Jersey Burke's page

Organized Play Member. 19 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Liberty's Edge

Nefreet wrote:

I think you are misunderstanding explanations above.

A very large percentage of the book is available to everyone.

A good portion of the Uncommon options are available via AcP.

I checked my AcP. I've been playing organized play at my local game store regularly before the pandemic. Been playing OP for years. I'm a long way from having enough points.

Liberty's Edge

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"So, there! Normally Kobold (an uncommon ancestry) would require a boon, but for pathfinder society, all players have access to Kobold Ancestry, no ACP expenditure required! ^_^"

Damn, a $50 book and all I can access is a mini-dragon wannabe.

Liberty's Edge

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Did I miss the Giant Space Hamsters?

Liberty's Edge

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Natural lycanthropes would have an easier time blending in while afflicted tend to suffer uncontrolled changes and violent behavior. Make you stand out and beg to get caught.

Hmm, checking the Pathfinder Wiki I found:

"Not all lycanthropes, however, are hated by the general population. In some societies they are valued for their skill and ferocity. The armies of Molthune have long had specialized lycanthrope units. Among the human tribes of Iobaria, lycanthropes are known as "kodlak" and are either hated or venerated, depending on the group."

In other words, there would be reasons why at least natural lycans would survive after the event and might still have places in the universe. Some could work with various organizations while others sought refuge and a place of their own in the stars. Some could(would) become 'wolf' packs hunting other races. Perfect pirates. They may still be able to infect others but without the moon of Golarion, can afflicted transform? Would afflicted be a kind of kinfolk?

Liberty's Edge

"Because let's be real...both of us need to unite to rise up and take out the hypothetical dog-people of the Vast that might strike from the darkness between the stars at any moment!"

Leave us kitsune out of this!

Liberty's Edge

Maybe they're the catfolk in Starfarer's Companion.

Liberty's Edge

And enough cheap wine to make each other look good.

Liberty's Edge

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The dashing human and the intrepid ysoki adventurers finally let their attraction and lust get the better of them to discover they are divinely blessed with a child. Their daughter has the musculan features of her mother - tail, ears and snout softened by her father's human form and halfway in height to her parents. She's furless but with long flowing ginger blonde hair.

Influenced by her parents' past, the young half-ysoki becomes infatuated with technology and dreams of her own adventures someday. Her father kids her enthusiasm and nicknames her his little halfwrench.

The years go by and she finally gets to prove herself hiring on to a ship as a mechanic while being a bit bookish as her mother.

Entering the ship in her fairly ordinary lavender flight suit, a well used tool kit and a hover drone oddly named Zipper, she introduces herself as Gadget.

Liberty's Edge

Hmmm, looking over my life choices and experiences and try to find something even vaguely similar in the game.

First off for race, the furry calling all my life demands I must be Kitsune from the Starfarer's Companion. If we're talking only Starfinder Society then definitely Ysoki.

Theme, toss up between Scholar and Spacefarer and both have something to do with what I did in my youth, my educational backgrounds and my careers over the years. Throw in a little yearning to tip the balance to Spacefarer theme. I love exploring!

On to class and it's easy seeing the choices before me - operative. Believe it or not it fits my past best of all of them.

So yeah, Ysoki spacefarer operative. Curious but calculating.

Liberty's Edge

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Having terran based sentient animal species is odd but having a plethora of human based races with a few relatively slight differences is

Mankind has done art and stories about anthropomorphed animals from day one. They're great for reflections on ourselves without actually using humans and they make story telling fun and, well, different.

If Star Trek and Star Wars can have such huge numbers of obviously anthro animals as sentient races, so can Starfinder.

By the way, Starfarer's Companion also features Catfolk, Grippli, Kitsune, Kobold, Nagaji, Tengu and Vanara. I'm still waiting for the Giant Space Hamster race.

Liberty's Edge

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"This is due partially to the wide variation in ysoki heredity, which makes ethnicity (and often even immediate family connections) almost impossible to determine by sight."

They seem more prone to diversity than most other races and species. Maybe even more than humans and dogs. One reason other races see rats here and mice there.

Liberty's Edge

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If a table of American gamers have their Akiton Ysoki speak with an Australian accent and a table of Australians with Akiton Ysoki characters speaking, would the two Ysoki groups think the other is speaking with an odd dialect?

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

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Oh let me muddy the waters a little too.

Most people forget some religions equated the soul with breath. Dead people don't breathe. Simple pre-medicine logic. A god breathes life, the soul, into a person making them alive and animated with the spirit of a god. You are a vessel that thinks and moves because that breath of yours commands you so. This a bit different from a spirit inhabiting a tree or rock or a skeleton. That's a possession like a pilot in a giant robot.

"Unlike ordinary robots or ship AIs, androids do not simply respond according to their programming; rather, they have independent consciousnesses and are animated by souls—a distinction crucial to
their generally accepted status as people rather than property."

This sounds like even if they are created, they were given a divine spark of life rather than a power core. The soul gives them sentience and it gives them function just like living creatures. They live. They are a living race that doesn't follow 'most' parameters set defining life (which was defined by biologicals).

And one does not argue with the motives of gods.

Liberty's Edge

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If so many people are hiding starships planetside just to attempt blockade running and spreading a plague, you have a problem.

Most planets will have designated starports that can be garrisoned and monitored. IF there are any hidden ships the numbers should be minuscule and easy to track if launched. Small patrol craft in orbit can cheaply watch then challenge violators and call for small, fast fighters that can intercept quickly. These can be based on an orbital facility or a carrier or Space Control Ship dedicated to a quarantine.

Liberty's Edge

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Do all those tremendous towers and horizontal gantries and the huge down spire count as part of the diameter?

Liberty's Edge

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I think the word is 'planes'. Lots of planes with LOTS of territory means a 'chunk' is a relative micropoint. It's just too trivial for the Big Ones to get bent out of shape over. Encounters is you just happen to be in the wrong Drift place at the wrong Drift time so you are in the unfortunate path of Something Nasty rather than Someone came looking for you. Like sailing the seas filled with drifting debris or the occasional coral reef.

Liberty's Edge

"Not to mention the morality of "Every time someone goes into the Drift, a chunk of a random plane gets pulled in." "

I'm not finding the encounter chance information in the core book. Could some one point it out for me.

How small is the Starfinder universe that a chance of significant maybe life bearing material might be affected? It also says 'random planes' as in more than one? If the Starfinder universe is anywhere near as big as ours any 'chunk' of space will be infinitesimally tiny.

Aaaaand I get pointed to the page I needed. I see the percent chance for encounters but now I have another concern, what is a 'random encounter'? Doesn't specify monsters. Sounds like plot device and GM's choice depending on what would make a good side event from "Ooo, pretty lights!" to "Oh look, a rock." to "KILLER BEHEMOUTH SPACE WHALE!".

Liberty's Edge

Umbral Reaver wrote:
Make a planet of space babes that have zero interest in men and have a completely normal, non-sexualised society.

You just described many amazon cultures often in sci-fi.