Jester Bobbity's page

Organized Play Member. 23 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Oh and we have been toying with an idea in my group.

Gobin have a +4 racial to hide +4 for being small etc. Make an entire party of goblins with teamwork feats, or one 20th level Cavelier, there is one that gives the highest hide check in the party to everyone. You can use someone else's reflex save etc.

If the entire party gets together and makes their characters compliment each other (Not sure if this is possible in your game) then you can make the most uber set of goblins known to man!


As a strategist power gamer it's one of my favorite things to do. Haven't played one in a while. I'm so excited for you!


(deep voice) Submitted for your approval dodododododododododo

Quil(Human Vampire) Level 16/2/1/1 Monk(Sacred mountain & Flowing)/Anti-paladin/Cavalier(order of the seal)/Fighter
22,23,-,9,20,19 (With magic items)28,34,-,15,32,30
HP: 16D8+4D10+200
AC: (10 +6Nat +12Dex +11Wis)

Vampires gain Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, and Toughness as bonus feats. Monks Gain Improved Unarmed Strike
Feats: 10Levels+1Race+7Bonus(4Monk, 1Fighter, 1Cav)
Ki Diversity: When you trip spend 1 point from your ki pool as a swift action to deal damage to your opponent as if you had hit them with an unarmed strike.
Seize the Moment OR Outflank Depending on whether you have a crit machine in the party
Improved Grapple
Improved Trip
Greater Improved Trip
Vicious Stomp
Snake Style
Snake Sidewind
Snake Fang
Weapon Finesse
Agile Manuvers
Combat Expertise
Weapon Focus
Feral Combat Training
Elusive Redirection
Butterfly’s Sting
Improved Sidestep
Crippling Critical

Skills (Minimums)
Sense Motive 20 Ranks to negate a hit
Acrobatics (6 ranks)

Vows (18 extra Ki points):
Celibacy, Chains, Cleanliness, Fasting, Silence, Truth

Magic Items:
Belt (+6 Str & Dex)
Book (+5 Dex & Cha)
Book (+1 Int)
Titanic Brawling Bracers of Armor +3
+4 Keen Short Sword of Ki Intensifying Speed
Gauntlets of Manuvers
Monk's Belt
Sash of Flowing Water
Wayfinder, Ebon Dusty Rose Prism
Guided Speed Amulet of mighty fists + 1

Roll Init. and hold action until right before the fighter (or highest melee damage dealer) Drop into snake style as a swift action, declare smite, and get to a flanking position. Trip the enemy (Free attack btw. Flowing Monk) I haven't looked at it closely, and yet I know it's The CMB for trip is high 40's, The highest CMD I've found is 64 on metterak-the-dragon-prince. If all goes perfect Quil should get 13 attacks on a flurry of blows + Ki + speed on the weapon + 3 from feats. With the monk Belt that's 26D10 With his lowest attack bonus still high enough to hit a Balor on a 1. Add his Wisdom to each attack (guided weapon) and you get 26D10+286 per round! Avg. 429 +2 neg. levels. Not to mention when the enemy gets up, attacks, or misses you get an Aoo. With the sash of water and snake style you can negate two attacks a round (which you shouldn't get because you have sidestep to move around) Each time you negate an attack it's an Aoo. Since an Aoo is a "single melee attack" and "You can attempt to trip your opponent in place of a melee attack" If the enemy gets up at anytime you can trip them again. Since an Aoo is resolved BEFORE the event that triggers it you can't trip them right away, but as soon as they get up (Aoo) and swing at you (Aoo trip), you can. Anyone who can fly, should've gotten pwned by crippling critical (use the shortsword on them.) If they're still alive that is.

Rinse and repeat. Even metterak-the-dragon-prince could only take this for abuse for one round.

Also, I wrote up a Level 20 barbarian based on HERE

Still wanna hear suggestions so.... BUMP!

