
Jason Yanity's page

18 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Heathansson wrote:
NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Give me back my soul!

I'm safe. Microsoft already owns my soul, and I don't think WotC's lawyers have a chance against Microsoft!

Chris Sanders wrote:

Dear expectant customers,

The new book is here. Mr. Strand (The Warehouse guy) has unloaded and checked them into inventory. I (The New Warehouse guy) have been processing your orders. Mr. Strand and I will be get them shipped out rapidly. Thanks for your patience.

Many Banana's for the warehouse monkey!

Phil Lacefield Jr. wrote:

Got a call from the shipper this afternoon, they will try their darndest to get them here by Monday 5PM, but most likely it'll be Tuesday. SO with any luck, we'll start shipping them out on Wednesday.

...almost there....stay on target...

Thank you for the update. I know it has been just as frustrating for you guys as it has been for us, but you guys have been very candid. That's why I like dealing with Paizo, and will continue to do so for a while. And with the demise of Dungeon and Dragon, I'll need to spend my money on other items... :)

Saern wrote:

So, question for everyone using weapon droppage rules: what happens when a caster uses a spell with an attack roll and rolls a natural 1 then fails his Reflex check? He has no weapon to drop.

Here's another one: what happens if a player is engaged in melee combat against an opponent with no other allies within his threat range, rolls a fumble, then rolls "damage ally" on the crit table? Does his weapon fly out of his hand and strike the nearest ally? (Thinking about it, this would punish the player in a number of "critically fumbled" ways: damage an ally and drop a weapon, not to mention the weapon would be dropped "way over there").

We had a critical failure with a touch spell a few weeks ago.

OUr wiz/cleric decided to take soem decisive action and cast a maximized shocking grasp on the lizardfolk druid at the beginning of Encounter of Blackwall Keep.

Keep in mind that the character has a fairly low maximum hp, and was slightly wounded. The character had like 19 hp and maximized damage was going to be 30 points.

For the touch attack, he rolled a 1. SO based on our rules he had to make a dex check of 15 or fumble. He rolls a 1 on the dex check. No saving him. Rolling on the table it was falls on weapon (hits self) and ZAP. alive to beyond dead.

Mind you the druid had like 6 HP left and had been pretty ineffective on the battlefield.

Arctaris wrote:
Jason, where do you find those rules? It sounds like what I'm looking for.

Torn Asunder: Critical Hits is a 3rd party sourcebook that is all about critifcal hits and fumbles.

I think you can order it via PDF from enworld or possibly find a hard copy. I can't go browsing at work since most gaming sites are blocked.

There is alot more detail in there than most people want, but on the other hand if someone scores a critical hit against a six legegd creature, there are actully tables that tell you the location and extra effects based on the location and the severity of the roll.

We use the critical hit and fumble rules from Torn Asunder.

The crit hit ruels are a bit rough and I am going to change to the critical hit deck. Less math.

The fumble rules have you make a dex check of 15 if you role a 1. If you fail the check you roll 1d3 and add your dex modifier. You look up the result on a table and it the results can be Strike yourself, strike an ally, drop/throw your weapon, get stunned for a round or elicit and AoO from all adjacent enemies.

It works pretty good for melee weapon weilding people, but fails for natural attacks adn ranged attacks. SOmeday I will improve it.

We ususally have 1-2 critical fumbles in a session and 1 crit hit. More often than not it is a NPC or monster who gets the crit fumble. My players love it when a goblin strikes down his companion.

All in all I like using Crits (both types) it give a bit more flair to the game and one of my players usually handles the results.

Generally the fumbles are not game enders, but they usually shift the balance of power in the battle a little bit.

The crits have turned a climactic battle into a 1 round ko though.

My group just finished Whispering Cairns and the loot total was pushing 30,000 gp. Divided amoung 4 players that's roughly 7500 each, far above what 3rd level players should have.

On the other hand, they have struggeled against many of the creatures.


I love panic in the party.

THe party of 4 was in the room wiht the flase sarcophagas. They move the casket and the first elevator appears. THe halfling rogue goes in to investigate and poof it goes back into the floor.

THe rogue was nervous and waited a few rounds before stepping out of the elevator.

The rest of the party is up above and the rogue doesn't appear, so they decide that they need to turn the casket to the next position and back to bring the elevator back. They turn it 1 position and the groaning starts. They try to turn it counterclockwise and of course it doesn't move. The rogue has now stepped out of the elevator since she felt the rumblings of the broken elevator. She tries to go back up but the elevator stays there since the casket is pointed in the wrong direction. She decides to explore on her own.

The party up top realizes that it might go in only one direction, but they fail their stregth check and the beetles appear.

In the end the party spends the night seperated since the beetle swarm and mad slasher put down one of the fighters and the cleric into unconsciousness.

The other fun part is that one of the character's is Alustan's apprentice...

I made of a material I called Primordial Iron. It was formed in the early days of the multiverse when the planes themselves were forming.

It can be worked into steel and acts just like steel in every way except for its interesting color.

It is very rare and most blacksmiths don't even know what it is and most actually get rid of it thinking it is of inferior qulity. Other wise it is just used for ornamentation.

However when the object is enchanted it can gain the following properties:

1. It may increase the chance that the weapon becomes a weapon of legacy.

2. The object gains bloodglow. If it is used to physically kill an living creature, the weapon will shed a deep red light for an hour. Equivalent to the light of a candle.

3. Viewed under darkvision only, it will appear red with everything else still in black and white. This is independant of item number 2.

