
Jezirae Aspexia Marcello's page

No posts. Alias of Veltharis.

Dark Archive

I've been looking to build myself a new PFS character for some time now and, because I'm a fan of Cheliax and devils, I've tentatively settled on the Egorian Academy Infernal Binder from Inner Sea Primer. However, upon looking into feat options, I've run into a couple of points where I'm not entirely clear on...

Notably, I'm eyeing the Academae Graduate feat from the Curse of the Crimson Throne Player's Guide (kindly ignore for the sake of this discussion the fact that it's tied to an entirely different wizard school :p) and the School Familiar feat line from the new Familiar Folio. The former requires "Specialist Wizard level 1st; cannot have conjuration as a forbidden (or rather 'prohibited,' post 3.5) school" and the latter the "Specialized arcane school class feature".

My question is this: Does an Egorian Academy Infernal Binder, which functions as a Conjuration Specialist Wizard in most ways, legally count as such for the purposes of qualifying for the above feats?

Dark Archive

Allow me to elaborate:

My primary PFS character is halfway through Eyes of the Ten at the moment and, with a handful of level 1s open for rebuild and one mid-level character I'm not sure I want to go back to, I've been thinking for some time now that I should get a few characters that I'm actually interested in playing prepared (if only so I can finally stop pulling out the pregen sheets).

I've been considering a wizard for one of these concepts and, because I love me my devils and my Cheliax, the Egorian Academy Devil Binder wizard archetype/school/whatever from Inner Sea Primer quickly caught my attention. And today, after stopping by a local bookstore only to find that they had a copy of the new Familiar Folio, the idea of School Familiars (in particular the Conjuration one) caught my immediate attention as well... Which brings me to the crux of my question.

As you can probably imagine, I'm looking to combine the two. Setting aside for the moment the fact that the material from the Familiar Folio has yet to be sanctioned for PFS, my question essentially boils down to whether or not members of the wizard archetypes/schools (i.e. Egorian Academy Devil Binder) from Inner Sea Primer count as a specialist wizard of their associated school (i.e. Conjuration, Illusion, etc.) for the purposes of feats and effects that require a specialist wizard of a specific school. My reading of the Inner Sea Primer leads me to believe that they would - the archetype/schools (i.e. EADB) seem to be more in line with APG-style "Subschools" than actual archetypes - but I wanted to float the question to the boards to get a broader view on the matter.

Thanks in advance.

Dark Archive

To explain:

My main PFS character is a devout follower of Asmodeus and I've long been considering taking the Deific Obedience feat to further reflect that devotion. The obedience in question requires two items of note: a bowl crafted from the skull of a sentient humanoid and, more to the point, a ruby bladed dagger (or alternatively, a regular dagger edged with ruby).

This latter item has been a bit of a stumbling block for me, as I would imagine such a thing would naturally cost a decent amount of gold simply in raw materials - enough that it seems improper to simply "hand-wave it" as one generally does with the "no value" material components for spellcasters.

How would one go about determining the appropriate cost of such an item? Furthermore, would such a thing be allowed to serve as an actual weapon (perhaps be enchanted), or would its use be purely ceremonial in nature?

Dark Archive

A bit of set up: I play a Chelaxian Oracle of Asmodeus as my "main" and, pretty much from the beginning, had my heart set on the Diabolist prestige class from Princes of Darkness. To that end, I gradually leveled the Oracle up to level six and, after double-checking that I'd done everything right, went ahead and took my first level in the prestige class - I have since reached level ten, with fully half of my character levels being in Diabolist.

This, of course, has now been thrown somewhat into flux with the most recent change to the PFS Additional Resources page regarding the Diabolist: specifically the fact that a character must be able to cast Lesser Planar Ally or Lesser Planar Binding using his/her own spell slots prior to taking levels in the class, which means the earliest my character can now retroactively have picked up one is level nine (as I cannot cast fourth level spells until I reach level eight as an Oracle).

Now, I have accepted this easily enough (though I have been mourning the fact that I'll no longer get Infernal Transport next time I level...) and the fact that I will now have to rebuild my character somewhat is a foregone conclusion.

My question is this: How much leeway do I have in such a rebuild? Do I need to limit myself purely to those three levels that MUST now change in order to be in compliance with the new rules, or am I allowed to tinker with some of my earlier choices as well (i.e. class feature choices, skill rank allocations, feat and spell selections, etc.)?

As a prime example, I chose the "Haunted" Oracle's Curse when I first built the character, but have since come to the conclusion that a different curse would have served my concept better - in part, due to the fact that I've expanded my library since she was first designed. Can I, through this rebuild, swap out my old curse for a new one?

Thanks in advance.

Lady Imperia Korva Alazario
Signifer of the Order of the Gate

Dark Archive

Hello all. I am a relative newcomer to Pathfinder Society, having joined a weekly game at my FLGS on Sundays earlier this year (February, I think). After three or four sessions of playing pregens, I finally got around to putting together a proper character (a Chelaxian oracle of Asmodeus) which has been my "main" ever since.

At the time, I opted to take the Haunted Oracle's Curse, but I rarely if ever make use of it and have been seriously wishing I had taken the Legalistic curse from Blood of Fiends instead. With the recent addition of Ultimate Campaign's retraining rules to Society Play, I was wondering if I could get some clarification regarding whether or not this would be allowed.

As I read the rules in Ultimate Campaign, the only class features that can be retrained legally (i.e. not homebrew) are those explicitly listed in the particular class's entry, which for the oracle is limited only to your revelations and your choice of automatically learning cure or inflict spells. However, given that sorcerers have the option to retrain their bloodline choice, it seems odd to me that oracle's cannot retrain their mystery and/or curse choices.

As such, could I get a clarification as to whether this change would be considered legal in Society play?

Thanks in advance,

Veltharis a.k.a Armiger Imperia Korva Alazario of the Order of the Gate.