Jester Bobbity wrote:
Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:
Strength Surge. 1/rage (which can be 1/round if you have tireless rage) add +20 to your cmb roll

As one of the DM's who run this I'm not sure I would allow that, I would have to talk it over with the other two, but I doubt it. It's essentially a constant true strike that works on combat maneuvers. That's sick twisted and wrong, and while I love it for that very reason, I don't think it's meant to be that way.

Do you have a FAQ, or a James Jacobs post, or something that says you can do that?

Just looked it up and I can use strength surge in that way. Most of those once per rage powers are immediate or swift actions and so that holds them in check. AWESOME! That also means I can use flesh wound once per round and have one extra rage power since I will be giving up Regenerative Vigor (it ends when your rage ends and now I would end it every round)

I have one Rage power open, and 200K+ Gold to spend, and I need to go over my feats and make sure they are optimal.

Thanks for all the help guys. Can you think of anything else?

Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:
Strength Surge. 1/rage (which can be 1/round if you have tireless rage) add +20 to your cmb roll

As one of the DM's who run this I'm not sure I would allow that, I would have to talk it over with the other two, but I doubt it. It's essentially a constant true strike that works on combat maneuvers. That's sick twisted and wrong, and while I love it for that very reason, I don't think it's meant to be that way.

Do you have a FAQ, or a James Jacobs post, or something that says you can do that?

haha, that'd be awesome! Six mystic teirs as long as he sunbathes properly lol.

That's why we all just make level 20 chars. Stylistically, if they character is more powerful you simply draw them up at some point in the past or, at some unseen point in the future. That seems to keep most things in check, the only thing we've had to outlaw so far was when Keith wanted to play Batman. The problem was that we couldn't realistically cap his Gold. He came in with more than 3 million in gear, and owned everyone. What are you supposed to say "Bruce Wayne" couldn't afford it?

With that said we've also learned that some characters have almost no money or gear, even at 20th level. Like... Oh I don't know uhhh... Slightly better than minimum wage Daily Bugle news reporters!

I wonder if it's worth it for Spell sunder. I would probably trade Renewed Vitality & Renewed Life it for spell sunder and Witch hunter. I know witch hunter is worth it, but I wonder about spell sunder.

If there were an effect by a 20th level then the DC would be 35. Which is not a problem with a +31 while raging. If it is a creature though, then it is their CMD and I have to beat it by 10 for this to really get useful. I just don't know how often that would happen, though probably more often than me getting hit with an energy drain that bypasses SR...

You're right again it seems :P

I agree Half-fiend does fit better, and yet in the Bleach universe fiends are hollows and Kenpachi certainly isn't (we hope.) Since he doesn't meet the alignment req's for either of them I figure I would probably change most of the SLA's (spell like abilities) anyway they both get the same SR which makes the individual elemental resistances a little moot.

I guess the reason I decided on that was because I have no idea what soul reaper's actually ARE. Half celestial human has an awesome stat boost, REALLY good spell resistance and is just as good as anything else at describing a humanoid that wanders around heaven kickin butt.

I did consider ghost though :P

As for the Rage powers
I didn't take Spellbreaker because the caster that I threaten has to fail the check to cast defensively. No caster worth their salt would miss that check, even at a -4. Witch hunter is VERY nice though. I'll have to see what I can cut to get that one.

Thanks :)

Yup, no yachiru. Sadness! Our matches are limited to one character per person, anyone extra must be from a class skill, or a mount. For eidolon, or familiar he would have to be a magic user, and that violates his character. I was gonna give him Leadership but ran out of feats while I was still thinking about combat. It could be argued that all Gotei 13 captains get it as a bonus feat, but even then it wouldn't matter for the game we are playing.

On your second point I'm not so sure. He has displayed the equivalent of tireless rage on several occasions. Moreover the rules for this engagement are "build a 20th level character" to make our tournament equal, so it doesn't matter what level he ACTUALLY is.

