
JardelBeserk's page

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As i said this level 6 feat (Shield Warden) is no fair for the poor champion that already has a reaction that do the same thing but better. Even if you have a magical shield the champion's reaction will grow better and better.

I know it's a impotant feat that later will allow you to pick feats like Shield of Grace or Shield of Reckoning but Shield Warden alone is kinda bad bad feat that you probably will not use because your reaction do as i said more and better things.

I really wish a rework in this feat.

Am i missing something? i wanna know your thounghts about it.

graystone wrote:

I think you're problem is you're hyper-focused on what it gives a elf with bear and not really looking at what other combos of ancestry and animal can give.

But it is precisely because my ancestry is Elf and not a dwarf or halfling and my animal is a bear and not a gorilla or a shark.

During level 1 I chose Acute Vision because it was part of what I imagined for my character who lived in caves with bears.

At level two I chose Acute scent which has darkvision as a requirement, which seemed to me the perfect choice because it combined one feat with the other.

From that point on I went up the level normally until I got to this level 8 trauma and found that I created my own trap.

All I did was:
"Unleashed my hero"
But it was more for:
"Unleash your hero but be careful and do not unleash your elf bear"

You can see from my photo and nick that this is the type of character I like and when I discovered that to become a bear I would have to waste a talent I was very surprised and frustrated.

Hahaha imagine if I had caught Nimble Elf at level 1! lol

But I give up here. The games will return next year and I will ask my GM to change this feat and give up turning into a bear.

Gortle wrote:

That quite a wierd reading of the rule. Using the Animal Rage feat to modify and replace the numbers in the Animal Form spell. Then letting the heightened version of the Animal From Spell reach back and modify the numbers again. No, that is "loopy", you can't do that. You get what is specified in the Animal Rage feat. Which is your normal attack.

Its not a usless ability as you do get some movement and sense powers. If it was a level 1 or 2 feat it might be OK. In fact that would be my recommendation for errata for this power.

But level 6 and 8 barbarian feats are awesome. This doesn't stack up. Don't take it.

Can you imagine the expectation of a player who finally reaches level 8 and face such a feat? A player who has been following the animal instinct since level 1.

1- Of all ancestry of the core book, Human is the only one who does not have a special type of vision.

2- At level 1 you have the option to receive darkvision as a barbarian.

3- At level 2 you have the option to receive imprecise scent with a range of 30 feet.

4- At level 3 you are not even caught off guard against hidden creatures with deny advantage!

Imagine arriving at the most important feat of your instinct and receiving +10 feet movement, low-light vision and imprecise scent. Since just by choosing a non-human ancestry, the chance that you will use "all these wonderful benefits at LEVEL 8" is very low.

We have the option of not choosing this feat and killing all the hype and fun to have chosen this instinct and playing with enormous frustration.
Why this is a level 8 feat?

Asethe wrote:

Apart from being a thematically appropriate animal form, it also gives you the +5 to damage as it's specified it's the 3rd level version. It's a bigger, better, hairier you that likes tummy scratches.

That is the main point of this Thread!!! Lifting aside my disappointed with this feat: The majority do not knows what are the benefits of Animal Rage feat.

If you read the comments above of JackieLane or graystone you will see that there is some folks that interpret this feat in a way that you do not get the +5 bunos damage but there is folks like you the interpret that we do get the 5+ bonus damage. Why this is happening?

In my opnion is due to the descripion of this feat and the magic. Is Bonus Damage a Statistc or Ability?

This feat should tell us what it grant us in fact and not discribe what we don't gain and leave the rest to interpretation.

I'm no tell you that you a wrong or they (greystone and JackieLane) are. But simply show you the poor description of this feat.

Maybe the third level of the spell is for things like counteracting or maybe is because you do get the +5 bonus damage or maybe both but the problem is: We do not know officialy.

JackieLane wrote:

It does seem like you only get the senses and movement abilities. They have to specify a spell level for the sake of things like counteracting magic.

It has its uses and would be amazing for some characters (extra speed is good on anyone), but I'll admit it's not very impressive for an elven barbarian. Unless you absolutely want to turn into an animal for rp purposes or something, it might be best to pick some other feat on this specific character.

I understand you i really do but that is another issue If i pick another feat what happen with the flavor of finally transforming into your big FURRY animal instinct!!!

I see this like a Flavor and a Reward:
Flavor: you finaly are level 8 congrats and now you can transforming yourself into a cool Black Lion.
Reward: You finaly are level 8 congrats but you will gain nothing with this feat.

If i don't choose this feat it would be like a Dragon instinct but i can't transforming into a dragon or actually i can but i have no reward for this, like, i can not fly or breath fire idk maybe this is not the best example but i hope people get what i think.

Thanks for the tip!
This feat is very confusing and according to internet reports, it is not just me who thinks so. Let's see ...

Description (Animal Rage Feat 8):
"You transform into your animal. You gain the effects of the 3rd-level animal form spell except you use your own statistics, temporary Hit Points, and unarmed attacks instead of those granted by animal form [...]"

Instead of the feat describing what the barbarian will actually get from that it describes what the barbarian does not get and leaves the rest for you to go in the chapter of magic and trying interpret for yourself.

In addition, there is still the question of the usefulness of this level 8 feat. I mean there are people who say that you receive only the sense of the animal and its movement, others say that because it specifies that the version of the spell is third level it means that you receive a +5 damage bonus. But then the damage bonus is a statistic so you don't get it or do you get it? why would be relevant to say that the spell needs to be third level if you get the movements and senses just in the basic version of the spell?

My barbarian is an elf and his animal is a bear. What do I get from that? Just an imprecise 30-feet scent for a level 8 feat? Cool but i get that in level 2 (Acute Sense feat) yeah i can use with darkvision too.

My barbarian now chose cat as an animal ah ok + 10 speed feet? Man this is a level 8 feat? For real?

I really wanted an answer, I mean, not a list of the uses of this feat, but simply what you actually get from it officialy.

Can i get an official response from the developers about what I really gain from Barbarian's level 8 feat: Animal Rage?
Every time I reply or search a forum I get a different interpretation of this feat.
Please I just want an official answer to end this question.

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Here we go... I don't like Magus and summoner. I can emulate this two classes easily with the PF2 Core and the APG. So i don't hate it but i don't need it. I'm exciting to see what's more it is in this book so i can decide if it is worth to buy it.

For me Samurai is almost a way of live like a ideology. I don't think that we need an archetype for this. Now a Class is a better idea if they create a new mechanic like they did to the swashbuckler

i had the same question...i think it is CHA 'cause is related to champs and fighters who use CHA to deplomacy and intimidate for example.
if you found the answer let me know!

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zen archer monks! I like that a lot! and i hope they can bane enemies from another plane with his arrows!

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Thanks guys!!

Hey Amigos! Can someone explain to me how Mighty Rage works?

"Use an action that has the rage trait. Alternatively, you can increase the actions of the triggering Rage to 2 to instead use a 2-action activity with the rage trait."

I've had a hard work to understand the portuguese version. haha

Guys, can i use double slice and TWO-WEAPON FLURRY to make four strikes with three actions?

- Fist attack is normal
- Second is normal or -2 without agile weapon
- And plus others two attacks from two weapon flurry

Thanks man and now I understand, basically I was thinking that whirlwind strike and make three attacks were same.

can everyone do multiple attacks with their three actions or just the fighter using whirlwind strike?

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I can't undestanding whirlwind strike and swipe feat T.T, can someone explain to me the advantage of having these skills mechanically?