Pretty much I have a half-orc pit fighter who claimed it as his and is having it made into an Orc double axe, a pair of orc shot puts and possibly ornimentation of a chain shirt. Only the double axe will be magically enhanced at this time.

The double axe is also going to become a weapon of legacy.


(If you want the full write up that I did on it, let me know.)

Talk about timing... My group ran through this last night and they wanted to know the difference between a potion and necroturgon.

Using Filge's notes, I'm going to let a PC create necroturgons with the Brew Potion feat, but the result can only be used in the syringe.

There is one thing that we did figure out and I will let them use it for. Cure Moderate wounds. I will let them apply it to an unconscious comrade as a standard action instead of a full round like a potions. I figure sticking a person with a syringe will be a bit easier.

Since there is usually at least one person down and dying during each combat, it will be helpful.

On a side note... Using the wand of Ray of Enfeeblement on the wind warriors, really makes them less of a threat.


I guess it depends on the group.

Everyone in my group is in their thirties and have other committments. When I was 12 I'd game every weekend for 6-7 hours and during the summer it was a daily event. I guess leveling once every 50 hours of play wasn't a big deal. In the summer that was once a week if we didn't do anything else. If I did that now it would take 5 months to go up a level, if we managed to game every week.

For me the pacing is fine. The players get a sense of reward quite often, and it will only take us 2 years to get through the entire adventure path. Yes it doesn't make sense that you have an 18 year old beating down a god, but then again it doesn't make sense to be beating down a god.

I guess if you want to delay things more, then you have alot of work in front of you to get things ready. I only wish I had that much free time.


Yes. Since I only have 3 players I threw in another person to absorb some of the damage. THe party consists fo a Half Orc Pit Fighter (from City Works), a halfling rogue and a human cloistered cleric of Boccob. THey are first level. the cleric plans on splitting levels with wizard.

I created a Human fighter with low Int and Wisdom. Pretty much he's a sidekick to the Pit Fighter and doesn't take much initiative of his own. His speaking is generally 2-3 word sentences and generally comic relief although he doesn't mean it.

The advantage if this is that since the character had crappy spot and listen checks and a low int, he is never expected to notice anything and generally goes after the closest opponent or whoever the hald orc points out.

The advantage of this is that the party doesn't turn to him for help and his actions never give away secrets. Also he absorbs alot of damage.

I'm currently running it with only 3 PC's

At 1st level:

1 Human Cleric of Boccob (will multiclass Wiz)
1 Half-Orc Pit Fighter (Urban Barbarian from City Works)
1 Halfling Rogue

I created a NPC to tag along with the party. He's a Human FIghter Str 18, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 7, Wis 9, Cha 9 or the like.

He'll provide the muscle the part needs and is my spot for comedic relief. I gave him a couple of flaws/traits that make him slow and unresponsive. He pretty much does whatever the Pit Fighter tells him to do, and has no real personal initiative.

The party had some problems with the beetlw swarm since they had minimal offensive magic and no alchemists fire. I reccomend swapping the elven armband with 1 or 2 alchemists fires.

The adventure Paths are great. I'm 31, married and we are expecting out first any day now so time is precious.

There is a group of 5 that try to game every week and we run 2 different campaigns, alternating weeks. I'm running Age of Worms and the party was just about killed by the Mad Slasher and Beetle Swarm (I was merciful and pulled my punches.)

All in all it is great. I spend less time preparing and there is a path the camapign is headed.

Even better is our other campaign (SCAP). One guy was running it, but realized he doesn't like DMing and didn't have much time. SInce we are sticking with the AP, another guy is taking over where the first is leaving off (End of Flood Season). SInce the campaign is prewritten, it appears to be a smooth hand off of the campaign.

Thanks Dungeon (& Dragon). You probably saved our gaming group, we had thoughts of no longer playing. I just reupped both Dungeon and Dragon for another year and will probably continue doing that as long as I can.

Darkwolf445 wrote:
received mine yesterday, though I think over three weeks for a magazine seems excessive--especially since there seem to be a lot of people having the same problem.

I received my copy of Dungeon the day after I received my copy of Dragon...

Stebehil wrote:

I just had my issue of Dragon 337 in the mail today, so my subscription works. (sings: Oh, what a day :-))

It has been three weeks exactly from the shipping date given on the homepage, so if that sets the measure for shipping, Dungeon 129 should be here on 11/8/05.
I should mention that I live in germany, I think.

Thanks to everyone involved,


I got it the same day as you. but I live here in the US. Oh well. Not much I can do about it I guess...

I generally get mine 2 weeks after they "s~%+ it". However this month it has taken at least 20 days. I emailed Paizo about it and I got a message baout it depending on which post office and the like, which I don't really beleive. I can get letters from people in Texas in 5 days, but my Dragon and Dungeon magazines take 2-3 weeks. I live in the Detroit Area, and none of my other magazines are ever delayed. Personally I think they mail it out alphabetically and it takes them a few extra weeks to get to the end of the alphabet where I am at.

I only get annoyed when I find it at the gaming store before I get it and right now I am annoyed.

The good news is that the cleric should still have all of his turning attempts left.

When the party reaches this point, I hope they have defeated the Ulgerstasa. It will be hard to rin a campaign in a world filled with wights. As for the gods stepping in... It depends on how active the gods are in your world.

As for going back to Diamond Lake, that will be great. Fleeing thousands of wights to run into a black dragon.

I sure hope they kill it first...