Jamie Devall's page

15 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


There is something mentioned in the original River Kingdoms sourcebook as well as the Stolen Lands Adventure Path that is something along the lines of an undead treant from what I recollect.

Does anyone know what the name of this creature is? Were its stats ever put in any product?


I'm just noticing the prices on Amazon for some of the modules from the Carrion Crown adventure path and see that some are out of print. Is there any chance of a Hardcover coming out?


ps-It's been about 7 years since I've posted in here, but I've continued playing Pathfinder!

Please tell me where I can find them. I have the core book, advanced players guide, game mastery guide, and inner sea campaign setting.


How about 'Smote.'

I like the flavor of both of these books but noticed that the stats for the head demons and devils were nowhere to be found.

Is there any particular reason for this?

What is herolab?

Btw, when the Eidelon made 6 attacks, he was hasted and made 4 nat. attacks and one with the greatsword.


Here is the build for this level 8 Eidelon. Is there anything wrong with this build?:

Race: Biped

Str: 32
Dex: 19
Con: 21
Int: 7
Wis: 10
Cha: 11

AC: 23

Fort: 9
Ref: 4
Will: 5

HP: 83

Melee: +13
Ranged: +8

Speed: 40

Feats and Features:
Claws x2
Limbs (arms)
Limbs (legs)
Improved Damage claws
Weapon Training
Energy Attack cold

Martial weapon focus - greatsword
Power attack
+4 will bonus vs. enchantment

Claws - +17/+17+/+17/+17 - Damage: 1d6+11+1d6 Cold Crit: x2 20
Greatsword - +18 2d6+16 x2 19-20

Ring of free movement
2 pot. cure light
1 pot. cure moderate
ring of Prot. +2
amulet of Nat. Arm. +2


My gaming group just took on the main bad guy

(Vordakai) in 'The Varnhold Vanishing' (part 3 of the kingmaker adventure path).

The party largely left the map unexplored and went straight to Vordakai. As a result, the party took him and the rest of his henchmen on as a level-8 party even though the module recommends that the party be well in to level 9.

The Eidelon consistently mopped the floor with everything thrown at the party. The Eidelon has 6 attacks and managed to his Vordakai's AC 26 with a D20 result of 4. There were buffs up but still, he dropped 188 pts. of damage on Vordakai with one full round attack action. Vordakai is CR12. The Eidelon has a 15 ft. reach as well.

Obviously, more playtesting needed to be done with the summoner. The majority of the classes in the main book are around 3 pages. The summoner's class description is about 10 pages. This class reminds me of something straight out of 2nd edition or the 3.0 splat books and later books in 3.5. The Summoner/Eidelon is too offsetting.

I am almost certain that the level 8 Eidelon could take out my level 13 Dwarven Barbarian from another campaign.

LazarX wrote:
Put it this way, are you going to remove it if one reply says yes, and two others say no? There's a lot of backwards compatibility built into Pathfinder. It's your choice whether the weapon should stay in your game or not.

It's not an issue of whether the weapon will stay in the game or not. It was a question of use. The DM felt like a scythe should have a 10 ft. reach and wanted to see the description of it. The scythe is staying in the game regardless because there is a stat block for the weapon.


I wasn't sure which forum to put this in, but my group and I have been unable to find a description of the Scythe in the equipment section of the core rulebook. The statistics for using one are there, but we've had questions come up about the use of one.

I've checked both errata releases and it wasn't in there either.

Should we just go with what's in the 3.5 PHB until a new list of errata is released?


Is anyone else having problems with the binding holding together on the core rulebook? The binding is literally coming apart at the seems, and I can't believe that I'm the only one that this is happening to.

I didn't see a more appropriate area for a thread like this btw. Apart from the binding issue, I've been very pleased with Pathfinder.


TriOmegaZero wrote:
See if you can take an exotic weapon proficiency: saber, using the Red Mantis blade stats without the stigma of the Red Mantis Assassin's guild attached. Thus you get longswords in both hands without the added penalty.

Where would I find the saber? I didn't see it in 3.5 or Pathfinder.


I'm being allowed to make a 12th level, human fighter. I want him to wield two weapons. What weapon should I use?

I've thought about dual wielding bastard swords but am also considering the advantages offered by using a light weapon in both hands. What do you all think I should use?

you help is appreciated,

Are there any changes being made to combat in terms of speeding it up ever so slightly?

I've seen the changes made to CR and EL and like them.

Are these two feats in the Pathfinder RPG? With that weapon special ability at 5th level for fighters and these two feats not appearing in the PDF, I wasn't certain.
