Jim John's page

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So if talking about a ranged, magic, fire, dex combat check, are all the adjectives prior to combat modifying check or all the adjectives prior to check modifying check? If a check has the fire trait it doesn't make any sense to talk about a "fire check". In other words is there a difference in the type of check and the traits a check has?

Here are a few questions.

Say you are doing a combat check with a weapon. Your combat check has the traits from your weapon but what else? Or what potentially else?

Also what type of check is this considered? Is it only combat or does the die your rolling also add or replace to the type of check.

Is a strength based combat check also considered a strength check and can cards that modify strength be used to buff?

oloch can discard armor instead of burying it. How does this work when required to bury a card to close a location? If oloch chooses to bury an armor to close, can he use his power to discard it instead? If so will the location be closed or open?

What do you like to see at the table?

For myself a few things:

- If you don't want a boon, survey the table to see if someone else wants it.

- We have a player in our group who always flips the blessings upside down when advancing the counter. Which leaves a bunch of upside down blessings in the box if I don't go through and flip them around.

- No drinks on the table! This has been disastrous

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I played ezren in RotR and he had plenty of friends: toad, crow, cat...

This is mostly in context of the scenario bizarre love triangle from S&S though it many apply to other situations. When you defeat one of the villains the location closes. Is this permanently closed and do you still have to fulfill the when closing requirements?