Jasevaati Hskori's page

25 posts. Organized Play character for sojoocy.


Grand Lodge

Here's a question -- not about the slingstaff, but about the double sling, following a similar idea.

You can use a double sling as a normal sling, or use the second end to make one additional ranged attack each round. You take the normal penalties for fighting with two weapons when you use both ends of a double sling (as if it were a double weapon); the Two- Weapon Fighting feat reduces these penalties f normal. Reloading one end of a double sling is a move action ( just like a normal sling), so unless you have an ability or feat (such as Ammo Drop) that allows you to quickly reload a sling, you cannot normally make multiple attacks per round for several consecutive rounds with this weapon.

Am I understanding correctly that this would qualify me for improved two-weapon fighting and the rest of the chain? The D3 damage is painful but most of the damage is coming from flat modifiers anyway, and this couse potentially lead to six attacks a round unhasted.

Your build above looks strictly better but in case it isn't RAW, this looks like an alternative

Grand Lodge

Again, my bad for not clarifying.

All the suggestions so far, and that build writeup, look super intriguing. Trying to sneak enought time to look up some of these feats but I think I'm stretching my boss's phone tolerance

Grand Lodge

On mobile atm, I'll have to sit down after work to properly digest. Just wanted to clarify that I was aware of slipslinger - it's standard for any sling build, and it's how I figured I'd be on par with an archer until manyshot came into play. My mistake for not clarifying that in the OP, however, so i apologize if I came across the wrong way. I'm also aware of how suboptimal switch hitters are, which is why I stated the option didn't interest me. I brought it up in the first place because the slingstaff lends itself to such a build and someone was likely going to mention it otherwise

Grand Lodge

You didn't read the post, did you?

No hate mate, I appreciate any replies.

Grand Lodge

As above. If we take the obvious path (halfling w/ warslinger, standard ranged feats) it's on par with the composite bow until you get access to manyshot, which doesn't work with slings. There's no way to overcome the DPR gap from there as far as I can tell.

Hoping someone can prove me wrong, because my other option to use it without thinking 'I should've just used a bow.' seems to be a switchhitter and that doesn't interest me in the least.

Grand Lodge

My mistake, you're correct. After looking at it I think it's absolute garbage ruling, but of course that's beyond your control.

So there goes that build.

Grand Lodge

...but they don't. Underfoot Adept replaces the first level feat, Maneuver Master replaces Flurry of Blows.

@TGM, your build looks very solid and I'll throw the idea out to him but I doubt he'd go for it. The idea was sparked in the first place because he watched me run my halfling cavalier and wanted his own tiny terror.

Grand Lodge

@ Protoman -- Question was deliberately left very open ended. I was as specific as I currently can be -- which is not very, because I don't have the foggiest idea what I want to do with this build yet, mostly due to the lack of available information revolving around gunquisitors/gunpriests.

@ Selvaxri, I'm open to archetypes, but I'm not exaggerating when I say I really don't even know where to start. I was hoping someone else had built a character(s) similar to this one that could give me a headstart.

I apologize for any miscommunication on my part. I was really looking for someone else to get the ball rolling when I first posted this thread, because I really didn't have any ideas beyond a very, very vague concept that I wasn't even sure would work well mechanically.

To clarify things a little bit; I'm looking at an inquisitor or warpriest with a dip (likely single level) in gunslinger (either no archetype or pistolero, unless someone has a good argument for something else) with a strong focus on shooting things.

Did a little bit of toying around on HeroLab with no real direction, but I did manage to put together something that looks interesting;

Human Gunslinger 1/Inquisitor X

1: Rapid Reload, H: Point-Blank Shot
3: Precise Shot
5: Rapid Shot
7: Deadly Aim
9-onwards: ???

At level 6, at Inquisitor level 5 when Bane first kicks in, using a +1 double barreled pistol and alchemical cartridges I'd be looking at 4 attacks a round at a +6 to hit striking for 1d8 + 4 + 2d6 each, assuming Bane and Judgement of Destruction were active. Fairly ouch.

Grand Lodge

Desperate last bump.

Grand Lodge

It was flavortext and a basic idea of how I'm going to roleplay him, I don't particularly enjoy being the party face. The only face skill I'll be investing in is sense motive.

Really just looking for any input with any relevancy to those two ideas - build suggestions/personal experience with the ideas/theorycrafting/etc.

I've heard varying things on gunslinger/inquisitor and gunslinger/warpriest and was looking for opinions a little more up to date and generalized than what I'd found digging up old threads.

Grand Lodge


Grand Lodge

Recently became enamored with the idea of making a character who is going to speak softly and carry a boomstick.

I looked for a long, long time at a mysterious stranger/paladin because, first and foremost, I want to blow things away but I'm pretty much decided against the idea at this point because;

- Would require a serious wisdom dump to satisfy my minmax-y desires and I don't want to be playing Spongebob Smitepants.
- Two skill points/level is paaaaaaaainful.
- Alignment restriction won't work for me. The character I'm imagining is one step away from being a Linkin Park fan. He's probably cut in a few lines too.

