Jakaw Razorbeak

Jezzy the Tengu's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Egrek.

Organized Play Characters

Jakaw Razorbeak
Sovereign Court Jezzy the Tengu

Male Tengu Barbarian (Urban) 2, Unchained Rogue (Thug) 1 (0 posts)
Baron Hannis Drelev
Silver Crusade Lord Penville

Male Halfling Summoner (old) 5 (0 posts)
Ailson Kindler
Grand Lodge Granny Milleflore

Female Half Elf Paladin (Legate) 1, Investigator (Sleuth, Lamplighter) 1, Brawler (Wild Child) 1 (0 posts)
Scarab Sages Shayla Lighthaven

Female Aasimar Unchained Rogue 2 (0 posts)
Jigeke the Exile
Liberty's Edge El Dragone!

Male Human Monk (Maneuver Master, Qiingong) 3 (0 posts)
Dark Archive Hsssm of the Old Path

Male Nagaji Druid (Naga Aspirant) 1 (0 posts)
Silver Crusade Axel Ironarm

Male Dwarf Cleric (Separatist) 2 (0 posts)
The Concordance Screamrider

Female Kitsune (Human) Magus (Hexcrafter, Bladebound) (0 posts)

Grand Lodge To edit
(0 posts)
Wayfinders RON-G-GAM3

Android (Human) (0 posts)
Hellknight Armiger
Zalla Lightbringer

Female Half Orc (Human) Cleric 5 (Fighter archtype) (0 posts)
Verdant Wheel Akane Saotome

Female Half Elf (Human) Ranger 2 (Beastmaster) (0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Alice of the Planes

Human Summoner 2 (0 posts)

Radiant Oath ZaIIa Lightbringer

Female Half Orc Cleric (Saranae) Cavalier (0 posts)
Grand Archive RON-G-GAM-3

Male Android Alchemist (bombs), Summoner (clones), Inventor (gun?), Investigatior (?) (0 posts)