About Jared ThorneThom Thom:
[spoiler=Half-Orc uRogue Crunch]
Black Thom Half-orc unchained rogue (scout) 1 NG Medium humanoid (human, orc) Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4 (+5 vs giant subtype) --------------------
hp 11 (1d8+3) Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +0 --------------------
Special Attacks sneak attack (unchained) +1d6 --------------------
Base Atk +0; CMB +4; CMD 15 Feats Agile Maneuvers, Dodge Traits caravan drover, giant slayer, reactionary Skills
Racial Modifiers +2 Bluff, +2 Diplomacy, +2 Sense Motive Languages Common, Gnoll, Orc SQ finesse weapon attack attribute, orc blood, overlooked mastermind, trapfinding +1 Magic Gear
Other Gear
Money 39 gp --------------------
Thom's Story
He's a feinting rogue, for that extra +1d6. Hopefully not a fainting rogue :) Elephant in the Room helps, thank you! He'll be more capable at uRogue Lvl 3 (character level 4?), when he gets +Dex to damage. Planning on multi-classing into Fighter relatively early, for whip proficiency. He should come fully "online" as they say by Lvl 6 (+5 BAB, with Improved Whip Mastery). With an emphasis on RP and character development, this should be fine? Depending on how the party looks at that time, I can go more Rogue or Fighter as needed. [/spoiler]***note***
In the short term, Jared will Craft items to assist with obfuscation and escape. When he gains Craft Arms & Armor, he will begin creating his personal arsenal. Tailored to the Masked Persona. And mostly different items to assist in the safety and security of his Public Persona. With the Impossible Bloodline, he can craft nearly anything (ignores 1 requirement, typical the spell).
Name: Jared Thorne
Some Stats:
Initiative: +2, +4/+6 urban/industrial qtr
Senses: Perception +10, +12/+14 urban/industrial qtr Speed: 30' -----DEFENSE-----
CMD: 16 (14 Flat); Fort: +6 Ref: +7 Will: +7 | ABP Resistance +1 -----OFFENSE-----
Traits and Feats:
Traits Historian of the Red Revolution (campaign) Magical Knack (magic) Mark of Slavery (drawback) Beast Bond (social) Feats Free - Power Attack, Deadly Aim, Combat Expertise, Agile Maneuvers, Point Blank Shot Lvl 1 - Pass for Human Lvl 1 - Fast Learner Lvl 3 - Skill Focus (Bluff) Lvl 3 - Accomplished Sneak Attacker Lvl 5 - Cunning Build Progression:
Half-Orc: Overlooked Mastermind (alt trait) Gestalt 1: Pass for Human, Fast Learner*
Gestalt 2:
Gestalt 3: Skill Focus (Bluff)*, Accomplished Sneak Attacker
Gestalt 4: +1 CHA, +1 INT
Gestalt 5: Cunning
Key: *extra bonus feat, DT = Divine Tracker, UR = Urban Ranger, KM = Knife Master Special Abilities and ABP:
1st — 2nd — 3rd Resistance +1 4th Armor attunement +1, weapon attunement +1 5th Deflection +1 Ability Scores and Skills:
STR 09 cost -1 DEX 15 cost +7 CON 10 cost +0 INT 16 cost +7, +1 4th level WIS 14 cost +5 CHA 18 cost +7, +2 half-orc, +1 4th level Skill Points:
Skills grouped by Ability: STR
Spells Known:
S Level 0 - Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Message, Scrivner's Chant S Level 1 - Burning Disarm, Cause Fear, Icicle Dagger S Bonus - lesser confusion R Level 1 - Commune with Birds, Pass without Trace Equipment:
Magic Items Mithral Chain Shirt /1100 Traveler's Any-Tool /250 Scabbard of Honing /500 Adventuring Gear Area Map /50gp Backpack, masterwork /50gp Belt pouch /1gp Chalk /1cp Chest, large /10gp CHest, small /2gp City Map /40gp Concealable Theives Tools /190gp Hourglass 1 hour /25gp Hourglass 1 minute /20gp Ink /8gp Inkpen /1sp Lamp /1sp Oil /3sp Parchment /2gp Scroll case /3gp Signet ring /5gp Soap /1sp Twine /1sp Waterskin /1gp Wire /5gp Wrist sheath, spring loaded /5gp Clothing Artisan's Outfit x3 /3gp Decorative trim x3 /3gp Hat /1gp Reversible cloak x2 2/gp Scarf /1gp Vest x3 /3gp Mounts/Pets Guard Dogs x2 /50gp Horse (light) /75gp Horse (heavy) x2 /400gp Vehicles Carriage /100gp Wagon (medium) /75gp Total /3055 GP Remaining /964 Background:
Gerard Nisroc. He’s the reason I’m here. I’d have died a long time ago, as a runt half-breed child, in a slaver’s hold. Slave. I was born in captivity, into slavery... How I have gotten here is impossible. "Your impossible is simply what you've never dared imagine, once imagined... it's but a task that needs be done." - Gerard Nisroc I traveled with him for years, from my time as a child to young adulthood. The changes came fast, but he did his best to prepare me. Some changes were to be expected like culture shock and growing pains. Others changes were from the blue; the ability to harness and wield arcane energies. We adjusted, he was good at that and taught it at every moment. It seemed as if something “bad” would happen on a regular basis and I’d be affected, getting depressed or angry. He’d ask why it was bad and how we could incorporate it into our plans... or better yet, use it to our advantage. The lessons never stopped, being a student of life he called it. Watching how things worked, trade, organizations, individuals... magic. Be patient enough to study the situation, understand the circumstance, identify the actions available and evaluate the consequences. A man alone, must rely on few and trust even fewer. Conserve his energy, releasing force at the moment of maximum impact and maximum force only to end the transaction. Exhaustion will follow and you must replenish, sleep. Sleep is a