
Jetty's page

Organized Play Member. 66 posts (1,809 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 aliases.

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I am not the GM, but I would say it adds or changes the descriptor (depending on the usage). It would seem weird to have a cold spell with fire descriptor.

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I loved all aspects of the setting.

@captain yesterday: If there is one setting, where race is not important, it is Eberron. There was general xenophobia, but it was based on country of origin and not on race.

@GreyWolfLord: You said it yourself, you never read the setting. I am suprised you have such a strong opinion, you should not have any at all... ;-) On the other hand if someone told me a setting is just magic punk, I would probably not be looking toward it either.

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Male Half-Orc Cleric of Loki 3 HP:0/27 AC:16/10/16 Will:+5 Ref:+1 Fort:+5 Init:+0 (+2 underground)Perc:+2, darkvision 90ft

"Well, we still should try to rescue that guy taken by the spider. Time is of the essence. I will pray to Loki to return her some health."

Torgan kneeled by the unconcsious Lyla, touched her and murmured a prayer to Loki. "Great Trickster, grant health to this poor girl, she will surely continue to speak some weird language in the heat of combat and this will be a source of amusement to you."

Cure Moderate Wounds: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
bye, bye, lesser restoration