Backpack, Bedroll, Belt pouch, Clay mug, Dagger, 2 Fish hooks, Flint+Steel, Sewing Needle, Signal Whistle, 50ft String, 50ft Thread, Waterskin, 1 Week of rations, Whetstone, Manacles (average lock; break DC 26, Disable Device DC 25, Escape Artist DC 30), Gunsmiths Kit, Powerhorn,
Gold on hand: 6 Gold
-------------------- Favored Class (Paladin): Unused
Racial Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skills: Humans gain an additional skil rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want
Birthmark: You gain a +2 save vs. charm & compulsion
Boarded in the Shackles: You gain a +1 to reflex saves
Grit: (2) You gain a pool of points that are spent to fuel deeds, regained on firearm crit/killing blow.
Gunsmithing: You can use a gunsmithing kit to craft/repair firearms and ammo.
Point Blank Shot: +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Rapid Reload (Pistol) You can reload fast with Pistols
Up Close and Deadly +1d6: when the pistolero hits a target with a one-handed firearm that is not making a scatter shot, she can spend 1 grit point to deal 1d6 points of extra damage on a hit. If she misses with the attack, she grazes the target, dealing half the damage.
Focused Aim (+2): At 1st level, as a swift action, the mysterious stranger can spend 1 grit point to gain a bonus on all firearm damage rolls equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1) with all firearm attacks she makes until the end of her turn