About Jakarno the ShadowcasterStat Block:
Male Wayang Illusionist (Shadowcaster) 5/Veiled Illusionist 3 CN Small Humanoid (Wayang) Init: +7, Perception: +6 Senses: Darkvision 60ft ------------------------ Defense ------------------------ AC 13 (+2 Dex, +1 Size), touch 13, flat-footed 11 HP 45 (8d6+8, +3 Favored Class) Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +7 (+2 more vs Shadow, +1 more vs Fear or Confusion) ------------------------ Offense ------------------------ Speed: 20ft Melee: Dagger +3 (1d3-1, 19-20/x2), Club +3 (1d4-1) Ranged: Light Crossbow +6 (1d6, 19-20/x2), Dagger +6 (1d3-1, 19-20/x2), Club +6 (1d4-1) Special: Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day, Ghost Sound, Pass Without Trace, Ventriloquism ------------------------ Statistics ------------------------ Str 8, Dex 14 (11), Con 12, Int 25, Wis 8, Cha 11 Base Attack: +3, CMB +1, CMD 13 Feats: Spell Focus: Illusion, Improved Initiative, Cosmopolitan (Bluff, Perception), Greater Spell Focus: Illusion, Extend Spell Traits: Uskwood Hunter (+1 Stealth, Stealth a Class Skill), Adopted - Goblin: Ugly Swine (+2 Disguise, Disguise a Class Skill) Skills:Acrobatics +2, Appraise 1 +11, Bluff 8 +11, Climb -1, Craft: Puppets 3 +15, Disguise 8 +13, Escape Artist +2, Fly 8 +10, Knowledge: Arcana 4 +14, Knowledge: Dungeoneering 2 +12, Knowledge: Engineering 1 +11, Knowledge: Geography 2 +12, Knowledge: History 2 +12, Knowledge: Local 3 +13, Knowledge: Nature 2 +12, Knowledge: Nobility 1 +11, Knowledge: Planes 3 +13, Knowledge: Religion 3 +13, Linguistics 6 +16, Perception 2 +6, Ride +2, Sense Motive -1, Spellcraft 7 +17, Stealth 6 +22, Swim -1 Skills:
Acrobatics +2, Appraise 1 +11, Bluff 8 +11, Climb -1, Craft: Puppets 3 +15, Disguise 8 +13, Escape Artist +2, Fly 8 +10, Knowledge: Arcana 4 +14, Knowledge: Dungeoneering 2 +12, Knowledge: Engineering 1 +11, Knowledge: Geography 2 +12, Knowledge: History 2 +12, Knowledge: Local 3 +13, Knowledge: Nature 2 +12, Knowledge: Nobility 1 +11, Knowledge: Planes 3 +13, Knowledge: Religion 3 +13, Linguistics 6 +16, Perception 2 +6, Ride +2, Sense Motive -1, Spellcraft 7 +17, Stealth 6 +22, Swim -1
Gear and Coin:
7128gp, 1sp, 9cp
Bedroll (1/1.25), Belt Pouch (1/0.125), Flint & Steel (1/-), Ink (8/-), Inkpen (1s/-), Bell (1/-), 5 Candles (5c/-), Candle Lamp (5/1), 5 Chalk (5c/-), Earplugs (3c/-), 2 Fishhooks (2s/-), Magnet (5s/0.5), 4 Parchment (8s/-), Sack (1s/0.125), Scroll case (1/0.5), Sewing Needle (5s/-), 50ft String (1c/0.5), Vial (1/-), Waterskin (1/1), Whetstone (2c/1), Spell Component Pouch x2 (10/4), Spellbook (-/3), Explorer's Outfit (-/-), Hat (1/-), Mask (1/-), Disguise Kit (50/2), Smokestick (20/0.5), Dagger (2/0.5), Club (-/1.5), Light Crossbow (35/2), 20 Bolts (2/1), Spring-Loaded Wrist Sheath (5/0.25), Potion of CLW (50/-), Potion Sponge of Air Bubble, Silver Mirror Scroll of Expeditious Retreat (25/-), Scroll of Mage Armor (25/-), Scroll of Magic Weapon (25/-), Scroll of Disguise Self (25/-), Scroll of Protection From Evil (25/-), Scroll of False Life Scroll of Cat's Grace Scroll of Summon Monster II Scroll of Minor Image Scroll of Mount Scroll of Glitterdust Scroll of See Invisibility Scroll of Fly Scroll of Gaseous Form Scroll of Haste Scroll of Find Secret Doors Scroll of Suppress Charm and Compulsion Scroll of Command Undead Scroll of Knock x2 Scroll of Obscuring Mist Scroll of Daylight Scroll of Silence Air Crystals (50/-), Antiplague (50/-), Smelling Salts (25/-), Smoke Pellet (25/-), 3 Tindertwigs (3/-), Vermin Repellent (5/-), Masterwork Artisan's Tools (55/5), Holy Water (25/1), Wand of Infernal Healing (45ch), Wand of Burning Hands (13ch), Wand of Magic Missile (49 ch), Wand of Heightened Awareness (47ch), Wand of Lesser Restoration (8ch), Pocketed Scarf (8/0.125), Potion of Enhanced