
Jakynth's page

85 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Just want to say thank you posters for giving me the villain for my next campaign arch.

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The rules with movement and the 5' step applies because if you 5' step and then move then you didn't really 5' step you just had continued movement. Other than that you can move equivalent actions and still 5' step in a round.

Rules from the SRD
You can move 5 feet in any round when you don't perform any other kind of movement. Taking this 5-foot step never provokes an attack of opportunity. You can't take more than one 5-foot step in a round, and you can't take a 5-foot step in the same round that you move any distance.

You can take a 5-foot step before, during, or after your other actions in the round.

You can only take a 5-foot-step if your movement isn't hampered by difficult terrain or darkness. Any creature with a speed of 5 feet or less can't take a 5-foot step, since moving even 5 feet requires a move action for such a slow creature.

You may not take a 5-foot step using a form of movement for which you do not have a listed speed.

Notice how it says in the first paragraph "Movement" and not move action, thats because there is a difference. Your DM was mistaken when it comes to the 5' step + move equivalent action ruling

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I like it. Run it.

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We recently had this problem in our own group. One of the players was a synthesist summoner and outshined the rest of the group pretty heavily. Once it was apparent that the session would go into a downward spiral since the rest of the players wouldn't be having any fun at all soon enough because the S.S. would be destroying everything, the DM kindly asked that the player make something else so the session wouldn't end. The player agreed after hearing the DM's points and changed his class to something else.

If that isn't an option i suggest touch attacks, like vampiric touch and find someway to get a con damaging poison to stick since its double effective against the S.S.

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Hire a bunch of equal level hirelings then its all action economy and there is no way that 1 character of equal level can kill 8. Then whenever he opens his mouth just tell him to try it. Or better yet roll up a new character thats a paladin since this other guy seems evil and then you can be the one who puts him in his place all day every day and he won't be able to do s!+%.

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Presto is short for presidigitation, a fantastic spell but you can't see in the dark so dancing lights seems alright, i would prefer light over dancing lights just for the ability to hide it but thats your call

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I would suggest looking more into the newly released race guide that has special racial features for every potentially playable race that paizo has put out.