
Jaydavu's page

108 posts. Alias of Gerald.


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Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

I agree...happy holidays to all of you!

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

Lets say I hit the wounded one.

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

Davu swings and kicks at the displaced beast threatening him.

Power Attack with Inspire Courage both targets on the ground 1d20 + 13 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 13 + 1 + 2 = 18

Damage 2d6 + 2 + 1 + 10 ⇒ (5, 4) + 2 + 1 + 10 = 22

Power Attack 1d20 + 13 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 13 + 1 + 2 = 19

Damage 2d6 + 2 + 1 + 10 ⇒ (2, 4) + 2 + 1 + 10 = 19

Power Attack 1d20 + 8 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 8 + 1 + 2 = 27

Damage 2d6 + 2 + 1 + 10 ⇒ (2, 2) + 2 + 1 + 10 = 17

Power Attack 1d20 + 8 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 8 + 1 + 2 = 15

Damage 2d6 + 2 + 1 + 10 ⇒ (2, 6) + 2 + 1 + 10 = 21

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

That is my assumption, Tark.

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

"Beer do taste better to Davu than rations. But rations are good too. Bet mouseman like beer better, though."

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

Lol, glad to hear things are okay with the fam, Tark. That's scary stuff.

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

Davu remained silent. Their jokes meant nothing to him. He kept focused on the job. Sooner it was done, the sooner he could go home.

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

Davu climbs down as well.

Climb 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

"Maybe the mice was right. Don't trust bad guys or good guys, either. Everyone seems mad at group. Need to find way to Beastlands now," the monk grumbles as he looks around at the massive tree.

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

"Davu not sure why arkons bother group. Group going to do good thing to help elfs and stop evil drows. Let Davu be. No time to waste."

Diplomacy Aid Another 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

The oread smiles. "Why Lord not just say that? Let's go get bow then."

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

Davu remained silent not sure if he understood the language that the Lord of Three was speaking. He stared at the others for their comment if any.

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

Yes, back to the Lord.

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

"Well, that was strange. Group visited the Eye and only got dumb poem. Is this what Three was talking about?"

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

"Eye, Jaydavu is trusting you. Do not abuse the trust, and now let us see again."

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

"Lord of Three told group to come to here. To stop drows, group need to see The Eye. The Eye will tell how to blind the Spider Queen. Group need to find out how to do that."

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

Jaydavu nods. The dwarf basically had e long and short of it covered.

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

"Wait here, Braegan. Group be back soon. "

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

"Davu have nothing to fear if judged. Go first, if group want. Davu can pass test and see Eye.". If the group prefers, the monk will boldly stride to the front of the group.

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

"Simple life is good. Davu like simple life at home in village. Not like crazy plane travelling...but family give word to help elfs. Davu keeps word of family." He speaks to Braegan as if there was never a consideration for any other way of thought, as if that would just be simply insane.

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

Jaydavu nods as well. "Sooner group does this, sooner group gets home, and elfs be safe. Let's go."

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

Davu doesn't have the note, so he waits for one of the others to speak up. "Davu tell the truth. Always. Oath Keeper says to not lie. Davu not lie."

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

"Oh, Davu forgot...Braegan is right. We beat up a bad drow cleric. She had note that drows might have come from this Sigil place. Dwarf just showed us how to get here. Not used to travel like this...Davu got confused."

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

Sorry, DM, I thought I was being honest. Didn't the dwarf we met send us to this place? If he didn't then can we redo that part? Davu isn't a liar. He's not terribly bright, so he might have forgot the note that you all are referencing, lol, because obviously Gerald did!

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

"Friendly dwarf coming out of dirty place the brothel told us about bar. Said that this best place to look for information."

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

"Like Davu told Mary, drows attacking elfs in our world. Davu helps elfs now, so looking for drows to make them stop that."

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

Davu forks over the gold. "Mary not be sneaky or Davu come back to get his gold. Tell group about drow's."

