Loris Raknian

Jak Kolchack's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts (9 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 4 Organized Play characters.



Thank you! I'll give it a try. I don't know why Paizo is so secretive about this?


Question: I had to buy the Abomination vaults pawns in PDF form because the other set was no longer in stock. So my question is what is the exact type of cardstock used for the regular pawns? Thanks.


Can a player use tame creature on a cinder rat in pf2e?
I had a play successfully use tame creature in 2nd floor 14 Elements of Chaos encounter in the Beginners box adventure. We stopped right after the player had taken two attacks by the rat and made the Tame roll. So going forward how do I convince the player to just leave the cinder rat alone? If it help the person is playing a Druid.
Thanks all.


Please cancel my Starfinder Society subscription as I am no longer involved with Society games.

Thank you.
Also an "Unsubscribe" button would be nice.


Paizo has been silent regarding questions about making Attack of the Swarm! Adventure Path society legal. My players very much want to play this path. Does anyone have any information on why Paizo will not make this legal?


Xenocrat wrote:

Is this thing on?

I'm guessing since this hasn't been announced this isn't supposed to be up.

Sadly none of this is legal for society play.