Jester Bobbity |
Every once in while some friends and I get together for "grudge matches" in lieu of our regular game. The rules are you take a comic, anime, or otherwise fantasy character and make a sheet for them. Then we get together for a tournament and see who wins. You use a level 20 character (template allowed if it fits into the story), no traits, 20 points buy, max hit points, no hero points, standard PC wealth for 20th(880000), and paizo sources only.
I'm working on a build for the newly awakened Zaraki Kenpachi. As of 4/4/2013 I still don't know what his zanpaktou does so I ad hoc'd it and the eye patch. I have never actually played a barbarian, so I'm not sure if these are the optimal Rage powers, feats, etc. Also I have approx. 267,500G left and no idea what to spend it on. The point is making him as grossly overpowered as possible, but it is more important to stay true to the character's style. Any advice would be welcomed. Thanks in advance :)
Zaraki Kenpachi (Rage stats are in parentheses)
Half-Celestial Human Invulnerable Rager Barbarian 20
CN Medium Humanoid
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft. Perception +23 immunity to disease; +4 racial bonus on saves vs. poison; acid, cold, and electricity resist 10; DR 10/magic; DR/10-; and SR 34
AC 20(13), touch 15(8) flat-footed 11(5) (+4 shield, +5 Dex, +1 natural, -2 Rage)
hp 282 (20d12+140+2favored class)
Fort +21(25), Ref +11, Will +13(17); +5 vs. Traps, +13 vs. spells, supernatural and spell-like abilities
Defensive Abilities Improved Uncanny Dodge, DR 10/-
Speed 40 ft.
Melee +25(29) Nodachi +25/+14/+9/+4 (29/18/13/8) 1d10-1(1d10+3) 18-20x2
(+20 base +7 Str +5 Reckless -6 Power Atk -2 one-handed +1 WFocus -6 eyepatch)
(1d10, +7 Str, +12 Power Attack, -1/2 Shield of Swings, -10 eyepatch)
Str 24(32), Dex 20, Con 28(36), Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 14
Base Atk +20; CMB +27(31); CMD 41(45)
Special Attacks: Mighty Rage (55 rounds)
Come and get me(Enemies get +4 attack and damage, Kenpachi gets Aoo) Guarded Life(20 points of lethal converted to non lethal at 0HP) Greater Guarded Life (adds another 20HP to Guarded life) Superstition (+13 to saves vs. spell, etc.) Reckless Abandon(-5 to AC & +5 to attack rolls) Renewed vigor(5d8+65 Healed as a standard action) Regenerative Vigor (fast Healing 3, after Renewed vigor is used) Renewed Vitality (ignore 10 points of ability damage) Renewed Life(ignore up to 5 temporary negative levels) Flesh Wound (negates one hit/rage making it deal only 1/2 it's damage that becomes non-lethal)
Exotic Weapon Proficiency(bonus), Endurance(bonus), Diehard, Weapon Focus (Nodachi), Combat Reflexes, Power Attack, Furious Focus, Dazzling Display, Shield of Swings, Cornugon Smash, Shatter Defenses, Exhausting Critical, Quicken Spell like ability (Moment of Greatness)
Not Quite "Good":
While a Celestial being, Kenpachi is Chaotic Neutral. He does not gain the spell like abilities of the half-celestial template, nor does he gain the ability to smite evil. Instead he gains the ability to cast the following as spell like abilities.
HD 1-2: Blessing of the Watch 1/day (20 hour duration, only works in Seireitei); Moment of Greatness 3/day (Self only)
HD 3-4: Instrument of Agony (Self only)
HD 5-6: Deadly Juggernaut (Self only)
HD 7-8: Divine Power (Self only)
HD 9-10: Righteous Might (Self only)
HD 11-12: Regenerate (Self only) (Stylistically, this is "shrugging off damage" rather than a heal effect)
HD 13-14: Cloak of Chaos, Burst of Glory (Self only)
HD 15-16: Iron Body (Self only)
HD 17-18: Winds of Vengeance (Stylistically Kenpachi swings his sword to create these winds) (Self only)
HD 19-20: Heal (Stylistically, this is more "shrugging off damage" rather than a heal effect)
Alternate Favored Class Bonus:
Kenpachi hates the art of Kido (spells) and refuses to learn it. This increases the bonus to his superstitious rage power by +1/3 per level. He has taken this bonus 18 times for a total of +6
Zaraki Kenpachi is always afraid. Fear is a constant companion of someone who fights, and yet his love of battle is so great this fear has long ago become excitement. Whenever Zaraki is targeted with a fear effect he automatically fails any saving throw. If the effect would leave him shaken he instead gains a +1 morale bonus to attack, damage, and saving throws, for the listed duration of the effect. Frightened is +2, and panicked is +3.
Magic Items:
Kenpachi, to his knowledge, has only ever read three books. They were all books on fighting that increased his Str. Dex. and Con. by +5
His love of of fighting has forced Kenpachi to hone his body more and more. Swinging his sword when other warriors have tired. He gains endurance as a bonus feat at first level.
