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Alright so I’m dming my first PF1e game and all my players are new to the system. I asked what kind of character my players wanted to play and helped them build something that would work with what they wanted to play. But as for 1 particular player in my group there’s certain things with his build that I’m not 100% sure how they interact with each other. They’re all at lv1 but this is more so me asking how this all interacts at _LATER_ levels so I’m not misleading him. So as a primer before we start:
I am using “Elephant in the Room” to reduce initial feat taxes.
I am using “Auto advancing feats” IE if you take a style feat chain, when you gain the BAB/skill ranks of the requirements of later feats in the chain you gain them without having to spend a feat on them.
For things like ‘Powerful/Deft Maneuvers’ from EitR the player chooses 1 option from the available which they will acquire the ‘Greater’ version of the CM when they reach the other prereqs for it. If they want multiple they have to spend additional feats as appropriate on them.
I am permitting players to take ‘Major Drawbacks’ from Rogue Genius Games on the d20pfsrd to take additional feats at CC. (3 out of my 5 players did this, this being one of them)
All NPCs also get access to the above, and the players are aware of this.

The player is playing a Large MoMS Sohei Monk. (Assume either Undersized mount, or that he’ll eventually get a Huge or larger mount of some kind, the mount isn’t important for what I’m asking)
If he takes ‘Modified Weapon Proficiency’ (Lances) or ‘weapon Adept’ (Versatile Design) and grabs a Versatile Design (Monk) lance can he use the ‘ascetic style’ feat line with it?
“Ascetic strike’ then would allow him to treat that lance’s damage as if his character lv was 4 levels lower. If the above is correct?
From what I’ve seen due to being a Sohei, “Monks Robes” do nothing to affect Ascetic Style’s feat chain, but would increase his AC bonus by 1? Or can I get some more clarification on this?
(I have a rather good grasp on what the Ascetic Style chain does, but I haven’t found a good concise explanation on how a Monk’s Robes effects it)
In order to use “Ascetic Style” with this lance and say “Hamatulatsu” on it at the same time do you have to take the WF feat twice to get both, or does ‘Ascetic Style’s effect cancel needing WF (unarmed) for Hamatulatsu?
(Hamatulatsu was the only feat I could find that gave alternate damage types that augment US that weren’t ‘style’ feats, and all of the style feats that did didn’t really do what they were looking for, if there is a feat I missed do inform me!)
If the above is possible, this allows the lance to do Bludgeoning damage at no penalty, correct? Which means you could use it with Cudgeler style, correct?
(All this realistically does is save him a +2 bonus on either the lance/AoMF for the Impact enchantment)
Since from a forum post I saw, if this let’s us use a Lance with Ascetic Style, then we can use stuff like an AoMF and Greater Magic Fang on it correct?
Then again the PC will end up having a _crazy_ high UMD later so would a wand of lead blades not be cheaper and more efficient means of gaining a pseudo size increase for his weapon, or is there an even better option?
(he took Dangerously Curious as one of his traits so UMD is a CS, there’s a Halcyon druid in the party who is adamant about wanting to be the party’s crafter)

Also if anyone’s curious about party comp:
Toxicant Alchemist (who nearly killed himself from fumbling a bomb on the first turn of combat rolling dmg equal to his hp that landed on himself.)
Halcyon Druid
Sohei MoMs Monk
Vanilla Hunter w/ Warcat Acom.
Iroran Tempered Champion Paladin

Hello all, first time actually posting in here and going to be honest this isn’t even the _start_ of my questions, but I was introduced into PF1e a few months ago, and have started running the Kingmaker AP recently. I have Ultimate Campaign (UCP), and Ultimate Rulership (UR) as rules expansions for the Kingdom Building parts of this and I wanted to ask questions pertaining to those first.

First, in UR for the Brickyard it states that it reduces the cost of Quarries to 6 BP. Though in UCP it lists the cost for Quarries at 6 BP. Is this a typo or was it originally more, and later errata’d?

Second for both the Brickyard and the Lumberyard in UR it says that Quarries/Sawmills generate 1 additional BP for every 2 Quarries/Sawmills. Does that mean in only the honeycomb of hexes (6 adjacent) surrounding the settlement with the Brickyard/Lumberyard generates 1 additional BP for their corresponding building from? Or is it saying per every 2 Quarries/Sawmills in your entire kingdom?

Third, if using the rules for UR, would you say the Foundry would similarly work like a Brickyard/Lumberyard for mines?

Fourth, in UCP it says that terrain improvements with a * can share their tile with other improvements. Quarries, Mines, and sawmills lack this (for obvious reasons I feel). So does this mean you actually can’t build a road through a forest tile that ends up with a Sawmill on it?

Fifth, for the purposes of ‘water dependent buildings’ when crafting aqueducts, how as the GM should I determine what is considered a ‘water border’ for a hex that has an aqueduct crossing through it?

Sixth, in a circumstance where you have a party where _none_ of them have good Handle Animal, if they built a menagerie, how as the GM should I determine what the ‘CR of the highest CR creature in the menagerie’ is? (this actually isn’t a problem with my group this is just a genuine question since 3 of my 5 players have decently high Handle Animal scores)

Seventh, for Granaries I take it that for _EACH_ granary you can store up to 5 BP of excess production? I also take it you cannot stack this IE 5 on the first turn, then 10 total on the second, then 15 on the third if you keep having a surplus?

Eighth, in regards to the Waterfront, Cathedral, & Palace their special benefits, these apply universally to your Kingdom? IE by building 1 Waterfront it halves the loyalty penalty on taxation across your entire Kingdom??? (this isn’t as important for the Palace due to how it operates)

Ninth, in regards to the Palace actually, since this building doesn’t have a limit on it, if you build multiple does that allow you to issue more Special Edicts but at a further penalty? IE 2 Palaces give 3 special edicts a turn at -4, 3 Palaces give 4 at -6 etc?

I have more (next I had in mind was about lighthouses) but this is all I can type out for right now.