Javiash's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.



Hi, and DMing Rise of the Runelords, and my party is about to fight with creatures with a permanent pelepathic bond. Can my party detect this bond with "detect magic"? I know they wont be able to detect with whom they are bond if the other one is far enough, but could they tell that the creature is talking with someone else?

Ok, so no zombie lord or skeletal champion... Is there an official list of the variables we can use? For both zombies and skeletons, please.

And can we use a dead zombie's skeleton to animate a skeleton? I know the rules says that no skeleton or zombie can be animated again, but this is different, or not?


Val'bryn2 wrote:
Edit: since the zombie is unintelligent, it's staying unintelligent.

Again with this one, you are telling me that they come back unintelligent, excelente, but how about if the plague zombie that first bite them was also relentless or fast, do they come back like that also or only regular plague zombies?

And the extra HD that the relentless and zombie lord give are separate of the extra HD they gain for been zombies??

Ashiel wrote:

-When animating zombie lords or Skeletal champions, they keep everything? Memories, feats, class skills(the amount of skill points change, I know)

Yes, more or less. However, skeletal champions aren't animated with animate dead.

Thanks again and again for your help.

I think you can animate a skeletal champions. In www.d20pfsrd.com in the variants you can animate there is a magus, that says that is a skeletal champion. That means you can only animate magus's or you can animate different skeletal champions?

And if it is only magus you can animate, does it have to be a former magus o any skeleton you animate like this turns into a magus?

Again, thanks to everybody.

NEW ONE, haha.

-What does it means the CR+1 in each template? Does this change the cost of animation? O raises its HD?? Example: the fast zombie is CR+0, but the relentless is CR+1 and is exactly the same as the fast zombie but better. So why would you raise a fast zombie if you can have a relentless one??


Val'bryn2 wrote:
Edit: since the zombie is unintelligent, it's staying unintelligent.

Thanks everyone!! You solved my doubts I have since last week in a matter of minutes.

Now I bring new ones:

-When animating zombies they gain an extra HD, does this new HD counts in the total HD I can control?

-When animating zombie lords or Skeletal champions, they keep everything? Memories, feats, class skills(the amount of skill points change, I know)

This are the ones I have now... I'll come back later :P


Hi everyone, I'm playing tomorrow an Urgathoa Cleric level 6 and I want my undead minions. But I'm having so much trouble to trully understand this spell.

First- I want to reanimate my last character who died in this campaign, also level 6... that means that when I reanimate him he will only have 1 HD, cause he lost his class HD, right? But adding templates raises his HD or not? I want him to be a bloody mudra skeleton (my DM let me to attach to extra limbs in the time of casting the spell). So, is he will still be 1 HD? Or can I choose how many HD he can have? And this question birngs us to my second question...

Second- the rules says that the cost is 25gp per HD. This is calculate with his class HD or only his racial HD? The same example. My last character will raise with 1 HD, so it will cost me 25 gp (no templates) o I have to pay 150 gp (6 class HD, no templates)

Third- How do I give classes to my undeads? If I want a rogue skeleton, how can I magnage this? Or a ranger zombie? You get my point.

Fourth- If a reanimate a plague zombie... his spaws, will they be intelligent or not? I know they wont be under my control, but having the command undead solves that, unless they are intelligent undead.

I know that aplying templates raises the cost but only to reanimate them, not to the actual number I can control.

I know I have more doubts about this spell, but right now I don't remember them. So meanwhile you can answer this ones and then I will post the new ones.

Thanks in advanced.

Hello, I'm building a rogue and I was wandering... if I have the feats Improved feint I can feint as a move action, in that same round I could demoralized the enemy with intimidate, and in the next round take a full-round action to hit him twice with TWF, I'm right? Because TWF can only be done with a full-round action, or is a way to do it as a standard action?

As the feint rules says, I only deny the DEX in the first attack I made, or could it be in both attacks?


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Hi, so here this is my doubt... I have a sorcerer with the serpentine bloodline that in lvl 3 he gains a familiar, and I also put him the Eldritch Heritage feat choosing the arcane bloodline also gaining a familiar...

I know that he won't have two familiars, that the levels stacks, but is it for ever? I mean is, in level 3 my familiar is level 2 (-2 serpentine blood line, -2 Eldritch Heritage), so in level 4 is level 4? And in level 5 is level 6, and so on, and so on??


Well, as simple as that... If someone provokes an AoO by X action, and I use a trip maneuver without the improved trip feat. In theory that provokes an AoO, but is that character able to do it if he is the one that provoked it in the first place???

Not only with a trip maneuver, but also with a disarm, steal, and I don't know if there is anothoer maneuver you can do while doing an AoO.