.


Well, the October order is marked as shipped and complete and still no word on the August order. It didn't seem to be combined with the generated October order as you suggested would get sorted...


Can someone from CS please respond to my August order, which is still pending....

Joan H. wrote:
The auth finished yesterday at around 8PM PST!

I am still trying to get my August ones shipped.....

September has shipped and I see the October one (this one) is queued.

Email and topic creation have gotten me nowhere so far, so hoping CS will notice this message.



Thank you for shipping my subscription order for September for which I just received an email.

However, the previous order (the first of the subscription orders) - number in this title still has not shipped.

Can you please clarify?


Please cancel all of my subscriptions.


Received today.

However the Flip-Mat included is not the Starfinder Ghost Ship flip-mat (which is also on the order sheet included) but rather the Pathfinder Wizards Dungeon?


13 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you for the responses, some polite and some a little condescending.

I was illustrating that my kids and I are perfectly capable of so-called heavy crunch games. We are gearing up for starfinder and have had no real issues, the class,abilities (aka feats in PF2 parlance) are much clearer. We have also played Rolemaster Standard Edition and understood and enjoyed it.

To be clear the point I was trying to make was that the language is trying to be to clever with the result being obfuscation with keywords rather than clear descriptions inline. It has been reported that this edition has been in the works for two years, so saying it is just a playtest is not really good enough. The book should be clear and help a new player work through the concepts and language.

The litmus test for any role playing game (in my family, YMMV) is if the kids can come up with a concept and can make that concept and be excited about it then it passes.

Maybe PF2 will be a great game, we are not stating that it isn’t but it needs a “good sell” to a prospective player.

If my ten year old can sit with me and read the starfinder manual, consider the options, and make a technomancer, understand what the character can do and it’s abilities and spells but struggle with the approach in the playtest then that is our feedback.

Thanks for listening. Have fun everyone.

16 people marked this as a favorite.

Basically I brought my kids into role playing after a long hiatus from it myself (old AD&D player) with the pathfinder beginner box.

We played through the entirety of Rise of the Runelords, started Kingmaker, and the finished with Wrath of the Righteous where my son “broke” the system and we stopped PF1.

My kids have learnt and played D&D 5e, Iron Kingdoms RPG, fantasy flights Star Wars RPG, Cypher system, and even a couple of OSR games.

We are currently on book 5 of Curse of the Crimson Throne, which I convert on the fly to D&D5e.

My kids were excited to play in the Playtest and see if we could come back to their first game, pathfinder.

My daughter and I sat down last night with a printed character sheet and she decided to make a paladin.

It went well at first, taking her through the various ability bits, the choosing feats for ancestry (elf). Despite the annoyances of jumping back and forth for the feats and overview, then off to spells to learn lay on hands (rather than be written in the class), working out the weapon property options for righteous ally, we were going well until we got to one of the class feat choices, which stated something along the lines of “lay of hands loses the manipulate trait”.

She looked at me and asked “what the hell does that even mean?”. No idea, probably something related to attacks of opportunity was my guess. I wasn’t even sure where to go looking.

She lost interest immediately.

We spent nearly an hour trying to do this, jumping around to look things up, using the PDF (our books haven’t arrived).

We discussed the whole thing with my son, and he basically rolled his eyes. This is the one who breaks the game with clever, essentially min maxing, so he loves systems and he said “sounds like too much work for the fun after”.

We are bowing out. Good luck Paizo, we love your APs and will keep playing them for years to come, but PF is not for us.

I started my Starfinder Adventure Path with part 5, but the latest shipment of my multiple subscription and non-subscription items doesn't include part 6 of Dead Suns?

On my Manage My Subscriptions page, the next Starfinder AP item is the first of Against the Aeon Throne.

Sent an email a week ago. Can you update on the order status please?


Please cancel the remainder of my subscriptions and please ship my preorder as soon as it's available.


Please cancel the following subscriptions:
1. Adventure Card Game
2. Class Decks
3. Pathfinder Legends


I have an email for order 3652454 which doesn't appear on my account page but is finalised and will be shipped which is fine.