Zaraki Kenpachi, grew up wielding the nodachi he currently uses, and given the sheer number of fights and vast familiarity he has using it, it grants him certain abilities, but only with this particular weapon. If he uses any other nodachi he is does not gain any of the listed benefits. Kenpachi gains exotic weapon proficiency (nodachi) as a bonus feat, he may also take any feats that give bonuses to a nodachi, though again those only apply with this particular weapon and no other. Kenpachi may also Parry as the duelist class feature, granting him the chance to negate one attack per round. While a medium creature Kenpachi is very tall, when wielding his nodachi in one hand, which is a longer than the average two handed weapon, these two things in concert grant him a reach of ten feet. When Kenpachi wields his nodachi with one hand he takes a -2 on all attacks, can use any ability or feat that requires wielding a two handed weapon while using only one hand, and is treated as one-handed when determining the effect of Power Attack, Strength bonus to damage, and the like.
Parasitic Eyepatch:
Kenpachi's parasitic eyepatch is actually an organism special engineered to consume vast amounts of raw magical energy from the him. This causes all attack rolls to suffer a -6 penalty and all damage rolls to suffer a -10 penalty. Furthermore, the eyepatch, decreases Kenpachi's maximum hit points by 100. The eyepatch cannot absorb any magic already sculpted into a spell, therefore any spells or spell-like abilities cast by the wearer on themselves are delayed for as long as the eyepatch is worn, and any static magical effect from items worn or wielded are also delayed or in the case of instantaneous spells suppressed. Lastly, the parasitic eyepatch negates all critical hits by the wearer, even on a natural 20. These effects can not be overcome in anyway as long as the eyepatch is worn, nor can the eyepatch be put on an unwilling subject, by any means. Putting on the eyepatch is a move action that provokes an Aoo, while taking it off is a free action that does not. (The eyepatch is taken into account in the stats)
Zaraki Kenpachi opens combat by entering a rage and determining who the most powerful opponent is. Sometimes going as far as asking which one it is, or suggesting that everyone attack him at once.
He then charges the most powerful opponent. Kenpachi's "Come and get me" Rage power activates as soon as he enters a rage. It is a stance he always uses. He also uses Reckless abandon. He always uses shield of swings, and always power attacks, unless he cannot hit the creature any other way. Lastly, he always forgoes his second or third attack so that he may use it as a parry. All of these characteristics (save the missing attack) are included in the stats.
Kenpachi is simply terrifying. He uses Cornugon Smash to Intimidate every round he uses power attack but is so into the fight that he does not "realize" he is doing it. Therefore he always takes ten on the check (36 vs. 10 + the target’s Hit Dice + the target’s Wisdom modifier) and can never opt not to.
Kenpachi uses strong, and wide slashes. To the untrained eye they appear wild, but are actually quite precise and designed to keep his foe off balance. Kenpachi's Cornugon Smash intimidates his foe's and causes them to become shaken. After hitting them once they become flat-flooted against his attacks due to the Shattered Defenses feat. He lures them in with his come and get me rage power and always uses up his 6 Aoo's per turn unless he has no other choice. After the first opponent falls, he moves on to the next.
Upon, reaching zero hit points Kenpachi realizes that he is going to die if he doesn't get serious. He uses his next standard action to activate Renewed vigor (heals 5d8+5*con HP.) He then takes off his eyepatch(gaining 100 HP) Kenpachi gains the benefits of all the spell like abilities and weapon enhancements that were being delayed by the eyepatch, turning him into and unstoppable monster. This effect lasts for 20 rounds. Depending on his enemies, he stops using Reckless abandon (still uses come and get me.) He also grips his Nodachi in two hands, with the eyepatch now off, making it a +3 keen vorpal nodachi, and doubles the shield bonus gained from Shield of Swings with no damage penalty for a # of rounds = to his Constitution modifier. This stance negates his 10-ft. reach. He then uses attacks until he has used exhausting critical, on everyone within reach. Then finishing them one by one. Whoever has the lowest HP first. After they are all dead he goes after anyone left, again hitting whomever has the lowest HP first.
New Stats:
AC 13, touch 15(8) flat-footed 11(5) (+8 shield, +5 Dex, +3 natural, -2 Rage, +4 deflection, -1 Size)
HP 150+9d8+95+2+40(temp)
Fort +25(29), Ref +15, Will +17(21); +5 vs. Traps, +13 vs. spells, supernatural and spell-like abilities
Defensive Abilities Improved Uncanny Dodge, DR 5/evil, DR 15/adamantine DR 10+2/- per creature killed
Speed 20 ft. 60 Fly(perfect)
Melee +49 Nodachi +49/+43/+38/+33/+28 2d8+51 15-20x2 + exhausted condition
Hit:(+20base +16Str +5Reckless -6Power Atk. +1WFocus +6luck, +1 sacred)
Dmg:(2d8, +16Str, +12Power Attack, +6luck) (Will save DC 15 or nauseated for 1d4+1 rds./sickened for 1 rd. if saves) +5d8 on Aoo after being struck (DC Fort. save for half 15)
Str 42, Dex 12, Con 40, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 14
Base Atk +20; CMB +36; CMD 47
Intimidate rises to(38)
If a lawful creature succeeds on a melee attack against Kenpachi, it is confused for 1 round Will 21 negates
Immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect physiology or respiration.
Take only half damage from acid and fire.
Vulnerable to all special attacks that affect iron golems
At this point, Kenpachi simply kills everyone in the most efficient way possible.
Zaraki Kenpachi fights to the death.