
Jake the Brawler's page

183 posts. Alias of Kimera757.


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Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

It's been a week, are we continuing?

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

I'm not sure Jake can keep track of time to that precision without a timepiece, but it seems like it will take a long time. Also Jake doesn't know if Daromel can keep (silently) casting the spell.

Jake gives Kolo a significant look, and looks toward that orderly (and of course, toward the invisible Daromel). Then he inventories the orderlies. Are any of them armed?

Kolo has social skills, so he's better at distracting. Jake could just drag the orderly out of the room, but that's hostile and not exactly subtle...

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

In case it's relevant, Jake will take H13.

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

Daromel only needs a few minutes to do his work, then we'll make some kind of excuse and get out.

Of course, that one orderly in the dorm will make things awkward. There might be a shriek of "magic!" and some fisticuffs shortly.

Taking a last look at the hostile orderlies, Jake gets up and heads into the dorm. He's figuring the orderlies might create a commotion, which would help Daromel, or he can make it to that orderly and ask "why are all the other orderlies so hostile? I have to watch out for my lord's safety."

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

G5 isn't far from G4, but there is one door. We'll need to get that door open twice.

Jake looks around. Is the source of tension us? As in are they nervous about us?

Perception 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32
Sense Motive 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

"That's right. Lord Dimitrov is eager to talk again."

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

I doubt Jake will need his throwing weapons, but he'll just put them in his bag.

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

"I think it will work, and I was worried about having to break in."

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

I think w're clear. Would we have any trouble getting an outfit? Jake has a few healing potions already, and making a gag is easy.

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

"I have another idea. I don't know how long we could keep that guy invisible. One of us could buy an outfit. Any suggestions?"

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

"Given the potential danger, we should stick together on our quick shopping expedition. We need to look a little "low brow" anyway. We could look into some seedy places for potions to heal "recreational illnesses", one of which could be blindness. (Our blind friend couldn't come with us, obviously.) But we need to move fast."

"Alternatively, we need a healing potion, a knife, and a ... gag. Well, buying the latter makes us look all cult-friendly and so on. It's probably easier to get one, or just make one." In a more light-hearted tone. "Anyone know how to make one? Don't worry, we won't think you're weird."

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

We should probably fast forward. I'm kind of feeling the loss of a cleric, although it appears that Regeneration is needed to heal his eyes, and no one of our level could cast that. Remove Blindness is not enough.

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

Sorry I wasn't here, I'm working days now.

"I agree we should rescue this fellow. But not right away. Cultists visit, and we need to ambush and interrogate them. I think we should get our stuff back, and sneak in under invisibility tonight. Maybe while we're preparing we can find someone who can help his eyes."

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

Oh right. I think there's no orderlies either.

"You poor fellow. What is your name?"

Jake wonders about the rules on holy symbols and spell components. Surely a priest could heal the man's eyes, and maybe his madness, if indeed it is. And then he perks up as an idea comes to mind.

(Whispering to Daromel) "Can you cast Detect Magic as you are now? On this fellow?"

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

My last post got eaten! Paizo had some serious internet problem.

Jake turns to Belodia. "Sir, is it possible to treat madness with magic?"

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

The dorm is room G4?

Jake moves swiftly to get between Kolo and the speaking patient.

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

"Now that we've disarmed, could you show us the other rooms? I think... atmosphere... is important."

Jake wants to note the locations of all the rooms in-character, and of course will be making Perception checks to see if there's anything suspicious, or a way in or out.

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

"Are you sure you want to do that?" whispers Jake. "It's a bit easier for me."

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

Here you go sir.

Jake hands over his shuriken.

I'll be away pretty much all day Wednesday, sorry. That's usually the case, but less of an issue for the next four weeks.

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

Well I'm still here, but next week my work schedule will change. I'll be working the day shift for 4 weeks.

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

I'm back for the moment, but I'll actually be pretty busy Thursday and Friday. All those tasks that I couldn't do over the holidays are now hitting me hard.

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

Jake is going to wander off and look for ways to get into here without being seen. (As in, if cultists were to sneak in, how would they do it?)

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

What time of day is it in Palin's Cove?

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

Looking around, Jake asks "What can you tell me about security arrangements? Do patients ever wander away?"

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

"Pssst... Daromel, what's an alienist?"

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

Actually looking at the map, seems they all sleep in G4. We can just "camp" nearby.

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

[Whisper] "Can we find out what room he has? I want to stake it out." [/Whisper]

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

Meanwhile Jake is scanning for guards and whatever might be used to keep patients from escaping.

Perception 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (3) + 14 = 17

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

"Make way. Make way for Lord Dimitrov!"

"Am I laying it on a bit thick?"

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

"Let's get ourselves to the Belodia Asylum then."

Many of us don't know much about the setting, so making these decisions is hard.

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

Hmm. "They'd love a new rich recruit. They'd probably ask us probing questions, giving themselves away."

"But what if it's not a front? What if people are being charmed or something, and get committed by family members who don't know what's going on? Well at least this way we'll learn about it."

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

"Do you have the names of any of these people who haven't gone missing? If not, we could drop in on the asylum. Daromel could pretend to be a doctor."

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

About to go to work.