Every once in while some friends and I get together for "grudge matches" in lieu of our regular game. The rules are you take a comic, anime, or otherwise fantasy character and make a sheet for them. Then we get together for a tournament and see who wins. You use a level 20 character (template allowed if it fits into the story), no traits, 20 points buy, max hit points, no hero points, standard PC wealth for 20th(880000), and paizo sources only.

I'm working on a build for the newly awakened Zaraki Kenpachi. As of 4/4/2013 I still don't know what his zanpaktou does so I ad hoc'd it and the eye patch. I have never actually played a barbarian, so I'm not sure if these are the optimal Rage powers, feats, etc. Also I have approx. 267,500G left and no idea what to spend it on. The point is making him as grossly overpowered as possible, but it is more important to stay true to the character's style. Any advice would be welcomed. Thanks in advance :)

Zaraki Kenpachi (Rage stats are in parentheses)
Half-Celestial Human Invulnerable Rager Barbarian 20
CN Medium Humanoid
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft. Perception +23 immunity to disease; +4 racial bonus on saves vs. poison; acid, cold, and electricity resist 10; DR 10/magic; DR/10-; and SR 34

AC 20(13), touch 15(8) flat-footed 11(5) (+4 shield, +5 Dex, +1 natural, -2 Rage)
hp 282 (20d12+140+2favored class)
Fort +21(25), Ref +11, Will +13(17); +5 vs. Traps, +13 vs. spells, supernatural and spell-like abilities
Defensive Abilities Improved Uncanny Dodge, DR 10/-

Speed 40 ft.
Melee +25(29) Nodachi +25/+14/+9/+4 (29/18/13/8) 1d10-1(1d10+3) 18-20x2
(+20 base +7 Str +5 Reckless -6 Power Atk -2 one-handed +1 WFocus -6 eyepatch)
(1d10, +7 Str, +12 Power Attack, -1/2 Shield of Swings, -10 eyepatch)
Str 24(32), Dex 20, Con 28(36), Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 14
Base Atk +20; CMB +27(31); CMD 41(45)
Special Attacks: Mighty Rage (55 rounds)
Come and get me(Enemies get +4 attack and damage, Kenpachi gets Aoo) Guarded Life(20 points of lethal converted to non lethal at 0HP) Greater Guarded Life (adds another 20HP to Guarded life) Superstition (+13 to saves vs. spell, etc.) Reckless Abandon(-5 to AC & +5 to attack rolls) Renewed vigor(5d8+65 Healed as a standard action) Regenerative Vigor (fast Healing 3, after Renewed vigor is used) Renewed Vitality (ignore 10 points of ability damage) Renewed Life(ignore up to 5 temporary negative levels) Flesh Wound (negates one hit/rage making it deal only 1/2 it's damage that becomes non-lethal)

Exotic Weapon Proficiency(bonus), Endurance(bonus), Diehard, Weapon Focus (Nodachi), Combat Reflexes, Power Attack, Furious Focus, Dazzling Display, Shield of Swings, Cornugon Smash, Shatter Defenses, Exhausting Critical, Quicken Spell like ability (Moment of Greatness)

Not Quite "Good":
While a Celestial being, Kenpachi is Chaotic Neutral. He does not gain the spell like abilities of the half-celestial template, nor does he gain the ability to smite evil. Instead he gains the ability to cast the following as spell like abilities.
HD 1-2: Blessing of the Watch 1/day (20 hour duration, only works in Seireitei); Moment of Greatness 3/day (Self only)
HD 3-4: Instrument of Agony (Self only)
HD 5-6: Deadly Juggernaut (Self only)
HD 7-8: Divine Power (Self only)
HD 9-10: Righteous Might (Self only)
HD 11-12: Regenerate (Self only) (Stylistically, this is "shrugging off damage" rather than a heal effect)
HD 13-14: Cloak of Chaos, Burst of Glory (Self only)
HD 15-16: Iron Body (Self only)
HD 17-18: Winds of Vengeance (Stylistically Kenpachi swings his sword to create these winds) (Self only)
HD 19-20: Heal (Stylistically, this is more "shrugging off damage" rather than a heal effect)