I am very sorry about all this, I know I have asked to stop subscriptions a couple of times in the last month.

Lets just say there are game wars going on in my group at the moment which is making it hard for me to figure out whether to keep investing in Pathfinder (I am the GM).

While I love Pathfinder and especially your APs I need to stop procrastinating and put everything on hold till it all settles down (its hard seeing the new stuff coming!!!).

Sorry again for the trouble,

Please cancel all my subscriptions and remaining ordered items (includes some pre-orders).


Relatively new to Pathfinder (10 years off RPGs and only discovered pathfinder last December).

Currently GMing book 5 for Rise of the Runelords, anticipate completing.

Anticipate either Kingmaker or Skulls & Shackles next, possibly switching back and forth between them.

Read through of Curse of the Crimson Throne and Council of Thieves, but have a couple of younger players who would find the concepts a little challenging, maybe in a few years.

Looks good (too good). Execute plan delta please.


I am officially addicted. I have reinstated four of my subscriptions (the fall 2015 did it for me).

Once the items are uncancelled please just ship with the subscription items.

Ah I see, sorry that I was unclear.

We'd best reinstate some of those items as I have already downloaded the PDF component of the print/PDFs bundles!

Basically everything in the currently cancelled order except the two subscription items.

And obviously still waiting on the pending items in 3537332.

In terms of shipping since the various mythic books are pre-order and won't be available till August can all the remaining items be shipped together please with a separate shipment down the line for August?

Can I just clarify, as this order is now marked as cancelled?

I (regretably and with withdrawal symptoms already occurring) cancelled all my subscriptions, but still wanted all the items in the sidecart which now appear in the aforementioned order, but its status is cancelled?

Just checking,

No it's fine. Leave the existing orders as they stand.

Thanks for the rapid response as always.

Have always appreciated the hard work you do.

Related to that. Is there any word on when the remaining items in order 3537332 (The Strange books and shadowrun book) will be available?

Much as it pains me, due to a change in finances and a change in focus from my gaming group I will unfortunately need to cancel all of my subscriptions.

Please complete my existing orders (pending and Sidecart) and hopefully things will change in the (near) future.


That's good news. Cheers

Just a quick query. I notice the order created for the subscription items, but it also includes Ultimate Psionics which I was told was not currently available

That being the case could the subscription items ship independently of the psionics hardcover please?


Can i please have an estimate on availability of this book?


Please put ultimate psionics in the Sidecart for now thanks.


Could I please get these three orders shipped together now via USPS Priority please?


Could you please give me an idea when this might ship. I thought it might be included in the comic subscription order(3495729)?


Thanks, once again, for the prompt response.


In a couple of my orders (pending/sidecart), there are items that are for upcoming birthdays for the kids. Could I get the following items collected into one shipment and sent USPS Priority please?

- In Order 3490469 the medallions
- In Order 3487776 the plushies and the Pathfinder Volume One (as a side note I assume the Unchained in that order was cancelled due to my subscription starting?)
- In Order 3490196 the Monster Codex
- And in the sidecart Iconic Heroes #1

Sorry to be a bother,

Cheers, was fairly certain I had pre-ordered a while ago.

Thanks again,

Hmmm. Could have sworn....

Did find a related problem though. Order 3469273 which I made on 18/02 had iconic heroes #1 in it. The emails I have about the order (which I can forward back to you) has the item paid for and in my sidecart but no longer appears on my accounts page?

Apologies for the possibly stupid question, but how do I see my Sidecart?

I thought I had an order for the Strategy Guide pending, but can't see it in My Orders page.

Am I missing something obvious?


Ok that would be fine, ship away.


Still waiting on word when the two print items (tsar saga and righteous heroes) will be available to ship. The order details only shows the digital components with no section for the shipping?


Ok, thanks for the quick reply. Yes the email is fine, will have to wait for that item. Please ship the rest.

Appreciate the quick response.


I sent an email requesting my order be sent, after clicking Ship as soon as possible. However many items were waiting in the sidecart, which now seems to have disappeared completely?!?

Please advise.
