Jamie 696's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Isiroth.

Correct me if i am wrong.

A dwarf using a dwarven waraxe 1handed: 1d10 dmg
A dwarf using a large dwarven waraxe 1 handed: -2hit 2d8 dmg?
A dwarf using a large dwarven waraxe 2 handen: 2d8 dmg?
A dwarf using a Huge dwarven waraxe 1 handed: -4 hit 3d8 dmg?
A dwarf using a Huge dwarven waraxe 2 handed: -2 hit 3d8 dmg?
A dwarf using Vital strike on his Huge Dwarven Waraxe:-2hit 6d8 dmg?

Core Rulebook p.144

I do hope i am wrong, please tell me why?

Greetings Pathfinders

I'm currently DM'ing my first Pathfinder group and one of the characters has asked me if he could use various gauntlets of special materials to overcome damage reduction and maybe enchant them later.

My initial take on this is that if you decide to attack with an unarmed attack, you either use:
Your Monk special training to inflict serious damage to your foes.
You attack with the gauntlet and deal damage as in the charts 1d3

My concern is that if I allow it, he then later will enchant them, a +1 weapon is 2000 + MWK + item price.

The wondrous item Amulet of Mighty Fist that does the exact same thing except the price is twice as expensive, 5000g.

Please help