JaysonFour's page

Organized Play Member. 18 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

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I keep coming back to this and re-reading it because it just gives me a good happy feeling in my heart to know that no matter what happens, at least they have each other. This was needed, especially this year.

...though it's a heck of a lot tamer than I would have thought Meri would want for something like this... I guess Kyra's having a calming effect on her! Maybe she's losing her edge now she's bonded? (Though I'd hate to be the dumb idiot who lands a shot on Kyra now... I think we'd find out how many stabs someone could take before they die messily...)

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I'm still having a lot of fun with Kingmaker, and if this is just as good, I say let them keep making games until they can't. Looking forward to this one!

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I mean, I guess I could always run the scenarios and hand out Chronicle sheets even if the PF1 Society shuts down because it's one heck of a way to keep track of everything- not to mention it would be a really fun way to guide some newbies through ten years of storylines. I mean, you might have to adjust in some places as far as old-school faction missions and the like, but it might just involve a little tweaking to keep things working here and there. I mean, obviously it would take more than one character per player to go and run through everything, even on slow progression.

I mean, I'm not going to get a chance to play a lot of these scenarios and specials and everything, but if I can run them for others, that's a real close second. And maybe it'll finally get me off my rump and into writing some fiction of my own based around an agent or agents of the Society working through each of the seasons.

Is there any specific test I have to take to be able to run a Society scenario, or is it "just pick it up, don't flub it too bad, and get your paperwork sent in on time"?

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Kyra: It is again time for the hero in you to spring free, Merisiel.

Merisiel: I won't always be a hero. You may not be as enamored of me in the times to come. I'm not brave or kind or even that nice.

Kyra: You are Merisiel. And that is enough. (Pathfinder Adventures, Scenario 3-5 opening text w/M & K both in party)

Yeah, Kyra's definitely got it for you as bad as you have it for her, no matter how much she tries to deny it, hehe. I think "Operation: Loosen up the cute cleric" is at least a minor success, indeed. Have to admit, you two go together like goblins that need to be stabbed and implements of stabbing.

Have you ever managed to get Kyra at least a little drunk and relaxed enough to finally let her hair down, so to speak? She looks like she's got a lot on her mind, all the time... she needs to find a way to burn some of that off, you know?