I have it narrowed down to these two ideas now, and....I don't know.

Really just looking for any input with any relevancy to those two ideas - build suggestions/personal experience with the ideas/theorycrafting/etc.

Grand Lodge

Thanks for the input guys. Disappointing that there isn't a definitive answer but between the two threads, there's been more for it being RAW than against. My entire build is built around the concept so hooooopefully it'll go through.

If anyone else chimes in maybe we can get a majority ruling.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I asked this question in a previous thread and 90% of the replies were "I'd houserule ____" Or "If it were my table, I'd say _____ due to it defying ____ and _____ laws of physics." All I want to know is if it's legal RAW so I can run it in PFS.

So, basically....if you are mounted and using a reach weapon (lance) and you're riding a mount with pounce, can you charge, strike with the rider's lance, and then continue the charge one square further to place the target within the mount's reach so it can full attack with pounce?

This is assuming you have ride-by attack.

Grand Lodge

Thanks for clearing things up fellas. Kind of astounded at the damage output I'll be capable of now.

@ Kaliel, yup, in armor and all. But it's a small character (halfling) so with armor and lance I'll be generous and say he comes to about 50 lbs.

@ Abe, as long as the second option is RAW, I'm good to go. We're playing PFS with an already lenient GM.

@ Everyone else, I sincerely hope you all have a good day <3 you've made this disgusting minmaxer's day a little brighter.

Time to write some fluff for this little murder hobo now.

Grand Lodge

So no one asked for this but just in case a fellow newbie happens to stumble across this thread, I'm going to put out some more DPR math because it's simply astounding what this build is going to be capable of.

Approximate DPR for level 5 is in the top post (although you can add another potential 15 to the mount's attacks since, thanks to the mounted challenge feature that the mount gets, it'll be adding 1/2 of the rider's cavalier's challenge bonus to its attacks at 7 divided by 2 = 3.5, rounded down to 3, multiplied by 5 attacks)

Now since we're level 7 let's say we decided to do the optimal think and grab a deinonychus. Deinonychus has pounce and nastier attacks than the lion, + it'll be medium, not large like the lion thanks to its size increase at level 7. Let's also say we were able to afford a +1 lance and took Risky Striker as our level 7 feat.

So now we get...

Rider's lance attack w/ spirited charge (1d6x3 + 39 + 27 + 2d6) assuming no buffs from the party, which comes to 71-96 damage at a +15 to hit If the foe is size large or bigger, risky striker adds another 12 flat damage, bringing us to 83-108 damage at a +13 to hit.

Now the deinonychus, which has pounce, gets 5 attacks (bite, two claws, and two talons) at (1d6+6, 1d4+6, 1d8+6) all at +9 to hit since it's charging, AND it gets to tack another flat 4 damage on each attack since it benefits from half the damage bonus of the cavalier's charge. That's 1d6+10, 2d4+20, 2d8+20 damage on top of the 83-108 we just did. If we were EXTRA nasty, we got the deinonychus its own set of rhino hide, which adds another 2d6 damage to each attack, or another 10d6 total.

So the math on that would bring us to another 65-195 extra damage. Now let's say (fixing to research this) that rhino hide only adds a flat 2d6 on a charge, and not one for each attack, so knock 8d6 off that potential. That'll bring us down to 57-147 more damage, for a grand total, between mount and rider, of 140-255 damage on a charge, AT LEVEL SEVEN.

If some of those attacks start critting? (Seems incredibly likely rolling six attacks a round) then it goes even higher.

I mean seriously. What the hell. Actual on-table damage is going to be significantly lower since obviously not all attacks are going to hit, so I'm going to spit out a number and say it knocks it down to the 100-180 damage range. Stil crazy.

Grand Lodge

Hussar doesn't get its juicy bits til 9th level, which leaves me four levels until I can squeeze. Plus it'd mean giving up the gendarme archetype and thus dropping power attack and wheeling charge for some garbage teamwork feats (also the reason I looked right past horselord, despite the fact that that'd get me triple damage scimitar charges...the critfishing would be insane.)

Monstrous mount is an option I'll consider if I do go human. I still adore the idea of being a tiny charger though (and it's honestly terrific mechanically as well, outrider/adaptable luck racial traits are golden and halflings have exclusive access to risky striker for even more ridiculous damage.)

I somehow completely missed that it was a local feat. I'll rewrite the relevant tidbits of my backstory. Thanks for the pointer mate.

Grand Lodge

Mount for a medium sized race is going to be large, unless I burned a feat on undersized mount, which is something I really don't want to do. Normal sized mounts are a pain to get around in dungeons with. Plus I love halflings flavorwise.

Grand Lodge

Last session our group played a 4-7 module and had some serious issues putting down the BBEG. We don't have a reliable fawk-you-and-your-little-dog-too kinda guy and I want to fill that gap, so I'm currently looking at a halfling gendarme/beast rider cavalier.