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

Davu thinks for a few moments. "500 gold for information. If Iinformation is good and true, we come back and give more. If info not good and true, we come back and take the gold back. And Davu will be mad."

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

Davu didn't follow the nuances of requesting information and blending in as well as the others. "Drows Attack us and elfs. We are here to find drows and make them stop attacks. Davu can pay for information."

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

Davu was very uneasy in this place. He held his tongue as he examined the goingson at the bar.

Perception 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (7) + 16 = 23

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

"Why trust strange rats over good angels." Davu asks, clearly not the least bit plussed by the apparent withdrawal of assistance from the rats and their strange voices.

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

"Davu follow Kols' orders. The Oathkeeper...and respect those beliefs. Davu never met angel, but has no reason to not believe celestial. Not scared of rats either," Davu says menacingly.

Sorry, but lawful good Davu can't agree that turning his back on help from a good being would be a bad idea.

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

"How do voices know about our task? Maybe elfs talked to them someway? Not sure if trust yet..."

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

"This might sound dumb, but anybody else hear voices in head, like Davu just did? Says not trust Angels or demons? Weird sounds," the Oread nods, looking to the others to gauge their reactions.

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

"Davu not like those guys. Not want to get hit either. Alley sounds good. If they were to chase us into alley, Davu not care to knock some heads around," the big guy grumbles at the awful parade.

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

Davu was overwhelmed by all the sights and sounds of this strange place. He was more used to the simple life of protecting his village...he'd never dreamed he'd ever explore any strange cities such as this. He figured the best thing he could do to contribute would be to stand back and silently support his friends.

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

"Ask about drows. Maybe they know something, and can send us to correct door to find drows. Might take bribe, but bet one of these things knows about drows!"

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

"Go to bar? All kinds people in bars. Get information there, maybe? Mother might know about drows."

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

Davu has another charge of his wand of Mage Armor applied by Senna and leads the group through.

47 charges left.

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

Davu takes a deep breath and tries to walk directly through the gate, once the consensus is reached. "Geoup find drows and make them leave elfs alone," he says as he hopes to somehow activate the magic merely by walking ahead.

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

Davu, still feeling guilty, smiles at Arial and the cat. "Hello Arial and kittie. Hope are doing okay. What elfs think we do about gate? We stay here and keep elfs safe or go to this Sigil? Davu not sure."

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'


Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

"Davu here to help elfs, not chase things through different planes and the like. Davu's family gave word to elfs, not to go crazy on wild goose chase. Maybe elfs have better idea about drows. If not, can go to Sigil later, if elfs want us to."

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

"Davu think look to rest of cave is good idea. If drows are hidden, they might go bother elfs while group is exploring portal..."

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

"Do group want to go through gate? Without knowing what on other side? Maybe better to explore more and look for clues? Not smart to act without knowing..."

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

Wow, nice job, Braegan!!

"What happened to demon? It had strong magic that made Davu stop moving. Looks like it doesn't like arrows, though," the oread said as he shook his head, and stretched his muscles, again trying to make sure they are working properly.

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

Will save 1d20 + 13 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 13 + 2 = 16

Lol, you have to be kidding me! Why do the dice gods hate Davu?

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

My characters never save worth a darn in lucendar's games! My archer got the business end of a Phantasmal Killer spell not too long ago, lol.

And Davu hasn't made one yet, I don't think!

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

Will 1d20 + 13 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 13 + 2 = 17

Aw s#$#.

Oread Monk 9 | AC 23/22/21 | HP 84/84 | Speed 20' | 7/8 Ki points | 10/10 Stun.Fist | F+10, R+11, W+13 | Init.+3 | Perception+16 | SM+13 | Darkvision 60'

The oread moves to intercept the demon, using the spell to move forward 65', waiving the beast to head in his direction. "Come and get Davu, demon. Will fix demon and drow's."

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