
Jigen1023's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


I am playing a Fighter (Archer archetype) and will add a level of Wizard to eventually become an Arcane Archer when I get all of the prerequisites. I understand that I will only get Wizard spell progression per the chart on Arcane Archer page and no other Wizard abilities. I also understand that I will not progress in the abilities and powers per level that the Arcane School gets, but what about the extra spell slot from the Arcane School? Thanks for any input.

Thanks for the input and advise. I ran the group through a homebrew with World Of Warcraft RPG rules which was just a 3.5 based rule set. So I do know what I am facing. We did OK because we have all known each other for over 30 years. I just don't have the time or energy to make up my own adventures anymore. I really like the idea of balancing based on the party since more enemies do take a long time per turn, but I am sure a few more grunts are fine as well. We are currently in a Warhammer Fantasy RPG that another guy is running. I probably won't have a chance to balance for the party at first since I like to get things ready ahead of time and no characters have been made yet. It should be fun.

I will be new to running adventure paths for my group of friends (in the past I made up my own adventures for other games but I just don't have the time to do that anymore). Is there any advice to beefing up the adventure for a group of about 8 players? Is there anywhere in the core rule book about doing this? Thanks.