I have enough chronicle sheets from playing pregens lying around that I'm probably gonna do one more session and then start at level 5 and here's what I'm currently looking at;

Oliver Cates, halfling cavalier (5) Order of the Sword

Str: 19 (16 +1 at level 4 + belt of giant's strength)
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Cha: 9


1: Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack (Gendarme BF)
3: Spirited Charge
5: Power Attack, Wheeling Charge (Gendarme BF)


Masterwork lance
Rhino hide armor
Belt of giant's strength +2

All of this lines up to give me (!!!) 1d6x3 + 36 + 2d6 damage on a charge...at level 5. That's 41-66 damage. If I slap on my Order of the Sword challenge that's another 21 (5, +2 for order of the sword, tripled for spirited charge) flat damage, which brings it to 62-87 damage. And if I decide to pounce with my mount, I get another 1d6+2 + four 1d4+2 attacks, for a total of 15-32 extra damage if all attacks hit. So if I roll incredibly well, that's 77-119 damage on a charge...at level 5. That's without any spells or assistance from allies.

So basically I'm going to eat bosses for breakfast while having virtually no out of combat use.

Any suggestions or tweaks? I'm probably going to take Risky Striker at 7, but I'm open for other suggestions or ideas on gear and feats following that.

Grand Lodge


- Putting together a cavalier (gendarme/beast rider) with a lion mount stacking all the relevant feats for stupid charge damage...because 1d6x3 + 36 + 2d6 at level 5 without even using my cavalier's challenge is just stupid.

- Lions have pounce.

- I've done some research and seen conflicting answers, but RAW...am I understanding correctly that I can charge, hit with my PC's lance and then get a full attack with the lion?

- If the answer to the above is yes, would I be able to continue moving via ride-by attack?

Grand Lodge

I know, and I don't care. If I can put a competent build together, I'm doing it.

Cliffs of cliffs of cliffs;

- 25 pt buy.
- Race MUST be halfling.
- Starts at level 3.

Build doesn't have to be exclusively focused on grappling, but I do want to be good at it.

I'm mainly looking at unchained monk or (more plausible) Urban Barbarian/Brutal Pugilist. Pugilist gets lots of juicy stuff, particularly a 5th level ability that lets you get treated as one size category larger for the relevant grapple-y bits.

I have, however, just started researching and am open to any and all suggestions.

Grand Lodge

pls halp

So, what I've got so far;

Race: Halfling

Str: 16
Dex: 13
Con: 12
Int: 10
Wis: 8
Cha: 14

- Start out with a 1 level dip of fighter (Dragoon) for free mounted combat + ride-by attack.
- Take summoner the rest of the way.
- Eidolon will be a quadrupedal demon w/ mount, climb, and reach on (undecided)

1: Mounted combat (free) + ride-by attack
3: Spirited Charge
5: Power Attack
7-endgame: ???

I'm fairly new to Pathfinder and don't have the best grasp on mounted combat rules, but...am I interpreting ride-by attack correctly in that it will let me charge, hit with my lance and the eidolon's reach attacks, and then continue the eidolon's move afterwards?

Build is mainly focused on single target DPS, I was running a mounted ranger before and this is intended as a strictly superior evolution of that.

My other questions are...

- What eidolon attack(s) to give reach to.
- What feats to take after Power Attack
- What feats to give the eidolon
- What else I need to keep in mind progressing.

Grand Lodge

Forgive any typos, GM is currently in one earbud and I cannot multitask at ALL.

- GM ran us through a couple of modules, most recently Haunting of Harrowstone. We all loved it.

- GM is now switching gears to a homebrew campaign with a heavy focus on horror. Sanity system and all that.

- We're all level three and are allowed a complete rebuild of our characters.

- Current party comp is two paladins, a cleric, an inquisitor, an undecided and me. Pallies are both melee, cleric is support, no idea what the inquisitor will be doing.

- The only thing I'm set on is race. Halfling. Otherwise...I'm open to any and all suggestions. Looking at (unchained) summoner or kineticist, but neither is anything close to set.

Cliffs of cliffs;

- GM is running a super spoopy campaign.

- We have two pallies/cleric/inquisitor already set.

- I want to be a halfling and haven't decided on a class.

Grand Lodge

As stated in the OP, I was looking for specific advice/an outline since the Vivisectionist is banned in PFS play. Every melee build in the guide involved taking Vivisectionist. Further research on my own brought me 3-4 threads where it was generally agreed that Vivi was THE way to make a melee alchemist and thus it isn't really possible anymore unless you're willing to take a lot of negs in the name of flavor.

I'll pass along the info, thanks gents.

Grand Lodge

Helping a friend with his first build. Convinced him to run a melee alchemist instead of a bloodrager because viability + out of combat use...and then it clicked I know basically nothing about alchemists.

I tried digging up some old threads but they're all based around a beastmorph/vivisectionist and vivi isn't PFS legal, so hopefully one of you gents can provide an outline since I genuinely don't know what to tell him.

Cheers in advance.