
Jebediah Lillywag's page

346 posts. Alias of Alex Mack.


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Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31
Katja Zynas wrote:

Gil here

Here is the bare bones so far of my new PC. I wanted her to be able to contribute past spells, since I have very few at present level. Will finish her up after I get some sleep.

Nice 32 point buy you got going on there...

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

When slaying a dragon one should best bring along a cheese samwich...

Sorry haven't had the time to get my fluff written. Basic idea: dumb hero who hides his Tiefling Origin...so he's just this handsome tall braod shouldered guy.

Now ideally he and Celes would be buddies who heard of Belhaim's plight and came to the rescue.

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Paladin Build:

Oath of Vengance Paladin (Demonspawn Tiefling)
STR 18 DEX 12 CON 14 INT 6 WIS 8 CHA 18
WILL +9 FORT +10 REF +8
HP 52 AC 25 (FF 24 T 14) CMB +10 CMD 21

Race Traits:
Fiendish Sprinter
Pass for Human
Skilled: +2 Bonus on Disable Device + Perception
Spell Like Ability: Shatter
FCB: Heal 6 additional point with Lay on Hands
Fate’s Favored, Deft dodger
Class Abilities:
Aura of Good
Detect Evil
Smite Evil: 2x per Day
Lay on Hands: 7x per day heal 3d6+12 Damage (self) as swift action
Divine Grace
Aura of Courage, Divine Health
Mercy (Sickend/Staggered)
Channel Wrath
Divine Bond (Weapon)

1 Fey Foundling
3 PA
5 Armor of the Pit

Hero’s Defiance
Divine Favor

Potion of Flight (750)
+1 greatsword (2.3k)
+1 Full Plate (2.5 k)
Headband of Charisma (4k)
+1 Cloak of Resistance (1k)
Scroll of Lesser Restorationx3 (150)
Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Ring of Deflection +1

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

I agree with Cobb, we should give some thought on how we rebuild the group. For my part I'm not keen to bring back Jebediah.

Sounds like we need 1 guy with heavy armor and good saves and a big sword and 1 Evangelist Cleric.

I'd be happy to build a Tank. Maybe I could also come up with a buffer build.

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Stabilize 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31
Sarasha wrote:

She staggers to her feet Move action, provokes AoO and raises her fists weakly.

That was an unnecessary death if I've ever seen one... good thing I burned my last spell and last turns action to make it happen...Jeb is moving to Aid another mode from here on. Good thing Jeb is so helpful.

Lukas...go get him! This way you do not pose a threat!

Aid another on attack1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

See my post in game. I think we are better off trying to win this than ducking out. I mean we're gonna have to kill a friggin Dragon soon...

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Let's talk tactics...our only tool in this fight seems to be Tessa. So as long as others can keep the mummy occupied and it doesn't go after her we can possibly make it. However I'm pretty sure we will suffer casualties...

Seeing he can not harm the mummy even with fire Jebediah bows down to infuse Sarasha with healing.

CLW 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Jebediah cringes as the Mummy takes the life out of Celes. As it is either fight or flight the halfling remains brave in the face of death and hurls fire at his foe.

Burninghands DC164d4 ⇒ (4, 2, 3, 3) = 12

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

5 foot step and CLW for Celes. 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Jebediah infuses Celes with healing inthe hopes it is not too late.

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31
Tessa Firebrand wrote:

Stepping around to get a clearer shot Tessa fires off a frozen ray at the mummy as she pulls out the maximize rod.

Versatile Evocation to make scorching ray cold

Wondering why you would not want to shoot fire at something that is wrapped in cloth?

Jebediah not strong like some of his companions does have other tricks up his sleeve and unleashes another gout of flame.

Burning haands DC 16 4d4 ⇒ (4, 3, 4, 2) = 13

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Kn. Religion 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Oh my...an Irorian Mummy.... Jebediah muses as he approaches.

Naturally not a follower of Irori...

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31


Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Many Dragons are powerful spellcasters and can change shape... Jebediah explains. However from all we have seen this one is likely more into illusion magic.

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

I'm traveling for the next few days and my posting will be spotty at best. Please feel free to NPC me.

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Considering we caused quite a ruckus throughout this place I'm not sure all the lieutenants are just waiting for us to show up. At least that's not what I would do if my Stronghold were under attack.

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Jeb's healing wand is done. But I think we have another one. Jeb will heal anyone with it just make the rolls yourself. Let's just push on from here once everyone is healed up.

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Jebediah sets up a small ritual and calls upon Pharsma to restore Sarasha to full health. It appears that Jebediah was a good Acolyte and his prayers are heard as he is able to largely restore his companion to full health.

1d4 ⇒ 4
1d4 ⇒ 3
1d4 ⇒ 2

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Maybe we should just rest in the monastery then?

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Jeb can cast 3 more lesser restorations for the day but would be out of 2nd level spells then.

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Jebediah places a hand on Sarash and incantes an old ritual which might save her from the brink of the ladies lands.