Alternate Favored Class Bonus:
Kenpachi hates the art of Kido (spells) and refuses to learn it. This increases the bonus to his superstitious rage power by +1/3 per level. He has taken this bonus 18 times for a total of +6

Zaraki Kenpachi is always afraid. Fear is a constant companion of someone who fights, and yet his love of battle is so great this fear has long ago become excitement. Whenever Zaraki is targeted with a fear effect he automatically fails any saving throw. If the effect would leave him shaken he instead gains a +1 morale bonus to attack, damage, and saving throws, for the listed duration of the effect. Frightened is +2, and panicked is +3.

Magic Items:
Kenpachi, to his knowledge, has only ever read three books. They were all books on fighting that increased his Str. Dex. and Con. by +5

His love of of fighting has forced Kenpachi to hone his body more and more. Swinging his sword when other warriors have tired. He gains endurance as a bonus feat at first level.

Zaraki Kenpachi, grew up wielding the nodachi he currently uses, and given the sheer number of fights and vast familiarity he has using it, it grants him certain abilities, but only with this particular weapon. If he uses any other nodachi he is does not gain any of the listed benefits. Kenpachi gains exotic weapon proficiency (nodachi) as a bonus feat, he may also take any feats that give bonuses to a nodachi, though again those only apply with this particular weapon and no other. Kenpachi may also Parry as the duelist class feature, granting him the chance to negate one attack per round. While a medium creature Kenpachi is very tall, when wielding his nodachi in one hand, which is a longer than the average two handed weapon, these two things in concert grant him a reach of ten feet. When Kenpachi wields his nodachi with one hand he takes a -2 on all attacks, can use any ability or feat that requires wielding a two handed weapon while using only one hand, and is treated as one-handed when determining the effect of Power Attack, Strength bonus to damage, and the like.

Parasitic Eyepatch:
Kenpachi's parasitic eyepatch is actually an organism special engineered to consume vast amounts of raw magical energy from the him. This causes all attack rolls to suffer a -6 penalty and all damage rolls to suffer a -10 penalty. Furthermore, the eyepatch, decreases Kenpachi's maximum hit points by 100. The eyepatch cannot absorb any magic already sculpted into a spell, therefore any spells or spell-like abilities cast by the wearer on themselves are delayed for as long as the eyepatch is worn, and any static magical effect from items worn or wielded are also delayed or in the case of instantaneous spells suppressed. Lastly, the parasitic eyepatch negates all critical hits by the wearer, even on a natural 20. These effects can not be overcome in anyway as long as the eyepatch is worn, nor can the eyepatch be put on an unwilling subject, by any means. Putting on the eyepatch is a move action that provokes an Aoo, while taking it off is a free action that does not. (The eyepatch is taken into account in the stats)

