Jax Omen's page

2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


firacura wrote:
Seriously? Are people really still complaining after they told everyone exactly what to do to get it to work? It took me around an hour to download all of them the other day. I just had to wait 15 minutes or so after clicking the personalization link before clicking it again... Which is exactly what they have said to do.

Doesn't work for me, and obviously many others.

And that's not even counting the fact that this site straight up doesn't work in Chrome, which is already mind-bogglingly stupid.

Yet another example of DRM screwing the honest consumer. I won't be spending more money with Paizo, ever.

superwolfkin wrote:
Basically I get my personalization link. I wait my 10-15 seconds and then I click and get the "Link will download in 5 seconds"

Must be nice, I can't even get this far. All I ever get are the "10 seconds" message, waiting seconds, minutes, doesn't matter, I have never gotten past that.

Super freaking annoyed. Worst service ever. I feel ripped off that I spent $25 on this crap. If I hadn't received a physical package I probably would have already submitted a chargeback, as far as I'm concerned this issue has surpassed load issues and is now borderline fraud.