Jeff D. Boback's page

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 10 posts (36 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Thanks for responding Aaron. Having seen the Core SE covers in person at GenCon, I think they look great, and making them a set makes sense.

However, I can't say the same for the rest of the rulebook line. They're already looking very mismatched on the shelf, and it seems like it's only going to get worse.

Again, very happy that the Lost Omens SE line is staying the same.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Just got my hands on my copy of Rage of Elements Special Edition and it leaves me wondering: What's going on with the printing in the special edition book line? They started out looking great, then the style changed after the "core" books, which is fine if the core and non-core books are different, then Treasure Vault is blue...ok, I guess, it's an item book, not a "class" book, after all.

Now this. Plain red, no border embellishment on the cover like previous class books, no leather-like pattern in the cover like previous books. Obvious drop in material quality for the cover. The reason I became a special edition subscriber in the first place and own every special edition book - the fact the special edition books looked amazing on your shelf and felt great in your hand - is rapidly disappearing.

What's going on, Paizo?

Props to the Lost Omens line for keeping standards up, at least.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Very hyped!

2024-2025 Arcadia? Casmaron?? Southern Garund??? Sarusan???? Crown of the World!?!?!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

I agree that the choice of colors is very confusing. The "core" line having the special gold spine and the optional books not having the gold spine, but all of them being red made thematic sense. Having all the special edition APs be different colors also made sense because each adventure is generally self contained.

Does this mean that there's there's a "fourth category" with the dark blue, or is Paizo just going to make the special edition line look super eclectic and random from here on?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Hopefully this will be the highest quality Harrow deck yet!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Zocrab wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
firelark01 wrote:
Will there be a different subscription for the Special Edition line, similarly to the rulebooks? Also, will the Mwangi Expanse and Absalom books have different spines, just as they do in standard edition?
Good questions that I will seek answers for, but we don't yet have any new subscriptions to announce, nor so we have any details about the Mwangi Expanse and Absalom book spines at this time.
Any update on this? I hoped to hear something about this at PaizoCon, but if it was brought up, I definitely missed it.
You haven’t missed anything. Our subscription changes announcement has been delayed due to technical challenges. Stay tuned

It's the end of June now, and I was wondering if there was any update on this. Waiting to subscribe with bated breath.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Sending thoughts and well-wishes to all those who attended PaizoCon 2022!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber
Jeff Alvarez wrote:
Nikk wrote:
Does anyone know if this Special Edition Hardcover is the second printing or first? There's a lot of errata to keep track of if its just the first...
Because the Special Editions are released at the same time as the regular editions and are not reprinted, they are always 1st printing.

Not reprinted? This gives me anxiety about the Special Edition Core Rulebook I got at GenCon 2019.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

This is easily the most exciting Lost Omens line book I've ever seen! The sheer amount of use I'll get out of this one makes me wonder if I'll need 2, because the first one will fall apart over time! Please tell me that this is the first of many like this!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

As a Lost Omens line subscriber, I find myself wondering: Will those of us who have been faithful to the line until now who want to get the books that we already own in special edition get any kind of discount/return policy?