Zaraki Kenpachi opens combat by entering a rage and determining who the most powerful opponent is. Sometimes going as far as asking which one it is, or suggesting that everyone attack him at once.
He then charges the most powerful opponent. Kenpachi's "Come and get me" Rage power activates as soon as he enters a rage. It is a stance he always uses. He also uses Reckless abandon. He always uses shield of swings, and always power attacks, unless he cannot hit the creature any other way. Lastly, he always forgoes his second or third attack so that he may use it as a parry. All of these characteristics (save the missing attack) are included in the stats.
Kenpachi is simply terrifying. He uses Cornugon Smash to Intimidate every round he uses power attack but is so into the fight that he does not "realize" he is doing it. Therefore he always takes ten on the check (36 vs. 10 + the target’s Hit Dice + the target’s Wisdom modifier) and can never opt not to.
Kenpachi uses strong, and wide slashes. To the untrained eye they appear wild, but are actually quite precise and designed to keep his foe off balance. Kenpachi's Cornugon Smash intimidates his foe's and causes them to become shaken. After hitting them once they become flat-flooted against his attacks due to the Shattered Defenses feat. He lures them in with his come and get me rage power and always uses up his 6 Aoo's per turn unless he has no other choice. After the first opponent falls, he moves on to the next.
Upon, reaching zero hit points Kenpachi realizes that he is going to die if he doesn't get serious. He uses his next standard action to activate Renewed vigor (heals 5d8+5*con HP.) He then takes off his eyepatch(gaining 100 HP) Kenpachi gains the benefits of all the spell like abilities and weapon enhancements that were being delayed by the eyepatch, turning him into and unstoppable monster. This effect lasts for 20 rounds. Depending on his enemies, he stops using Reckless abandon (still uses come and get me.) He also grips his Nodachi in two hands, with the eyepatch now off, making it a +3 keen vorpal nodachi, and doubles the shield bonus gained from Shield of Swings with no damage penalty for a # of rounds = to his Constitution modifier. This stance negates his 10-ft. reach. He then uses attacks until he has used exhausting critical, on everyone within reach. Then finishing them one by one. Whoever has the lowest HP first. After they are all dead he goes after anyone left, again hitting whomever has the lowest HP first.

New Stats:
AC 13, touch 15(8) flat-footed 11(5) (+8 shield, +5 Dex, +3 natural, -2 Rage, +4 deflection, -1 Size)
HP 150+9d8+95+2+40(temp)
Fort +25(29), Ref +15, Will +17(21); +5 vs. Traps, +13 vs. spells, supernatural and spell-like abilities
Defensive Abilities Improved Uncanny Dodge, DR 5/evil, DR 15/adamantine DR 10+2/- per creature killed

Speed 20 ft. 60 Fly(perfect)
Melee +49 Nodachi +49/+43/+38/+33/+28 2d8+51 15-20x2 + exhausted condition
Hit:(+20base +16Str +5Reckless -6Power Atk. +1WFocus +6luck, +1 sacred)
Dmg:(2d8, +16Str, +12Power Attack, +6luck) (Will save DC 15 or nauseated for 1d4+1 rds./sickened for 1 rd. if saves) +5d8 on Aoo after being struck (DC Fort. save for half 15)
Str 42, Dex 12, Con 40, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 14
Base Atk +20; CMB +36; CMD 47
Intimidate rises to(38)
If a lawful creature succeeds on a melee attack against Kenpachi, it is confused for 1 round Will 21 negates
Immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect physiology or respiration.
Take only half damage from acid and fire.
Vulnerable to all special attacks that affect iron golems

At this point, Kenpachi simply kills everyone in the most efficient way possible.

Zaraki Kenpachi fights to the death.

Thanks for the input guys Eolas is correct though. Even if there were some way to get it. Even if I took Martial artist, My character wears armor. Didn't think of that.

I want the ability of a 1st level monk, to add your Wis. bonus to AC. I would take the level but my character is Chaotic Good. I make a lot of customs Magic item in my game and my GM is open to new feats as long as they are fair.

The Monk's robe specifically says that you may not add your wisdom bonus to AC. So by that I assume that if it were a magic item it would be greater than 13,000K.

If it were a feat, What would be the Prereq's, What level should you be?

If it's a spell What level? How long does it last, etc.

The reason I'm so baffled by thise is that I can't find anything to compare this with and find a way to get it done. Monks Robe, and Sash of the War Champion, and other item that treat you as if you are "X # of levels higher" in a class are the only things that I can find that even come close.

Any suggestions?

I'm running a Mystic Theurge and I haven't found many feat that are gear toward them. I'd like to get people's opinions on this one before I present to my DM

Super Mega Feat of Awesomeness (The name needs work I know)

You easily use divine powers to enhance your arcane spells, and vice versa.

