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![]() Captain Morgan wrote: Haunted Oracle ain't a bad suggestion. Pretty much gets the force powers from the curse, and Vader seems like he would jive well with a curse. And then the mystery can fill in the martial aspect. Plus, the curse totally jives with the movies. Name one time a character drops something and it lands less than 48 feet away. I'll wait. ![]()
![]() So, I've been working on an Aberrant Bloodline Eldritch Scion Magus idea for a while now, and I had Aberrant Tumor slotted in as my 5th level feat. I had originally planned on taking the protector archetype, but just stumbled onto the errata that that isn't possible anymore. So, I started looking at other ideas... And then I started to wonder if I could get flight. Tumor familiar states The tumor acts as the alchemist’s familiar whether attached or separated (providing a skill bonus, the Alertness feat, and so on). which, to me, indicates it can take actions. Especially when considering the text As a standard action, the alchemist can have the tumor detach itself from his body as a separate creature. So, it can take actions on its own, but it's a standard action to detach. Well... what if we didn't want it to? Figment familiar archetype gives 2 points worth of eidolon evolution points that don't require a base form requirement. Flight is a 2 point evolution, to grant "large wings, like those of a bat, bird, insect, or dragon, gaining the ability to fly". Doesn't require a base form. We apply flight to a Compsognathus form tumor familiar. It has strength 8. We craft muleback cords for it, which increases it's strength to 16 for the purpose of carrying capacity. We then put a heavyload belt on it, which triples it's strength for carrying capacity, giving it a light load of 228 lbs or less. After the flight evolution, it would gain a fly speed equal to it's base speed - 40ft, with good maneuverability as it is Tiny. At that point, would my imaginary flying tumor compy be able to merge onto my back, and use its move actions to carry me while flying? Or have I just been getting too little sleep? ![]()
![]() I've used trees on several occasions. Once to do the sleeping bag kill from Jason, a few times as thrown items. ...my barbarian's strength score and carrying capacity are pretty nuts, we have an engineer among our player group, and a lenient DM. Said engineer also has a backup character for our current game who is a priest who uses a thurible as a meteor hammer. My favorite story actually comes from the Dark Heresy system, where a character with all jammed weapons was thrown into a ruined building, and as a last resort, threw a brick at his enemy. Proceeded to roll perfectly on the dice, and killed a Chaos Space Marine. With a thrown brick. He then carried that brick in a holster for the rest of the campaign. ![]()
![]() My experience with a paladin tends to be best off focusing on self healing. My personal favorite is a Pitborn Tiefling using the alternate favored class bonus from ARG, taking Fey Foundling at level 1. Upon your second level of Paladin, your Lay on Hands heals you for 1d6+4 as a swift action, which could be a third to half your hit points depending on your Con. Having been screwed by the dice more times than I can count, those bonus points have saved my hide a bunch. Focus mainly on charisma to get the most uses of lay on hands, take power attack at third level to boost your melee damage, go Oath of Vengeance for the option of burning your spare uses of LoH for extra smites, and start picking up Extra LoH for bonus healing/damage. Alternatively, you can go human. You lose some static healing bonuses, but make up for it with the extra feat. Fey Foundling and Power Attack at level one can get scary, especially with good party tactics and a reach weapon. ![]()
![]() I'd personally go with the Mobile Fighter Archetype and a reach weapon. 1. Dodge, Combat Reflexes, Power Attack
Probably not the strongest build, but with 20 Con and 22 Str, there's really not a whole lot else you'll need starting out. With 18 Dex, there's very little reason in my opinion to not get Combat Reflexes, as you move from 1 attack per round to the possibility of up to 5 with good positioning and tactics. Iron Will replaces bravery for your weak save, and the Spring Attack tree should get you wherever you'd like to go. I especially like that when you aren't fighting creatures with reach, you get to make trip attacks without provoking an attack of opportunity, so you don't even really need the improved trip feat. ![]()
![]() AvalonXQ wrote:
Aratrok wrote:
The above quote was taken from the "Big and Little Creatures in Combat" section of the combat chapter. I'm not concerned about when I'm my normal medium size, but more the idea of not threatening squares of up to my natural reach when I am Enlarged, which by rules text of Enlarge Person is 10'. The Near and Far feat I mentioned above takes care of adjacent squares, but not the 10' options, according to my understanding of the rules. ![]()
![]() Talonhawke wrote:
I just wanted to let you know that I love you, in a very special way, for that. I have continually struggled to get any type of non-spellcaster to be able to do anything special. Want to have your tenth level fighter do a heroic combat trick slightly outside of rules as usual? Make me 19 separate skill checks, and if you fail any of them you fall prone. For three rounds. Want to make a spell to do the same? ...alright, seems reasonable that your 3rd level wizard should be able to get a +8 to his grapple checks for the next 30 rounds. Then the monk in the back wearily raises his hand, quietly begins to utter a request only to hear "SHUT UP! Your flurry of blows now uses your intelligence to hit, and the average of your charisma and wisdom modifiers are what you add to your AC!" Meanwhile, Superstar McAnimepants walks in chugging a 2 liter of Mountain Dew, wanting to try this new Half-dragon halfling that he has affectionately dubbed a "Dragonling" who wields a ten foot long katana made of depleted uranium, playing a cleric of a deity he wrote up who he can only describe as "Awesome." ...is it possible to be racist against gamers as a whole? There are days I think I get close. |