Diplomacy (25/-), Noble's Outfit (75/-), Jewelry (100/-), Headband of Vast Intellect +2 (Fly), Cloak of Resistance +2, Handy Haversack, Cracked Dusty Rose Ioun Stone (+1 Init), Cracked Magenta Prism Ioun Stone (+2 Comp to 1 skill, change skill 1/day), Pnakotic Manuscripts (+4 circ. bonus on Spellcraft and Knowledge: Arcana on Conjuration spells and effects, and on Knowledge: Religion on Old Cults), Pathfinder Pouch, Stalker's Mask (+5 Comp Stealth, 1/day, full-round, +10 disguise to appear as 1 individual creature of the same general size and shape for 1 hour, +1 to attack and damage vs. that individual.) Miniature Shovel (10/-), Potion of Remove Blindness, Pearl of Power 2, Lesser Rod of Extend Metamagic, Special Features:
Wizard School: Illusion Opposition Schools: Divination, Evocation Extended Illusions (+3 round duration to Concentration Illusion Spells) Blinding Ray (30ft, Ranged Touch, Blinded for 1 round, if higher HD Dazzled 1 round) Shadow Magic (+1 to DC of Shadow Spells) Wayang Favored class bonus: +1 CL Shadow Spells Light and Dark (1/day, immediate action, treat positive and negative energy effects as though were Undead, 1 minute duration) Shadow Spells (Replaces Arcane Bond, may prepare one additional spell level per class level per day if prepared in dim light.) Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day, Ghost Sound (DC 10), Pass Without Trace, Ventriloquism Veil Pool: 9, expend 1 point to Disguise Self 1 hour/level as one of the Races for which you have Sivanah's Veils. At 3rd level, the veiled illusionist can alter her perceived audible (sound) properties when she assumes her disguise. Sivanah's Veils: Human (Add 1 Illusion Spell to your spellbook per level of Veiled Illusionist) Sivanah's Veils: Halfling (At 2nd level, a veiled illusionist can spend 1 point from her veil pool as a free action while casting an illusion spell to disguise her spellcasting. Creatures attempting to identify the spell as it's being cast must succeed at a Will save (DC 15 + the number of points remaining in the illusionist's veil pool) or misidentify the spell as a spell of the illusionist's choice. The illusory spell must be the same level as the true spell, and must be one the illusionist can cast.) Spellbook:
L0: All
L1: Cause Fear, Color Spray, Disguise Self, Endure Elements, Enlarge Person, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Forced Quiet, Grease, Illusion of Calm, Infernal Healing, Mage Armor, Magic Weapon, Mount, Obscuring Mist, Protection From Evil, Reduce Person, Shadow Weapon, Shield, Silent Image, Sleep, Summon Monster I, Vanish, Vocal Alteration, Alarm, Burning Hands, Magic Missile, Shocking Grasp L2: Alter Self, Glitterdust, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Web, False Life, Summon Monster II, Minor Image, Cat's Grace, Levitate, Spider Climb, Silence, Blur, Gust of Wind, Scorching Ray L3: Fly, Dispel Magic, Major Image, Summon Monster III, Haste, Sleet Storm, Invisibility Sphere, Gaseous Form, Loathsome Veil, Spiked Pit, Slow, Heroism, Magic Circle against (alignment), Stinking Cloud, Displacement, Wind Wall, Lightning Bolt L4: Dimensional Anchor, Black Tentacles, Summon Monster IV, Shadow Conjuration, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door, Shout, Ice Storm L5: Lesser Planar Binding, Overland Flight Spells Prepared:
L0 4+1: Ghost Sound, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Disrupt Undead, Acid Splash
L1 4+2+1+1: Color Spray x2 (DC 19), Shield (X), Vanish, Silent Image, Feather Fall, Vocal Alteration, Disguise Self L2 3+2+1: Glitterdust, Alter Self, False Life (X), Mirror Image, Invisibility (X), Silence L3 3+2+1+1: Haste, Dispel Magic, Slow, Spiked Pit, Fly, Summon Monster III, Invisibility Sphere (X) L4 2+1+1: Summon Monster IV, Black Tentacles, Shadow Conjuration (DC 24), Shadow Conjuration (DC 24) PFS # 61161-6 XP: 22 Fame: 39 Prestige: 33 Boons:
The Paracountess' Debt: Receive one item of 1500gp or less. (Pathfinder's Pouch)
Respect of the Nail: You have earned the respect of the leadership of Varisia's Hellknight order, the Order of the Nail. At a future date, should you encounter members of this order, they will remember you for standing up for the law, even if doing so meant opposing them. Fighting that Which Lies Between the Stars: +1 on saves vs. Fear and Confusion effects. Insight Into the Dark Tapestry: You may gain one bit of useful information about a single aberration as though you had succeeded at a knowledge check to identify the creature. When you have used this boon, cross it off the Chronicle Sheet. Impressive Influence: During the course of the wedding festivities, you impressed one or more of the guests in attendance. How this influence will play out in the future is not yet clear, but you have nevertheless ingratiated yourself with a number of influential members of Inner Sea society.
Pawn of the Grandmaster: +1 permanent bonus to one ability score (Intelligence) Fool me Once: Grandmaster Torch's sudden betrayal and subsequent escape have had you questioning the motives of everyone around you - particularly your allies. You gain a +1 bonus on Sense Motive checks against current and former Pathfinders. Nemesis of the Aspis: During any scenario in which you encounter the Aspis Consortium, you may, as an immediate action, force and enemy Aspis agent to reroll a single d20 and take the worse result. Once you have used this boon, cross it off the Chronicle sheet. Evenhanded Investigator: +2 Circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks when dealing with guards and city officials within Absalom. Evoking Day Boon: +5 Circumstance bonus on a single Knowledge: Arcana or Spellcraft check. After using this ability, cross this off the Chronicle Sheet.
Year of the Risen Rune - Well Informed: +2 Intimidate checks vs. Pathfinders. Legend of Urglin: In a short period of time you claimed your place in the oral history of Urglin, and orcs carry somewhat inconsistent but nonetheless positive sotries of your exploits to other settlements in the region. You gain a +2 bonus on Charisma-based skill checks with Orcs in Varisia and any country that directly borders it. Friend of Kasadel: Kasadel is impressed by your restraint in dealing with the Aspis Consortium. She spreads the word that Pathfinders are upstanding individuals, and she spends some time teaching you about the city of Magnimar. You receive a +2 bonus on all Knowledge: Local, Knowledge: History, and Knowledge: Nobility checks pertaining to Magnimar. You also receive a +2 bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks when interacting with good-aligned NPCs in Magnimar. Hero of the Day: Organizations throughout Magnimar are grateful for your efforts in thwarting the Aspis Consortium's fire attack. Magnimar's Golemworks offers you training in fighting constructs, You gain a +2 bonus to Knowledge: Arcana checks to identify constructs. Once per scenario, you may ignore a construct's hardness and DR for one attack. You must declare that you are using this ability before you roll the attack roll. Recovered Treasures: When you departed the Bronze House, you carried with you one of its most valuable treasures. You may purchase the item below that your party decided to keep (Mask of Mental Warding). You may also pay 2 Prestige Points per item to unlock access to the other two items in this boon. You must make the decision to unlock these items when you receive this Chronicle Sheet.
Wayang Race Chronicle Evoking Day Chronicle Year of the Risen Rune Chronicle 1. Tide of Twilight