Cast lesser restoration on Sarasha. Lesser restoration dispels any magical effects reducing one of the subject's ability scores or cures 1d4 points of temporary ability damage to one of the subject's ability scores.

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Fort1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Fort1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Ouch... Jebediah exclaims. Do we have any means of dealing with poison?

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Jebediah unsure as to where the Naga might be hiding tries to get lucky with a further burst of color called forth from the heavens.

DC 18 color spray. Naga is treated as if it had 5 less HD to calculate the effect of color spray. Marked the affected area on the map.

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Jebediah unleashes a colorful blast in the hopes of distracting the Naga.

DC 18 color spray. Naga is treated as if it had 5 less HD to calculate the effect of color spray.

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

In my reading fascinate was always an out of combat abililty. The baridic performance ability quite clearly states that it can only be used when no combat is going on. Also I agree with Lukas that there isn't much room for interpreting what the Naga is doing currently as not being hostile...

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Wil1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Jebediah is clearly fascinated by what this Naga has on show.

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Jebediah follows hot on the heels of Lukas and Sarasha.

Stealth1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

That depends on whether we can aid on alchemy checks. You can't aid on KN. Checks and this mighte be the same

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

INT1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

Mhhhmmm... reminds me of mom's cooking!

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Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Flying to the states today. Likely no posts over the weekend from me.

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Kn Religion1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

I think you can't aid on Knowledge skills.

Hmm interesting. I read about something like this some time ago. There's these weird Irorian monks who'd engage in fasting and sensory deprivation. I heard that they lock themselves in these dark metal coffins and meditate.

Jeb informs his companions.

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Any insights on the statue?

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Jebediah studies the statue and muses.


Kn. Religion1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

As the others are ready to move on Jebediah is once again rather curious and hoists up the massive blade.

Now look at this...

Don't forget the Lootz!

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

As the groith tumbles to the ground Jebediah quickly moves to his fellow halfling and begins to cure here.

CLW5d8 + 5 ⇒ (1, 7, 2, 2, 3) + 5 = 20
CLW5d8 + 5 ⇒ (3, 1, 8, 8, 4) + 5 = 29
CLW 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Only 1 more charge in this wand...

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Come on die already.

Jebediah attempts to scorch the groth with fire once more.

Burning hands DC165d4 ⇒ (2, 2, 3, 3, 4) = 14

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

5 ft. step scorching ray

Seeing that his magics were not effective Jebediah tries another tactic and shoots flames at the creature.

Burning hands5d4 ⇒ (2, 4, 3, 1, 4) = 14

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Leveled up Jeb and his Initiative mod is still +9. Move up the stairs and cast color spray. DC 18. Evil wingman is treated as if his HD were 5 lower for the effects of color spray.

Jeb scuttles up the stares and seeing the foe decides to try his luck, he incantes a few ancient words and showers the winged creature in a magic rainbow.

This better work...

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Like Dragons?

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Well sounds like we will be rather busy...

Not leveled yet...

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

So where is the rest of the Kobolods?

Jebediah inquires.

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

The fact that your egoism migt bring a great catastrophe over this town and country side surely must have crossed your mind? Anyhows were sent on this missiion by heroes of old who once slew the real Aeteperox, and his bones are still locked down in a crypt. That is why we know that this one is not who he pretends to be so slaying him will prove doable!

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Jebediah eyes the man, who has yet to identify himself stoically.

Considering what will happen if we do not slay the dragon, him eating your wife, torching the countryside and gobling up all inhabitants of Belhaim I'd say the risks of defeat are bearable. Now if only we knew wh you are... and whether or not you are allied with the Dragon...

Diplomacy1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18

Happy to accept Aid anothers here...

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Sense Motive1d20 - 1 ⇒ (15) - 1 = 14

Your wife? The beast? And who are you anyhow?

Jebediah inquires slightly dumbfounded.

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Well there's more of them in there so be quite with your big stompin feet. And when we try playing tricks on them keep your big mouth shut...

Jebediah sneers at Lukas.

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Someone is gonna have to kill the dazed kobolds...

Jebediah looks up and sees Cobb instead of Pharasma. He shakes violently and needs a while to get back up.

All the while the two Kobolds affected by his magic are beginning to stir.

CLW3d8 + 12 ⇒ (6, 3, 5) + 12 = 26

3 scrolls used

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Ahhh...kill it! Jebediah gurgles as he drops to the ground spitting blood... then there is nothing only a soft voice beckoning him closer... and Jebediah slowly treads forward ever closer to where he belongs...

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Jebediah bleeding heavily from two vicious wounds and as close to meeting his lady as he ever has been takes a step back and treats his wounds with his wand.

5 ft. step. Draw wand heal wounds CLW1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Jebediah Lillywag N Halfling Oracle 4 Init +9, Low Light Vision, Perception +8 Will +3 Ref +4 Fort +2 AC 17 CMD 12 HP 31/31

Ahhh...Kill it!,,,kill it!

Jebediah shouts.

Waiting to see if my friends can fell the mighty Kobold before taking my action...

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