Jason Hickman's page

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What settings do I use?

I bought some flip mats but they simply print out on two 8x11 pieces of paper like a normal dungeon map.

Someone said to use the 'tile' setting but I don't see that option on my mac print menu?

I don't understand why Paizo doesn't sell them ready to print like everyone else? I buy maps all the time on RPG Drive Thru that print automatically sized to the 8x11" and then cut and paste them into the overall map - if one man developers can do it - why not Paizo?

Has someone printed out the Emerald Spire Flip Mat or any others at 1" scale on Mac? If so - please help me.

Thank you!


I cannot figure out how to print the .pdf flip mats to miniature scale? I just get two pages 8x11 of a normal map (like in a module)

I'm dumb. I know. HELP!?

What do I do?