
Kae'Yozz the drow's page

15 posts. Alias of KaeYoss.


Aberzombie wrote:
Kae'Yozz the drow wrote:

Poor. I'm a drow. We worship demons. Prepare to have your child devoured! Prepare to have your holy scriptures defiled. I'm especially looking forward to that one.

So, are these like, the infinite earth versions?

Golarion's Darklands. Spiders are for icky nutcases (yes, I'm talking about you, Mazzmezz worshippers. Eat your heart out. No, wait, let me do it.)

ssoYeaK wrote:
ka3yo5s wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:
I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but I think it maybe slightly against forum rules to create an alias for the express purpose of mocking a specific poster. Just maybe.
You think?

Then I *must* do it.

I'm a REBEL!!!!!!!!!!!1

Poor. I'm a drow. We worship demons. Prepare to have your child devoured! Prepare to have your holy scriptures defiled. I'm especially looking forward to that one.

Urizen wrote:
Damnit. It's good to be a drow gangsta.

Oh yeah. Much better than human gangsta. I mean, they're black, too, but not black enough. It's just very tan. And I hear it comes from being out in the sun too much. That's just disgusting. Why would anyone go out under the sun on purpose for so long? Sicko surfacers.

Plus, they don't know their sign language. I saw some of their bards once. They couldn't even sing, they'd just talk to some repetitive piece of music. Something about big butts or something. And on the same time they're talking with their hands like crazy.

Stuff like "My hippo is blue like a shark is old" or "I fish you crab super-nail-housings".

I think that they're all mental. Or it's some code. But I think it's mental.

Veldrin wrote:

Dinner, eh?? have i mentioned i run and own a tavern??

Is that that "Crazed Cannibal" I'm hearing so much about? They say they serve everyone there!

Creepy Puppet wrote:
Ziesstra T'sarran wrote:
MoorLackey wrote:
Maybe a nice game of Pin the Dagger in the Duergar?

*claps hands excitedly*

Yes, please... I haven't played that since my sorority days, honestly.

Hey, you look.......familiar

You mean, like a raven or cat?

Ziesstra T'sarran wrote:

*wanders in, arches eyebrow, looks around*

I'm quarter-drow on my mother's side... does that count?

No such thing. You're either drow or not.

Since you're not, I proclaim thee fair game.

Sin'ayd Ohkan'rr wrote:

Chaining him to the front lawn would get the most use out of him.



I just want someone chained to the front lawn is all. For security.

I just want someone chained to my bedroom wall. For amusement. And sport. That someone must be female. I will do bad things to her, and rejoice in the fact that below this world, we're not just stupid followers of some itsy bitsy spider demoness with daddy issues who wants to suppress men - unlike some worlds. The losers. Might as well go dance naked in the woods or something.

What, some of them do that, too?

I might want to take a look at that - to see it for myself, that is.

Backstabber the Friendly Drow wrote:
Kae'Yozz the drow wrote:
Backstabber the Friendly Drow wrote:
Drizzle Tur'ducken wrote:
It tastes like... burning...
Are you dead yet?

You used fast-acting stuff?

Amateurs! I despair for our race!

For softy drow rangers, I say the quicker the better.

Let me introduce you to my friend. His name is "Prolonged Agony". He wants to be your friend, too. You two can have a great time together!

Of course, in the case of some drow rangers, prolonged agony will be indistinguishable from the normal emo angst poetry they spew.

Backstabber the Friendly Drow wrote:
Drizzle Tur'ducken wrote:
It tastes like... burning...
Are you dead yet?

You used fast-acting stuff?

Amateurs! I despair for our race!

Backstabber the Friendly Drow wrote:

Soda, anyone?

*pulls out an open bottle of cola*

Let me see that...

Ah, yes, just as I thought: says here on the bottle that there is acid in it.

Nice try.

I have a face book! Everytime I defeat someone with an interesting face, I take its face off and put it in my book.

Studpuffin wrote:
Do WoW dark elves count as drow? I thought they were from the surface and were all hippity-dippity with nature.

Night elves. Amateurs. Getting upstaged by some anaemic emo gothlings.

By Nocticula, Golarion's dark-skinned elves will not be seen like this. Rovagug's gift is too precious to waste on petting vegetation.

Urizen wrote:
Achtongue, baby!

Come again? Please keep your tongue away from me, much obliged.

Crimson Jester wrote:
Urizen wrote:
I'm waiting for this piece of work to make an appearance. Drowiggidy!
She could torture me all night long!

Actually, she considers every session that runs less than a week straight to be poor.

The pain she gives is like unto a sweet nectar. At least that's what you must say if you don't want it to become two weeks - without "safe zones"!

I think I can take my mask off now, and use my real name. I really missed my Zs and 's. My middle name is Xexx, by the way, before you think my name is incomplete or anything.

Urizen wrote:
I'm waiting for this piece of work to make an appearance. Drowiggidy!

That's my sister! Good thing we don't share the humans' silly views about incest!