Prerequisites: Combined Spells Class Feature, Ability to cast 3rd level arcane spells, Ability to cast 3rd level divine spells

Benefit: Three times per day, you may sacrifice a spell from one of your class lists to negate one spell level increase of a meatamagic feat you possess. The spell you sacrifice must be of the same level as the spell you are attempting to cast or higher. For example a character with this feat may cast a quickened fireball, at 6th level if he sacrifices a third level spell or higher divine spell.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take it the number of spells you are able to sacrifice goes up by 1. This feat may be taken as any casters Bonus feat

What do you think?
Has anyone else come up with a useful Theurge feat?

I have always played where wizard can have more than one spellbook. With that said my mid to high level fix for my low strenth character having to carry around a library, is often a Blessed Book or portable hole


Desperate Battler says:
When no ally is within 10 feet of you and you are not receiving benefits from the aid another action, you gain a +1 morale bonus on melee attack and damage rolls.

Does that include a mount? Technically a mount is considered an ally, but it just seems wrong to me that, no mounted fighter in all of Golarion has this feat lol.


As per the magic item creation rules:

+3 to a skill = Bonus squared x 100 gp = 900Gp
+1 to hit = +1 weapon 2000 gp (Though this only provides a +to hit so let's just say half) = 1000 gp
Keen (+1 weapon quality) = 2000

Now since you have 3 enchantments on the same item you must add the 50% rule so in the most advantageous way if you did them in that order, the math would come out to

2000+1500+1350 = 4850 gp

This seems to work because to make the spell continuous would be 1 (CL) x 1 (Spell Level) x 2000 x 2 (1 Min/Level Duration Modifier) = 4000 gp (I know the listed CL is 3 but if you were going to make them it wouldn't have to be.)

Lesser bracer's of archery by these rules would be 1000 gp.

If these are over powered, it's not by much. It doesn't take a mountain of gold before your character is a walking talking death machine, anyone who has ever played a craft monkey knows this. I would agree with a previous poster. It's far more likely that lesser bracer's are overpriced. Why do that when I can have a weapon that gives +1 hit AND damage for less than half the cost. Just change the caster level to 1, the math works out then, and any over achieving troll w/ an int. of 4 who studies magic on the weekends would have no trouble dispelling it, and with that the item becomes sane again, because it can be easily taken away.

On another note: My beloved gamers I have deep feeling for you all. Please let go of this fantasy of a "item" of true strike. It does not exist, to my knowledge it has never existed. Please stop, you're hurting me.

Magic item creation rules say:
2 If a continuous item has an effect based on a spell with a duration measured in rounds, multiply the cost by 4. If the duration of the spell is 1 minute/level, multiply the cost by 2, and if the duration is 10 minutes/level, multiply the cost by 1.5. If the spell has a 24-hour duration or greater, divide the cost in half.

There is no provision for a spell that does not have a duration and true strike does not. Therefore it would have to be command word. So you could still make one and your movement would go something like.
Surprise Round: Cast true strike
Round 1: Move up to the monster. Attack at +20 and hit screaming wildly about how awesome you are for buying this sword.
Round 2: Cast true strike, and don't move because the monster will get an AoO, or if you are ranged, run.
Round 3: See Round 1, and repeat.

You can do this, but it's pointless. Yes, you guarantee yourself 50% of the time that you will hit, but you probably would've hit 50% of the time had you just rolled it, and you are missing out on the hits you could've gotten had you rolled well. This strategy only works when fighting The Terrasque, Titans, high level paladins, and for people who's dice REALLY hate them.

Please for the love of God let this die, and stop bringing it up in conversation as if it is relevant :P

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Told to me by my friend Brendan.

"Does the ring of continuation (Ultimate Equipment, page 168) allow you to cast time stop with a duration of 24 hours?"

"This item has had some unintended consequences and needs a fix. Change the second sentence of the description to read as follows: "Whenever the wearer of the ring casts a spell with a range of personal and a duration of 10 minutes per level or greater, that spell remains in effect for 24 hours or until the wearer casts another spell with a range of personal (whichever comes first)."

