JaysonFour's page

Organized Play Member. 18 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

I'm looking into starting an online Jade Regent campaign for some friends (gotta keep busy through all this pandemic downtime), and I wanted to maybe ask the fine GMs here a few things on running this.

1) What maps would I need? I have a few downloaded map-packs courtesy of Humble Bundles, but which ones should I be looking to invest in for this adventure path? (For example, I figure Swamp and River Crossing should get me through Brinestump Swamp, along with the provided maps in the module.)

2) I'm looking at using the relationship/romance system- I know, I'm a bit of a sap for a good love story, but... only one chance per level to try to win over one of the six possibles (I'm thinking of keeping on Ulf and Kelda for the entire trek once Kelda gets sprung in Brinewall and Ulf from Ravencraeg). Besides those, would it usually be a good idea to maybe award or penalize particular PCs on actions and things they say in the NPCs' presence in order to supplement the usual things?

3) What character classes should I allow? The players guide doesn't make any mention of some of the newer character classes that were released after it- is there anything in there that I might need to nix because of being so overpowered it's unbalanced? I want to give my players some freedom in character design, but I don't want them to break the game wide open.

I'm trying to make a list of everything I'm still missing from my Pathfinder collection, and I'm trying to figure out just what's been released for Second Edition as far as Campaign Settings and Adventure Paths and that kind of thing. I click on the Second Edition listing and all it gives me are the rulebooks- is there anywhere where it says "hey, these books here are for First Edition and these are for Second Edition"?

It gets kind of confusing because right now, everything's all mashed together in the same listings and I don't know what's compatible with what...

I couldn't find the answers I was looking for, so I was hoping to get a few answers from people in the know:

I'm looking to build quite a few characters, and I've recently come into a stack of players' guides, comics, and the like, and I see that there are options for stuff like new feats, traits, prestige classes, etc. in all of this stuff. I was wondering, are these sources (players' guides and other external sources) legal to draw traits and things from for PFS character building for PF1?

With my luck, the answer is somewhere obvious and I've missed it because I've been looking for it so hard... :)

I remember there used to be a couple tables that would run a few times a month at the second floor cafe of the D&W in Kalamazoo, but I don't know if those are still going- I tried going to the old website where people would sign up for games on my phone and hit the mother of all lairs of pop-up ads...

Is there still any kind of Kalamazoo/Portage game day? Or are there nothing but home games and the like these days?

What with the upcoming switchover to PF2, and all the uneasy rumbling it's causing among players, is there still any possible value to wanting to earn my GM's stripes so I can be able to run PF1 Society content? I have a lot of good memories, and now that I finally have a lot of time and a way to run games (online, possibly in person if I can find a blasted table that's big enough), it just seems a waste to let all of these scenarios and adventure paths just sit there and rot.

I mean, there's some 300-odd Society scenarios out there, and piles of Adventure Paths that are good for Society credit. But to hear people say it- "Oh, everybody's played everything already, PF2 is going to kill the game, everyone's playing Starfinder, the sky is falling, etc."- it just makes me second-guess the idea of wanting to learn to run Society games. There are always going to be newbies to the system, and somehow I don't think PF2 is going to kill everything dead quite instantly, so I figure "Why not? At the very least if the PF1 Society closes down, I have a massive, massive pre-made campaign on my hands and I can run people through that- you can't just toss ten years of stuff in the trash... and there will always be people who love PF1 much like there are always people who play 3.5 and can't stand any newer edition because of reasons.

But I'm still kind of antsy about it- it's like, I want to, but is there going to be that much of a player base for it? And are there any plans to release the Pathfinder Society scenarios in bundles of some sort instead of just buying by the individual scenario?