Jake travels with Kolo, as he's looking into some dangerous places.

There are labels at the bottom of the image file. We're at "I", Baited Hook Inn.

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

"I wonder if we could find her with magic. Do you have any of her things? Even a coin might help."

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

"Did Charito tell you where she was staying?"

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

Jake returns in his "guard outfit".

"So, how do I look?"

1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30 Intimidate to "look the part".

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

I have work now. As usual on Wednesday I won't be available for much.

I was hoping to playtest this guy before the test was over, but it's not likely to happen.

Here's a 10th-level brawler.


Neutral Good Brawler 10

Medium natural humanoid (human)

Init +2; Senses Perception +14

AC 24, touch 17, flat-footed 19 (+7 +1 brawling chain shirt, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 class, +2 ring)

Hit points 84 (10d10+10)

Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +9

Speed 30 ft.

Melee brawler flurry +21/+21/+16/+16 (1d10+13/19-20/x2) or
Unarmed strike +23 (1d10+13/19-20/x2)

Ranged hand axe +12 (1d6+6/x3)

Special Attacks brawler's flurry (Improved Two-Weapon Fighting), brawler strike (cold iron, magic, silver), unarmed strike 1d10

Str 22, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 8

BAB +10; CMB +23 (+27 trip, +26 grapple); CMD 28 (32 against trip, 29 against grapple)

Feats Combat Expertise, Dodge, Greater Weapon Focus (unarmed strike), Improved Critical (unarmed strike), Improved Trip, Iron Will, Step Up, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike), Weapon Specialization (unarmed strike)

Skills Acrobatics +15, Climb +19, Intimidate +12, Sense Motive +14, Swim +19

Languages Common, Elven

SQ AC bonus +2, maneuver training 2 (trip +2, grapple +1), martial maneuvers (free 1 feat, swift 2 feats, move 3 feats) 5/day, martial training

Combat Gear none; Other Gear +3 mithral brawling chain shirt, +3 amulet of mighty fists, +3 cloak of resistance, +2 belt of Strength, +2 ring of protection, 4 hand axes, 3 potions of cure serious wounds

Martial Maneuvers (Ex): At 1st level, a brawler can spend a move action to gain the benefit of a combat feat she doesn’t possess for 1 minute. The brawler must otherwise meet all the feat’s prerequisites. She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to half her brawler level (minimum 1).

If this ability is triggered before the duration expires, the brawler loses the previous combat feat and gains a new one in its place.

If a combat feat has a daily use limitation (such as Stunning Fist), any uses of that combat feat while using this ability count toward that feat’s daily limit.

At 6th level, a brawler can use this ability to gain the benefit of two combat feats at the same time. She may select one feat as a swift action or two feats as a move action. She may use one of these feats to meet a prerequisite of the second feat. Each feat selected counts toward her daily uses of this ability.

At 10th level, a brawler can use this ability to gain the benefit of three combat feats at the same time. She may select one feat as a free action, two feats as a swift action, or three feats as a move action. She may use one of the feats to meet a prerequisite of the second and third feats, and use the second feat to meet a prerequisite of the third feat. Each feat selected counts toward her daily uses of this ability.

I tried to use only core and the Advanced Class Guide, but had to take Brawling Armor because it's so good for brawlers. Indeed, it partially erases the accuracy gap with a dual-wielding fighter (assuming two short swords or other paired weapons, and not a longsword/short sword combo).

Despite having played Pathfinder on and off for years, I didn't know all the physical stat boosters took the same slot. I had to give up on gloves of Dexterity. The brawler has worse-than-expected AC. (This also causes me to wonder how a fighter takes advantage of Armor Mastery. Maybe less of a brawler issue than a stat-boosting item issue.)

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

"Where would be a good place to go to get attention?"

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

"Okay, I got it. I can play a bodyguard pretty easily enough. I'm strong, scary, watchful..."

Jake is looking for a place to get changed.

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

"Come to think about it, if Charito Menas looks so striking, people would remember her wherever she went. I need a description of her so we can ask around."

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

Jake is impatient.

"Sorry, but we can drink on the go. Let's go look for those 'Heart Eaters'. Daromel, I can tell from that scholarly pallor that you're the, well, scholarly type. Do you have any spells that could help us with that?"

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

I'm back.

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

It's 10 PM EST. I'll be available c. 10 AM till 4 PM tomorrow. That's the last day of the playtest, so I hope we can do a combat.

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

Jake is also failing to look at Gerhart's face, and ponders just what could have caused these injuries.

Jake is also trying to figure out if Gerhart is still capable of fighting.

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

"I'd appreciate one, thanks."

I was getting lunch, that's why I took so long to answer.

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

Jake hurriedly finishes his fish and finds a place to wash up. Once back...

Hi Kolo, you're early too.

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

Do we have a signal to identify each other?

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

I'm here today now. Unless I get a surprise I don't have work, but if so it'll be late today.

I do have to go out for lunch (no food in the house).

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

Okay. I'm a bit lost actually. Jake has no social skills beyond looking badass, and has Cha 8, so he pretty much has to wait for another Pathfinder to say something.

On the theory that accepting something makes people like you more (Jake [me] read that somewhere), he buys some fish.

"That looks nice."