It is as if a million power gamers cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

I so want in on this. Will get started on a character as soon as I can. are monster races ok?

Yes. I'm in love with a horse... there I said it. (Horse is gf's character lol)

@ Ogre: No she has decided to have a torrid love affair with her "mount" for four levels and then have a really emotional break up, and trade him in for a tiger. The jokes abou loving her mount will be so prolithic that I fully expect to go nowhere for two or three sessions, just sitting there telling jokes. Good thing we get bonus xp for making the DM laugh.

Me mad? No. Unless you mean crazy type in which case. Maybe.

Actually I am a little upset that I didn't think of that fiendish gelationous cube monk sooner :P

Oh and a fiendish gelatinous cube monk. Sounds Freakin EPIC!!!!

Ok I'm up for a Challenge,

If you are a human and you wish to do lethal damage then the CRB (pg. 182) states:

Dealing Lethal Damage: You can specify that your
unarmed strike will deal lethal damage before you make
your attack roll, but you take a –4 penalty on your attack
roll. If you have the Improved Unarmed Strike feat, you
can deal lethal damage with an unarmed strike without
taking a penalty on the attack roll.

The IUS description says:

You are considered to be armed even when

So if you are a human, you have to take a feat before you are considered "armed" and you may also now deal lethal damage

Also in the CRB (pg. 182) it states:

“Armed” Unarmed Attacks: Sometimes a character’s or
creature’s unarmed attack counts as an armed attack. A
monk, a character with the Improved Unarmed Strike feat,
a spellcaster delivering a touch attack spell, and a creature
with natural physical weapons
all count as being armed
(see natural attacks).

In the Bestiary (pg. 302) it says:

Some fey, humanoids, monstrous humanoids, and
outsiders do not possess natural attacks. These creatures
can make unarmed strikes, but treat them as weapons
for the purpose of determining attack bonuses, and they
must use the two-weapon fighting rules when making
attacks with both hands.

K, now that all the quoting is over here's my point,

If you are a critter from the Bestiary then you are ALWAYS armed. If you are from the CRB then you are always unarmed. In order to fix this i.e. not take penalties on attacks with non-lethal and lethal respectively then, in either case you would take IUS. I can find no difference at all between the attacks of a 1st level monk, and the attacks of a Bestiary critter that has Improved Unarmed Strike.

I'm not sure what Feral Combat training was supposed to accomplish save that it keeps me from rearing a Dire Bear that has the feats for crane style. I don't think it knows what it's there for either, but I have an idea.

Feral Combat Training (Combat)

Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus with selected natural weapon.

Benefit: Choose one of your natural weapons. While
using the selected natural weapon, you can apply the
effects of feats that have Improved Unarmed Strike
as a prerequisite, as well as effects that augment an
unarmed strike.

Special: If you are a monk, you can use the selected
natural weapon with your flurry of blows class feature.

Assume I'm a first level monk with 2 natural attacks. Why would I ever take this crap? First off if I have natural attacks, then I came out of the bestiary, and therefore I am NEVER unarmed. We'll just overlook that for the time being though. CRB (pg. 57) In the monk description it says "A monk with natural weapons cannot use such weapons as part of a flurry of blows, nor can he make natural attacks in addition to his
flurry of blows attacks."

Oooohhh Now we get it! If you're a monk you just trashed all your natural attacks. The reason this feat exists in so that a monk with natural attacks, can take it and use said natural attacks as part of a flurry of blows, which is probably the reason they became a monk in the first place. Not to mention any "effects that augment an
unarmed strike." Like Stunning Fist, ki strike, and the ever awe inspiring Quivering Palm. This is a fix from 3.5, where this was not addressed, and you could make anything out of the Monster Manual and give it monk levels.

This feat would be fine if it added "A monk may take this as a bonus feat at X level. A monk need not have any of the prerequisites normally required for these feats to select them." or if they said "feats that have a prerequisite monk level."