Priestess of Nethys

Jessica Archer's page

9 posts. Alias of Lord Zekk.


Female Human

Jessica observes the interaction between the soldiers. Remembering victorian and middle age movies and tv she's seen, she decides on replying with a polite smile and what she remembers of a curtsey. She tries to mimic the language of that time, or what she thinks it was, "I am glad to have your company and that of your men, signor. These roads are dangerous for a woman to travel but I feel safer knowing I am in the company of such fine solders. She does her best damsel in distress impersonation while trying to sound charming and gently flatter the man without being too obvious. All this in the hope of learning something more about their situation and securing some protection.

Female Human

Still clearly unsure if she's gone insane, if this all a bad dream or on the really off chance that this is actually happening, Jessica drifts over towards the soldier and his men deciding it makes sense get acquainted with those of martial capability. After all, from she remembers of history, these weren't the safest times. "Hi, I'm Jessica Archer." she introduces herself. "How come you and your men are travelling to this meeting?"

Female Human

Jessica mumbles. "This will be the same but also different. Time does that."

She rises looking around, taking in her surrounding as if with a new perspective. "The only mystery isn't where we are... it's also WHEN?" Noticing the old woman and the moment of the dancing girl, who even she can't help but appreciate. "Hey Vincent, hang on I'm coming too." Jessica goes off following Vincent to explore the camp.

Female Human

Perception + Alertness: 2d10 ⇒ (7, 3) = 10

"I'm Jessica Archer. I'm a lawyer. While this lets all get to know each other s**% is cute I'm more concerned where the hell we are and who these weirdos playing dress up are. What's their end game? Do they want a ransom? And how do we get the hell out of here!"

Female Human

Jessica looks around her clearly surprised and very confused by the scene around her. She mutters "What the f@@$ is going on here?"

Female Human

Jessica's hands flay about in the darkness, like someone who is trying to orient herself. "What's going on? Where am I?" She feels something different against her skin. Her hands move over her own body as she feels the unfamiliar corset a wave of panic seems to overcome her, but she bites it back down. "Don't appear a victim, don't seem weak. You're strong. It's going to be okay." She repeats the words to herself, repeating the obvious lie but she finally feels like she isn't going to bolt off into the darkness. "Is anybody there?" she calls out softly.

Female Human

Resources: 4d10 ⇒ (9, 10, 6, 3) = 28

Equipment List for the Scene:
Designer Suit Skirt, Shoes & Tote Handbag, wallet with a drivers licence, credit cards etc.
Basic Concealed Revolver (She's a republican in a red state and that too Texas and I don't know anything about guns)
Legal pad and pen
Cell phone
Car keys
Seemingly broken down rental car outside
Small travel suitcase with a weekend worth of stuff in it (in the car)

Female Human

Not at all. I made a post but I redact that if needed.

Female Human

Jessica marches into the bar, dressed in an expensive looking skirt suit, her blonde hair is tied up in a messy bun. She's clearly pissed off mumbling under hear breath about a stupid broken down piece of s&@& rental car as she waves her cell phone around clearly trying not find but not getting any cell reception.

Looking around the dive bar, she involuntarily shudders, beginning to realise this isn't the sort of place she'd be caught dead in. She makes her way to the back half hoping to find a phone now more wanting to get away from the crowd in the bar and the bad bad feeling she's getting about the place she stumbled into.