weapon. Life, Freedom and Beauty - in that order. And, find the time to love, you’re a handsome young man, with a big heart and keen sense of self. Hide as you might, the ladies... the good ones, will see it. But then one day, Gerard said he was headed to Galt. He arranged my travel to Qadira and gave me some money, asking me to forget about him. That was nearly ten years ago, and it took me five years to get here. In the rubble of a broke-down estate, I found him - a broken man... a drunkard and sot, what had happened? I’d come to find out Gerard had over the last decade built the Green Lantern into a prosperous tavern, all as a cover for a planned series of heists that would allow him to retire. It was a patience I had admire in the man, and a quality he’d instilled in me. Unfortunately, between a mesmerist as the city's autocrat and Gerard's own views on liberty, as things were meant to fall into place, they instead fell apart. Some heroics -- relative heroics -- went sour, and several times he had to sell various items to repair major damage to the tavern after mobs caused damage -- always the mobs, mob mind, mob rule. And, sometimes from the inside, sometimes “incidentally,” the unseen hand at work, he called it. As he saw his goal starting to get out of reach, the growing sense of urgency led to a foolish attempt that ... that ... ...he can't remember. But he returned to the tavern a broken man, and the Green Lantern's descent into obscurity and ruin followed. Something inside him was… wrong, missing or misplaced. The answers weren’t at the bottom of the bottle, but he kept looking and eventually Gerard became a common drunk, a condition in which I’d found him. The pressure was too much and Gerard let me take over the rundown place even as he’d stayed on to help rebuild it. Six years passed, and we’d rebuilt the Green Lantern and by all estimation grown it to new heights. I’ve cared for and cajoled Gerard back into a state of health (or rather, a state of 'only infrequently falling-down drunk') with the help of Marie. The woman was a saint with an angel’s voice. Quick with a quip and lovable to a fault, but she’s only got eyes for Gerard and is somewhere between us in age. She and Gerard run the Green Lantern business for me, and that frees me up to build the business. My new neighbors became my family, and caring for them second nature. The feeling was mutual and reciprocity was evident. Finally, the word “home,” taken for granted by so many meant something. But, there was a gnawing… Gerard's condition and depression was, however subtlely, not a natural thing for him. Literally, this was not the man’s nature or in him from all that I know of him. Combined with my bone-deep distaste for the constant uncertainty and instability present in Isarn and Galt, I began what I thought to be a subtle investigation into my mentor's actions that night. Those specific investigations did not bear fruit, I had to train more - learn more - become more. But, they did bring me to the discreet attention of someone who had an interest in such things. One year and countless discussions later, his 'acquaintance' introduced him to a couple other like-minded individuals, people who were willing to work slowly, steadily, and most importantly subtlely to change the very fabric and nature of society in Isarn. It's been four years since that day, and three years since the last of them joined the Conspiracy; the work is slow and careful, but it progresses. Gerard once more 'runs' the Green Lantern, but he still has his bad days. And, as for me,the past years have only solidified his determination to rid Isarn of the slow poison that is Citizen Goss, and of the decay that is the Gray Gardeners... The dogs cocked their head after listening patiently for a spell. Why am I telling you this? I couldn’t help but laugh at them, at myself… as I turned my attention once more, to the maps. Appearance and Personality:
Jared is a Half-Orc, but he was a runt... with a human-esque physique and stature. So much so, that with his face covered or hidden, he'd easily pass for Human. Slightly over six feet tall, with long muscles and slim build, Somewhat curly short brown hair and clear brown eyes mark him as average, but an honest square jaw and playful smile help brighten up any room. Whatever his past, he seems well adjusted and happy. He's a generous man, gregarious and collaborative. There is nothing that cannot be solved or overcome. One can find a way, nothing is impossible. He's given himself over to the service of others, as invariably good people have chosen to be of service to him. Paying it forward. He's embraced his arcane gifts and found interest in the stars. A comfort in their cyclic arrangement and wonder at their unfathomable existence. One day, he will build and observatory. He stands in the middle, at the scenter of the socio-economic strata... the hub, balance. Not too high, and never too low. Branching out, without weakening the core. Fueled by a desire for Life, Freedom and Beauty... and a thirst for knowledge.
Reputation and Additional Systems:
Buildings and Organizations:
Inn /2130 -Bar earn 10 -Bath earn 3 -Bedroom earn 3 -Common Room earn 7 -Kitchen earn 3 -Lavatory earn 0 -Lodging earn 12 -Stall earn 8 -Storefront earn 0? Lodging /430/earn 12